First day as a "contractor" [Part Six]

Yo, author here

I'm just here to say, enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Upon hearing his name called, he turned his head to her and asked in a calm tone.


"It's not exactly like that."

With an awkward smile, Rias looked at the girl paralyzed with embarrassment before looking at Micael.

With the red-haired girl looking at him with an awkward expression, he raised an eyebrow as he asked.

"What do you mean?"

Uncrossing one of her arms, she gestured in unison as she explained.

"Well, there is an illusion magic that allows us to create darkness and cover our bodies with it, it is usually used in cases where clothes are torn for one reason or another, but it is also used by girls to avoid being exposed if they are wearing skirts or dresses."

Hearing her explanation, he pointed back at Koneko while saying.

"So, you mean she..."

"Yes, she didn't forget to wear shorts, she forgot to use this magic."

She finished explaining, a bitter smile appearing on her face as she crossed her arm back.


He replied muttering, rubbing his chin as he looked at the other girl, still frozen and shaking with embarrassment.

He felt like that made more sense, if she forgot to use that magic it was more understandable than her forgetting not to be wearing shorts.

'She seems to be going through a difficult time.'

Still scratching his chin, he thought it must be very embarrassing for her, if it was RIas or Akeno, he imagined they would be embarrassed but not to the point of freezing like that and shaking.

If he remembers correctly, Koneko had a huge dislike for things of a sexual nature, which made her initially dislike Issei, I mean, it was totally understandable but in her case it was a little more than just dislike, it was almost contempt.

So with a situation like this happening entirely because of her, she must feel embarrassed to the point of wanting to disappear, it must be practically eating away at her mind at that moment.


With his hand on his chin in a thoughtful expression, Micael contemplated what he should do.

Meanwhile, with Rias, Akeno and Kiba, the three remained in an awkward silence, not knowing what to do.

"Uh, Rias-buchou, shouldn't we interfere?"

Asking in a dubious tone, Kiba spoke to RIas, looking at her, his crossed arms tightening in concern.

Looking at Kiba and then returning her gaze to Koneko, she responded by shaking her head, her expression uncertain with her hand on her elbow as she tapped her finger.

"I don't know, I think our interference might make her even more embarrassed."

Akeno, who had been silent, had a much calmer expression on her face as her gaze focused on Koneko, before switching to the thoughtful Micael, saying in an equally calm tone.

"You're right, but we can't just stay here and let this strange atmosphere continue."

With her eyes now focused on Micael, one of her hands lifted, pushing a strand of hair past her ear, then returning to the position of hands clasped in front of her body as she continued. 

"I don't think we'll need to do anything."

Rias, who had already decided to go there, was about to take a step when she heard what Akeno said, turning her head towards her, she asked.


"It looks like Micael-kun is going to do something about it."

Akeno replied while keeping her eyes focused on him.

Upon hearing her words, both RIas and Kiba, who were looking at her, shifted their gaze to Micael.

And then they saw him, who had one hand on his waist and the other on his chin in a thoughtful pose, with him soon lowering his hand and placing it on his waist as well, muttering something before speaking in a louder tone.


With his name being called, the girl raised her head slightly, looking at him through her bangs.

"You don't need to worry about it too much, accidents happen, I won't judge you wrongly for something like that, Rias made it clear that it was just an accident."

He spoke calmly to the girl who was now paying attention to him.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed, it's okay."

He continued, a reassuring smile appearing on his face.

Despite his words of comfort, the girl said nothing, just looked at him from beneath her bangs, apparently unable to regain her calm.

Seeing this, Micael decided to change tactics.

"You can also look at the positive side of the situation, the boy you accidentally exposed yourself to isn't going to go around talking about it or taking advantage of the situation, in fact, he really enjoyed the view."

Micael spoke, his hand returning to his chin to scratch it with a ruminative tone of voice.

"But don't get me wrong, I'm a healthy young straight man, and like any healthy young straight man, I would like that kind of view."

He continued, nodding to himself.

Upon hearing the words spoken by Micael, Koneko stopped shaking, her head rising completely as she looked directly at him, her face was still red but with the intensity of her gaze it certainly wasn't just from embarrassment.

Feeling the change in the air, with a heavy air seeming like killing intent surrounding the area, Micael looked at Koneko, seeing the expression she had.

The girl still had a big blush on her face, she was also slightly biting her lower lip and her eyebrows were trembling as if she couldn't frown properly, an expression that looked like a fusion of embarrassment and anger.

Seeing the expression she had, Micael raised his hands in a placating gesture as he spoke.

"Oi, oi, calm down girl, there's no need to be mad, I'm just being honest, like I said, I'm a healthy young straight man, there's nothing wrong with me enjoying seeing a girl's private parts."

Completely ignoring the girl's growing killing intent and more intense gaze, he continued while looking into her eyes.

"And like I said before too, there's no need to worry about it, it was just an accident, and honestly I really liked the cat head print, I thought it was cute."

With the girl's eyes widening in reaction to his words, he continued before she said anything.

"I'm not making fun of you or anything, I really liked it, I also have some printed underwear, one of my favorites is the one with Spiderman's head on it."

Shrugging his shoulders, he said in a nonchalant tone, his hands still on his hips as he looked at the girl who now had a calmer expression.

With the killing intent almost fading and the intensity of his gaze diminishing, Koneko was left speechless by what she heard, to the point where she momentarily forgot her embarrassment and growing anger.

Feeling numb from the rollercoaster of emotions, she just looked at Micael with a blank stare, a slight blush still present on her face, but her demeanor now calmer.

Apparently beginning to ignore the girl, Micael began to ramble while looking up in a thoughtful gesture with his hand on his chin.

"In addition to the Spider-Man one, I also have a Supperman one, it's all blue with the s symbol on the elastic of the underwear, I also have a Batman one in the same shape."

He commented, a slight smile appearing on his face as he continued.

"Actually Batman's is different because this one also has kind of the utility belt printed on the elastic, it's funny because it kind of has pockets, hahaha, it's kind of fun."

Laughing lightly as the image appeared in his head, Micael seemed to get lost in his memory as he continued speaking.

"In fact, I remember when I was a child my stepmother gave me underwear with an elephant trunk sewn on the front, my stepmother thought it was cute, but my father thought it was hilarious, he laughed at me when he saw me wearing it."

With his smile changing to a slightly bitter one, he continued practically talking to himself.

"Honestly, I thought it was ridiculous too, but since it was a gift from my stepmother and she seemed so eager for me to use it, I couldn't disappoint her, haaa, what don't we do for the family, right?"

Moving one hand to his head and rubbing, he continued rambling.

"My stepmother also punished my father for laughing in my face, she didn't speak to him for a week and he had to sleep on the sofa, so I would say it was worth it in the end."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, he scratched his chin with a finger as he continued speaking.

"But those underwear were useful, I won't deny it, after all, if I wanted to piss I could pass my member through the trunk and-"


While Micael was lost in his monologue, even gesturing with his hands to demonstrate what he was saying, he ended up being taken out of his reverie by the sound of a loud throat clearing.

Raising his head and looking in the direction where the sound was coming from, he saw RIas who had a slightly red face and a slight smile who, seeing that she had his attention, spoke.

"It's okay now Micael, we understand, you can stop now."

"What are you talking about? Stop what?"

Raising an eyebrow in a confused expression, Micael spoke apparently without understanding what she was talking about.

Moving his eyes to the other two, he saw how Akeno had her fingers over her lips, her eyes curved in a half-moon shape, apparently smiling, and seeing his look she ended up speaking.

"Ara~ ara~."

Ignoring the girl's strange behavior, he looked at Kiba, who had a strange smile on his face, appearing to not know how to react in this situation, so he just smiled.

Turning his gaze to Rias, he saw that the girl now had her head down and her hand on her forehead, she still had a slight blush and her lips were trembling.

Seeing how she was, Micael opened his mouth to ask what the problem was, but ended up being interrupted by a sound.


Hearing the sound of a snort, he looks in the direction he came from, seeing Koneko looking at him with a neutral look but still with a slight blush on her face.


She said when she saw he was looking at her.

Upon hearing the girl's words, Micael returned to his calm demeanor, as if his previous confused attitude had never occurred when responding.

"I'm trying to help you and you thank me by calling me a pervert?"

He spoke to her raising an eyebrow.


Snorting, she spoke.

"You could have done it less awkwardly."

Naturally she understood what he did, it was a simple tactic to divert her attention to him with the nonsense he said, making her forget her embarrassment.

But it was like she said, he could have done it less awkwardly.

Upon hearing what she said, Micael gave her a blank look as he questioned her.

"Are you really complaining?"

Feeling Michael's judgmental gaze and realizing her own behavior, Koneko felt a little embarrassed, but like every girl she didn't apologize, she just turned her face to the side without saying anything acting like a tsundere.

Looking blankly at the girl, who now acted like a spoiled child, it was Micael who this time felt like snorting.

Shaking his head at that, he began to stretch his arms as he said.

"Alright, now that you're calm again, let's pick up where we left off, my blood is already returning to normal temperature."

As Micael had said, Koneko was calmer now, so there was no problem in continuing the saparing, but that didn't mean she would continue as if nothing happened.

"Fine, but you'd better forget what you saw."

She said in her characteristic low, neutral tone, but this time it carried an air of warning, her eyes narrowed as she looked at him.

Seeing the girl's gaze and her clear warning tone, he glanced at her in a nonchalant manner as he responded.

"Forgot what I saw? And what did I see? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Nodding to herself, satisfied with the answer, she spoke.

"Good, but maybe a few punches to the head will help you forget about it permanently."

As she said this, she leaned forward in preparation to attack, a red aura formed by devil energy surrounding her body.

Seeing that the girl seemed about to attack him with full force, Micael spoke in alarm.

"Oi, oi, this is still sparring, don't forget-"

But he was interrupted before he could finish as the girl disappeared from his vision before abruptly appearing above him, a few meters in the air, looking like she wanted to do a diving attack.

With the girl standing a few feet above him, he could see under her skirt like before, but this time there was indeed a darkness covering her, like the censorship effect of an anime, but he wasn't focused on that.

She was slowly falling in his vision thanks to her power, but he could see that she was actually using all her strength, seeming to want to crush him with both feet.

Speechless due to the brat's total lack of shame, Micael calmly walked away from the attack, opening a large distance between them.


With a loud bang, both of Koneko's feet hit the ground, sinking it, causing cracks to spread and debris to fly.

Jumping from the crater she created to the edge and looking toward Micael, she slammed her fist into her palm, as if she was trying to tell him he was going to get a beating.

Laughing lightly after letting out a snort, he spoke.

"Hmph, hahaha, if this is how it's going to be..."

As his words stopped, the air around him began to change, slowly, as if something in him was awakening, the muscles in his back began to transform.

The muscles distorted, taking on a different shape as he stretched the shirt, and it slowly tore his shirt apart, leaving parts of his back exposed.


With the sound of the slow ripping of his shirt, he moved his hand to his chest, grabbing the fabric there and pulling, ripping the shirt completely, leaving his muscular torso exposed.

And with that, his back finished its transformation, his back muscles transformed into an inhuman shape, a shape that resembled a...face.

With the aura around him changing completely, becoming more intense and...demonic, Micael calmly looked at Koneko as the demon's back activated at full power.

Feeling the clear increase in his physical capabilities, he relaxedly rolled his shoulders for a moment before adopting a pose.

Stretching his left foot forward, resting on his right behind, left arm with palm open at shoulder height, right hand in a fist at his side, he spoke calmly to her.

"So, come on brat, do your worst."






