Days pass, unusual interactions and a prelude to a... [Part Seven]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






"Oh." — Mari exclaimed in understanding then, turning to her, she asked. — "By the way, Senpai, what's your name?"

Upon hearing the question, Aika smiled slightly pushing her glasses as she ran. — "Kiryuu Aika."

In response, Mari bowed slightly as she greeted her. — "Nice to meet you, Kiryuu-senpai."

Behind Mari, Saya imitated her actions while greeting her as well. — "Nice to meet you, Senpai, my name is Kusaragi Saya."

Still with a slight smile on her face, Aika laughed lightly as she greeted the two girls, bowing slightly. — "Nice to meet you two too, Kusaragi-san and Aoyama-san, you can call me Kiryuu directly if you want, there's no need to be so formal."

Straightening up after bowing, Aika saw how that girl looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she asked.

"Do you know me?"

Pushing up her glasses, Aika answered her. — "Well, your brother has kind of become famous in recent days, naturally, people will also know about his sister."

"Hmm." — Mari muttered in response as she looked at her silently, naturally, she understood that people meant girls.

And with that thought, Mari continued to stare at her in silence, wondering if this 'Kiryuu-senpai' was another girl interested in her brother.

And being looked at like that by Mari, Aika wasn't surprised, in fact, before this incident involving her brother, this girl Mari already had a certain fame due to what she recently discovered.

A fame that was kept secret by the girls they knew, apparently having been "warned" in advance to keep quiet about certain events.

So from this secret "fame", Aika already knew that Mari was "overprotective" of her brother, but she didn't feel intimidated, it wasn't like she intended to get close to her brother in any way.

"Excuse me!" — Interrupting the two, Matsuda spoke. — "Please, I ask you to reconsider!" 

Matsuda then bowed down completely, placing his forehead on the ground.

"Matsuda..." — Motohama could only watch, lost for words, as his friend performed a full dogeza.

Issei watched this with pursed lips, not knowing what to say to this scene.

And faced with such a scene, Mari and Aika looked without much reaction, Mari just kept an indifferent look while Aika raised an eyebrow.

And the girl Saya was surprised as she frowned in reaction.

With Aika observing this, she guessed that he was truly sorry for what he did, for someone to do dogeza, especially a man, there must be a good reason.

...Or, well, knowing him, she thought the main reason he apologized was because he didn't want to leave a school full of girls.

"What exactly happened, Matsuda-kun? Why did you grab that girl?" — Aika asked the hunched over boy, more out of curiosity than anything.

"It wasn't that! I didn't grab that girl!...I mean, I did, but it wasn't because I was attacking her, I just wasn't at my best!" — Matsuda exclaimed in a mix of indignation and tiredness.

"And what exactly affected you to act like this?" — And asking this new question, Aika saw how he seemed to not know what to say, looking strangely to the side while pursing his lips.

"Issei-kun? Motohama-kun? Can you explain it to me?" — Shifting her gaze to the other two, Aika saw how they just looked at each other, with Issei looking up and Motohama looking down.

With the three acting that way, Aika just looked at them trying to understand why that reaction.

If there was a reason, why didn't they say it then?

Was the reason so bad that they didn't want to talk about it?

What could there be that would make them...

As she thought, a possible cause came to her mind, glancing sideways at that guy's sister, she spoke. — "Tell me, does Ayoama-san here have anything to do with this?"

At the question asked by Aika, Mari gave her a questioning look while Aika herself looked at the trio with a slight smile.

As if Aika's question had flipped a switch, Motohama, Matsuda, and Issei froze, only to then act as if they hadn't heard the question.

With the smile on her face widening, Aika looked at them in amusement, she had obviously seen that brief moment when they froze, not to mention the suspicious way they acted now trying to hide it.

Recognizing this as confirmation, she looked at Mari and spoke. — "I think I know what made him act this way."

Since she was already looking at Aika, Mari just asked. — "What?"

With a bright smile that conveyed pure amusement, Aika responded. — "Your brother."

Hearing Aika's words, Mari raised an eyebrow as she asked. — "What does Micael have to do with this?"

"It's simple." — Pushing up her glasses, Aika looked at the trio who had been transfixed since she got it right. — "I heard what happened at the tennis club and I know these guys here were basically threatened, but I think it was the rumors that spread over the last few days that really had that effect."

Mari didn't respond, just looked at her silently, waiting for her to continue.

And without delay, Aika continued while pointing at the trio with her thumb. — "In other words, the trio were already afraid of him, with his threatening image already planted in their minds, but it was these rumors that really affected them."

Looking away from Mari to the trio, she watched with a smile as their faces tensed up at her words.

Still smiling, Aika continued. — "And knowing them as I do, with their vivid imagination, I can deduce what happened."

The three of them became even more tense with beads of sweat appearing on their faces in Aika's view, but without caring, she spoke. — "You three had nightmares, didn't you? And if I'm correct, it was an NTR scenario, right?"

And at his words, Aika watched, holding back a laugh as the three looked at her in pure shock.

And while Aika was amused by the three's expressions, she heard a question.

"NTR? what does that mean?" — The girl Saya asked confused as she looked at Aika, she didn't recognize the term.

Likewise with Mari, she knew the word and knew it was something related to anime but didn't know exactly what it meant, so looking at Aika she spoke. — "I don't know what that means either."

Given the two girls' speech, and of course realizing this opportunity, Aika did not intend to let it pass, so, casting a smiling look at the trio, she spoke in a light tone. — "Well~ Does that mean your brother-"


But the trio's simultaneous desperate screams interrupted her.

"Don't you dare, Kiryuu!" — Motohama said pointing his finger at her while gritting his teeth.

Looking away from them, Aika spoke nonchalantly, still smiling. — "Don't you dare what? Expose your name to ridicule? Don't worry, it's not like you have any reputation to maintain~Hohohoho~"

And she finished her words by laughing like a noble lady covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

The trio could only remain silent at these words, their faces sour from being unable to refute her, then, frowning, Matsuda questioned her. — "How the hell did you find out?"

Lowering her hand and looking at him in amusement, Aika replied. — "I didn't find out, it was just a hunch, but the reaction of the three of you confirmed it for me."

Then, pushing up her glasses, she continued. — "Besides, Matsuda-kun, you seem to have forgotten who I am." — With Aika saying those words while keeping her glasses in place, the lenses glowed strangely in reaction to her words.

With the words spoken by her, the trio finally remembered who they were in front of, the girl whose fame was similar to theirs but less well-known.

The girl who has her own title just like them, the other "Glasses Pervert".

So no, her being strangely able to understand their thought processes wasn't that strange after all.

"Regardless of whether it has anything to do with Micael, that doesn't change anything." — At that moment, as the trio cast dark looks at the smiling Aika, that was when Mari spoke.

"Anyway, that's your problem, not mine." — Mari spoke indifferently.

Seeing that the girl still intended to do what she proposed, Matsuda quickly fell into despair. — "No, no, wait, Aoyama-senpai, no! Aoyama-sama! Please!"

With the pleading tone in his voice reaching the girl, Masuda managed to make her stop, but the only thing he received when she turned around was a frown and a look of disgust.

"Don't call me that, you damn weirdo!" — Mari looked at the still kneeling Matsuda as she continued. — "And you shouldn't ask for forgiveness from me, but from Saya."

Looking at the girl behind her, she saw how she was also frowning, then turning her gaze to Matsuda, she said in a simple tone. — "But as you can see from her face, she doesn't seem very interested."

Seeing that his current words weren't enough, Matsuda clasped his hands together in a gesture of supplication as he lowered his head. — "Please, Ayoama-san and Kusaragi-san, I'll do anything, I-I..."

Faced with the words he was about to say, Matsuda felt the difficulty but, clenching his teeth, he managed to say them by force. — "I promise that the three of us will never spy on the girls again, and we will also bow down and apologize to your brother!"


"You bald bastard! What the hell do we have to do with this!?" — Motohama exclaimed with clear indignation after slapping Matsuda on the head.

"I'm not going to do anything like that, you lamphead!" — Issei said not long after Motohama, his irritation was visible.

Ignoring the slap he received and what the two said, Matsuda continued looking with a serious expression at Mari and Saya, waiting for their answers.

Aika, upon seeing the behavior of the three, just smiled in amusement while resisting the urge to snort, she was already used to it.

The Saya girl continued to look at him with a frown, but the twitch at the corner of her mouth suggested that she was trying not to laugh.

And in Mari's case, she just stared at him calmly, without showing any reaction, then responded to his words. — "I really doubt that the three of you will be able to do the first part and as for the second, again, what does that have to do with Micael?"

When asked by her, Matsuda can only purse his lips without answering.

What made him mention that guy to her was because they seemed to be really close since he was protective of her and everything, he believed that maybe bringing that guy into the conversation would help him.

That was why, instead of answering her, Matsuda said something else. — "Please, I promise we will keep this promise, you have to give us a chance, at least I think your brother would give us that chance."

Matsuda said those words fully aware of how absurd they were with a straight face, after all he didn't know that guy and knowing what Issei saw, what he just said seems like pure nonsense.

But his intention was not to be logical or realistic, but to influence the girl, no matter how small.

And faced with this clear and disappointing attempt at manipulation, Mari only felt funny. — "Micael? Give you guys a second chance? Hahaha~"

She laughed softly as she looked at Matsuda in amusement, she more than anyone knows how absurd those words were.

With a slight smile on her face, Mari spoke to him. — "It's a very bold thing to speculate on your part and…" — As she spoke, she stopped as she looked over his head and, with the smile growing on her face, continued. — "Actually, why don't you ask him directly?"

When her words fell, Matsuda, who already felt that there was something wrong when she seemed to be looking at something behind him, at that moment felt as if his soul was leaving his body.

And he wasn't the only one, Motohama and Issei felt goosebumps and a cold sensation run through their bodies when she finished speaking.

At that moment, as if in response to her words, the three of them felt a frightening presence, as if there was some kind of giant monster behind them.

That presence seemed to spread and reach the three, making them feel as if they were in the clutches of some large predator with its hungry breath right next to their head.

The three felt their bodies freeze in place, beads of cold sweat and goosebumps spreading across their bodies being the only reactions they had.

And the reason their bodies reacted like that was because they believed that at that moment they were completely fucked.

Well, that's if all those sensations and feelings weren't just in their heads.

Because, with one faint sound, the trio's self-imposed illusion was shattered.


With the light sound of the hand falling on his shoulder, Issei soon heard a familiar voice speaking in a calm tone ringing in his ears.

"What did you three do this time?"






