Days pass, unusual interactions and a prelude to a... [Part Four]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






[Tuesday, At school, Break time]

On the terrace, in the first year area, Micael and Saji were eating.

Well, Micael was eating, Saji was just holding his bento and chopsticks, it had been a few minutes since he started to explain what had happened, what was the cause of his sour expression.

"In other words, now I'll have to read a bunch of books as punishment."

Taking the bottle away from his mouth, Micael looked at him as he spoke.

"Try to see the positive side, at least you can learn something useful from these books."

"Nah man, I know myself, I won't remember anything after I'm done." — After responding, Saji went back to eating, sticking his chopsticks into his bento and putting food in his mouth.

Seeing Saji chewing his food irritably, Micael shook his head as he looked away and said. — "Right, I forgot about your selective memory, if it's not a hot, busty girl you won't remember."

Saji just nodded while chewing irritably in agreement.

Chewing until he finally swallowed, Saji spoke as he grabbed more food. — "So, what do you think?"

"Mm?" — Looking at him sideways, Micael took a moment to understand what he was talking about, then capped the bottle and put it away as he responded.

"I'm fine with it, I don't really mind her knowing these things about me, in fact, I expected something like this to happen from the beginning."

Nodding his head while chewing, Saji stopped chewing to speak. — "Yes, I really expected you to expect something like that to happen."

Casting a dry look at Saji for his words, Micael then continued. — "Anyway, you did well not to tell her about the true nature of my power."

"Obviously, I'm not stupid enough to talk about it." — Saji said between chews, then swallowed and spoke while picking up more food with his chopsticks. — "Even if the person who asked was a pretty girl."

Micael shook his head while laughing lightly. — "That's what I thought."

"By the way." — Pointing his chopsticks at Micael, he spoke between chews. — "This time, I finally got to see Rias-san in person, and boy, does she live up to her reputation."

Micael just nodded in agreement.

"You've talked to her more than once, right? Dude, tell me something, how the hell can you stay so calm in front of girls like her?"

Looking at Saji, he saw how he looked at him curiously with a raised eyebrow waiting for the answer.

Micael responded by shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. — "Things have just changed as I've gotten older and matured, but I remember when I was younger, whenever I got nervous trying to talk to a pretty girl, I thought, 'No matter how pretty a girl is, she's human like anyone else.'"

And Saji asked him back. — "And it really worked?"

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no." — Micael responded along with a so-so gesture.

Nodding, Saji stirred his food as he asked. — "And what exactly do you mean by 'equal to any other human being', what does that mean?"

Looking at Saji, Micael saw that he was still stirring the food while preparing it, so he spoke calmly as he watched him take the food to his mouth.

"You know, no matter how pretty a girl is, it means she shits, farts, pees, has bad breath, gets wax in her ears and can get certain smelly parts of her body if she doesn't bathe properly like any other human being."

At the end of his words, he saw how Saji, who was chewing, stopped completely, then brought the bentou closer and opened his mouth, the food he was chewing slowly falling there.

With a constipated expression of disgust, he looked irritably at Micael as he spoke. — "You son of a bitch, did you see I was eating and say that shit?"

"It's not my fault you were eating." — Micael responded with a slight smile on his face.

"Ugh, great, now whenever I see Kaichou and the student council girls I'll imagine them taking a shit." — Saji spoke as he placed his hands on his forehead holding his hair.

As Saji suffered internally rubbing his hair in anguish, he looked at the culprit and saw him just smiling nonchalantly at him as if he hadn't done anything, seeing this, Saji's response was quick.

"Fuck you Micael!"

And to Saji's further irritation, Micael just laughed.


Anguished for a few more seconds, Saji managed to regain some of his composure, but still with a strange expression on his face as he put away the bento, he asked Micael.

"Anyway, how is your situation with Rias?" — After he asked that question, his expression grew stranger for a moment before he shook his head sharply.

Without looking at him, Micael kept his eyes on the sky as he asked. — "What do you mean?"

"You know, now that you've interacted and everything, are you close or something? She's your type, isn't she? Are you going to try something?"

Leaning on his arms behind his back, Micael continued looking up at the sky as he responded. — "I'd say we're close, not like friends, but more like acquaintances, and as for me trying something with her, well… now's not the time for that, although she's given me some mixed signals."

Looking at him now with interest, Saji asked in confusion. — "Mixed signals? what kind of mixed signals?"

"The kind where she seems interested in me, at least that's the impression I got."

Upon hearing these words, Saji looked at him as his eyes and mouth slowly expanded, then he uttered in astonishment.

"You lucky dog ​​and son of a..."

"Okay okay, I understand, you don't need to insult my mother again."

Looking at him still dumbfounded for a moment, Saji reached out and weakly slapped Micael's leg while asking in indignation. — "Dude, how the hell did you do that?!"

"I didn't do anything and like I said, it's just an impression I have, nothing has been confirmed."

"Still, this is nonsense, you really are a lucky bastard."

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no."

Hearing Micael's response and remembering what happened a few months ago, he could only laugh while agreeing with him. — "Hahaha, the bad part is that it's true."

"Hmm." — Micael can only grunt in agreement.

"Okay, now that she's supposedly interested in you, she's no longer free for me to try anything, right?" — Saji asked with a slight smile on his face.

Taking his eyes off the sky and looking at Saji sideways, Micael raises an eyebrow as he speaks. — "Why are you talking like you have a chance?"

"What do you mean? I'm sure if I tried something she wouldn't be able to resist." — Saji said as he placed his hand on his chin while making a seductive expression.

Micael just kept silent, a sidelong look of disgust on his face as he looked at Saji.

As if he hadn't noticed Micael's expression, Saji laughed as he continued. — "So since you and her are having something, like the great friend I am, I'm not going to try anything with her."

"...Thank you for your kindness." — Micael spoke with his now blank face as he looked at him.

He nodded, with Micael's sarcastic tone seemingly flying over his head, then he calmly stood up.

After removing the dirt from his pants, he looked at Micael in front of him, who had also stood up and placing his hand on his shoulder, spoke with a slight smile. — "Anyway, you must hurry, don't miss this opportunity or another guy might take your place."

Looking at the hand on his shoulder, then at Saji who had a strange closed-lipped smile, Micael responded slowly. — "...Alright."

Patting Micael on the shoulder, Saji walked towards the terrace's entrance door.

"Ah, another thing." — Turning to Micael who was walking beside him, he spoke. — "Sorry for imagining what it would be like to have my face against Rias's breasts, if I had known about your situation I wouldn't have thought of that."

Micael shook his head as he responded calmly. — "It's okay, she's not even my girlfriend, you don't have to worry about that and I'm sure you won't be the first or the last guy to imagine that."

Regaining his closed-lipped smile, Saji nodded as he responded. — "Thank you for your understanding."

"Besides, now that you bring it up." — Micael said, putting his hand on Saji's shoulder and making him stop.

With Saji looking at him curiously, he continued. — "Since you apologized for imagining yourself having your face pressed against Rias's breasts, I must apologize for doing the same to Sona since you are interested in her."


Nodding at Saji who was looking at him with a dumb expression, he continued. — "When I saw her a few days ago, I noticed she had nice thighs and a nice ass, so I kind of imagined myself having my face pressed against them."

With Saji now staring into empty space with an expressionless face, he continued. — "But in my defense, that was before I knew about your interest in her, but now that I know, I won't do that anymore, anyway, good luck."

Smiling calmly, he patted Saji on the shoulder at the end of the sentence before walking back to the door.

And naturally, what he just said is a lie, he's just responding to Saji in the same way.

...Well, at least part of what he said is a lie.

As Micael opened the door and walked through it calmly, Saji remained standing where he was with a blank look.

It was only when the sound of the door closing reached his ears that Saji finally reacted.

With the veins on his neck standing out as he clenched his jaw, he rushed to the door shouting in irritation. —"You son of a-Micael! Come back here!"

And so he passed through the door, following behind Micael.


At that moment, it was still early in the morning, the sun was high in the sky, and classes continued as normal.

And while most students were in the classrooms following classes, some were doing the opposite, wandering around the school for one reason or another.

And among these students there was a certain trio.

There, a little away from the school building, lying on the grassy, ​​sloping ground, was the infamous trio, Issei, Motohama and Matsuda.

With the three of them lying down with their arms behind their heads, they lazily looked up at the cloud-filled sky.

With a relaxing silence and a gentle breeze, the three of them had been like that for a few minutes, just looking at the sky, until this silence was broken by Matsuda.

"Hey guys, this cloud looks like a pair of breasts." — He said pointing at the cloud, a perverted smile appearing on his face.



With Matsuda and Issei asking almost in sync, they looked to where he was pointing.

Seeing the cloud, and realizing that it actually looked like a pair of breasts, the perverted smile shared by Matsuda appeared on their faces.


The three of them laughed pervertedly as they looked at the cloud.

As the cloud slowly moved away, the three continued to smile as they looked at it.

And when the cloud finally disappeared, the trio returned to silence, just enjoying the breeze and the warmth of the sun, until this silence was broken again by Matssud..

Bowing to a sitting position, Matsuda placed his hand on his knees as he spoke. — "Guys, can I ask you a question?"

Turning their heads to the side, Motohama and Issei saw Matsuda's expression which was strangely serious.

Sitting still, they stared at him intently, waiting for him to speak.

Noticing this, Matsuda spoke tensely and with a serious face. — "Is it just me...or have you guys had nightmares these past few days too?"

Motohama and Issei looked at each other for a moment, then, looking back at him, Motohama asked. — "What do you mean?"

Frowning, Matsuda continued in a tense tone. — "You know, since that day I've been having some nightmares, but things got worse the last few days because of those miserable rumors."

Motohama and Issei continued to stare at him in silence as he spoke.

With his face grimacing as if he was about to cry, Matsuda gritted his teeth as he continued. "It was difficult... but I was able to handle it, but these rumors... these damn rumors!"






