I got into the restaurant forty five minutes later and was greeted by a cheerful Anne. She approached me and gave me a hug, questioning me on why I was coming by this time.
"Actually, I didn't come to work today, Anne. I was given the day off," I told her.
"Oh, did something happen?" She questioned in a concerned tone.
"Well, I had a case of a fire outbreak," I said not wanting to tell her the real reason why I was given the day off. She suddenly gasped and covered her mouth.
"Hope there aren't much damages?" I shook my head negatively at her and she nodded slowly, her expression still masked with concern.
"I'll just see Mr Sebastian in his office," I said, adjusting my hand bag that wanted to fall off my shoulders.
"Okay, though our boss's boss is here too. I wonder why his son didn't come with him too. Oh, what I'd do to see his angelic face again." She sighed dreamingly and I shook my head at her. She must really have a deep crush on Mr Marco's son.
"I'll just head to Mr Sebastian's office." She nodded and left to probably continue her work, I swiftly turned to head to Mr Sebastian's office only to see a scowling Tory standing before me.
She stared at me for a few seconds before walking away. I stood looking at her retreating back, wondering what her problem is with me anyway. I breathed in heavily and sucked on my bottom lip out of habit before heading to Mr Sebastian's office.
I sat on the plush velvet couch, prickling at my fingers nervously under the scrutinizing gaze of Mr Marco who sat on the couch opposite me with his legs crossed and hands spreading wide on the arm of the couch. Mr Sebastian just sat quietly watching me too.
"So, tell me, Ivory. What made you change your mind?" Mr Marco's voice boomed.
I shifted nervously on my sit before answering, "Because I really need the money."
He nodded his head slowly before squinting his eyes a little.
"Oh, I see. I'm not going to ask you what you need the money for. I'm just glad you accepted this offer."
I looked up at him to see a ghost of a smile on his face before flashing me a blinding grin.
Okay...Can this get any more awkward?
"I wouldn't actually be doing this but I'm in a tight situation where I really need the money urgently and that is why I'm accepting your offer." I quickly uttered in one breathe.
"Mmhm," he breathed out as he stood up. "I believe my job here is done. There's a car waiting for you outside which will take you to the place where you'd meet my son. He'd handle the rest from now and lest I forget...welcome to the family, daughter-in law." I gave him a small smile which he genuinely returned before exiting the office.
I turned to look at Mr Sebastian who has a knowing smile on his face. He stood up and walked towards me with his hands behind him.
"Ivory, I'm so sorry for having to do that...you know...the whole kidnapping thing. We did what we had to do. I know I broke the littlest trust you have in me but I hope I'll regain it back as we'd be meeting more in the future". I raised my eyebrows at his last words.
"Does that mean I won't be working here anymore?" I queried him.
"Of course, Ivory," he answered with a little laugh.
"Why not?" I asked again, getting more confused.
"You're getting married to one of the richest man in the country, you won't be needing this job, trust me and I doubt if Alexander would even let you work," he answered sitting on the edge of his mahogany table and looking down at me.
"I would be needing this job because I don't want to be dependent on anybody just because they're rich. I want to work for my own money. My hard-earned money," I replied him a little bit harshly.
He sighed before coming to squat before me. He took my left hand in his before giving me a smile.
"That would be between you and your soon to be husband. Well, Ivory, the first day I saw you, I quickly warmed up to you and I know you're a good person and a perfect blessing to people around you. I warmed up to you as a father would his daughter. And I just hope you're prepared for this. Are you?" He asked, his eyes boring holes into me.
Mr Sebastian isn't someone I'd like to discuss personal matters with but he has this friendly aura of warmth and comfort unlike Mr Marco who has a strong presence and an intimidating aura. Mr Sebastian has an intimidating aura too but not as Mr Marco.
I slowly nodded at him.
"It's going to be hard at first but you'll be fine," he said standing up and pulling me up with him. "You should get going now, Alexander doesn't actually joke with his time."
I nodded again and muttered a little thank you before leaving his office.
I've been sitting here for the past twenty minutes after I was brought in here by the grumpy driver who is now standing outside the door of this room. I looked around the room for the umpteenth time now. It was actually empty save for the moderate sized rectangular table and two chairs on both ends of the table which apparently I'm sitting on one of them.
I sighed tiredly before glancing at the floor to ceiling window, taking in the view of the sky.
"Tired already?" I jolted at the sound of the voice and I turned to see a pair of grey orbs staring intently at me.
When did he get here? I didn't hear the door opening and closing. I quickly scanned the room to see if there was any other entrance but I found none.
I looked back at him and I was instantly lost in his gaze. Those eyes always draw me in when I look at them. My eyes quickly wandered over his features and I have to admit that the man sitting before me is impeccably handsome.
I mean I've seen a lot of cute guys but none of them could be compared to this one in this room presently. I've seen him twice but I haven't gotten to stare at him for more than five seconds. Now I see why Anne is so obsessed with him.
He was dressed in a black suit with his hair gelled back, making his features more prominent.
"We'd begin when you're done drooling, Angel." I quickly came back to reality to see him smirking at me.