New teacher

Tracy's POV

"Hey Tracy, Mrs. Carlos wants us in class right now" I heard Reece say urgently from the other side of the phone and I groaned

I just got to my room since the afternoon first period class was supposedly not going to hold

"What happened? I thought Mrs. Johnson was away~" I whined stomping my feet like a child

I honestly was just about to throw my books away and relax for the day while thinking over whether to go with Jason to the final year's only party as he earnestly begged me to or if i should just stand him up and stay in my room and chillax throughout the night

"I don't know T, the class rep just sent it to the group so get your ass moving" Reece said before the line went off with a beep

I sighed

Threw a bit of a tantrum before walking out of my room

Whatever this was it better be good or God help me

I was surprisingly one of the few to make it very early to the class with only Reece who sat at the front as she usually does while reading a book and two others in the class

"You're early" Reece said once she saw me and I sighed, dramatically dragging my legs to my seat

"I wish I wasn't" I replied and she smiled before turning back to her book

I sat by the window and stare outside but regretted doing so the next minute when the sight of Jason laughing with a bunch of cheerleaders caught my sight

"Pfft whatever" I snorted "have fun going to that party with all those bitches then"

"Good afternoon class" Mrs. Carlos loud voice broke me off my thought, by then the whole class had already arrived "sorry for the sudden interruption of your supposed to be free time"

Good thing you knew what you did' I thought

"But Mrs. Johnson's replacement came sooner than expected hence why the sudden summoning"

A loud feminine laugh caught my attention from the outside and I temporarily forgot about Mrs. Carlos as I looked over to see the owner of the obnoxious voice being spun around by Jason playfully.

I bit my lips in jealousy

'isn't that something you do with only me Jason, why do it with another girl' I thought painfully as I eyed the duo who seemed to be having the time of their life while i shriveled up in the background

"My name is Adrian Fernandez; I'll be your substitute literature teacher for the time being"

I think I heard a sound from how fast I spun my head to look at the owner of that voice

I couldn't believe it, standing in front of the entire class was Adrian in all his handsome glory but what was he doing here

He seemed to have caught sight of me too because he suddenly paused on what he was about to say and his eyes widen a bit as he looked over at me while I quickly covered my face with a book

Too late, he already saw me

He cleared his throat before continuing his earlier speech

"I hope we all respect ourselves and get along well for the short period we're to spend together" he said before proceeding to introduce his part of the curriculum that he was going to take, ignoring me

My heart felt like it was going to rip apart

For the first time in a long time I felt very, very scared

Sweat began to roll down my face as I looked down at my book unfocused

Mrs. Carlos stood by the side of the class like a supervisor watching the way Adrian taught to know if he was okay

I wished he doesn't reach her expectation so she could chase him away, she always does that to people who she feels are not qualified enough to teach in her school

"Are you okay Miss Clark?"

My spirit almost left my body when I suddenly heard my surname


"You seem to be sweating a lot despite the cool weather; do you need to visit the infirmary?" Mrs. Carlos asked again worriedly and I took a deep breath before looking up to see Adrian giving me an emotionless look from beside her

I gulped, he suddenly looked too different, way too older and way too serious

"Yes please, I think I have a fever" I answered lowly

"oh dear you can go" she said before looking around "who can go with her…?"

"I will!" Reece volunteered immediately and in no time she was by my side, holding my hand and gently leading me out

I could feel his eyes on my back until the door closes behind us

"Oh my God Reece" I slid down on her whilst clutching my chest but she caught me before I fell

"What the… what is wrong T? you were okay just some minutes ago" she held me against her chest in her skinny arms "what happened?"

I breathed unable to speak properly

"I … I…I … need air" I managed to say

And so I found myself on the rooftop for the second time that day, trying to catch my breath

"So can you tell me what happened now?" Reece demanded her arms folded over her chest as she leaned on the side rails

"Normally when someone looks like they are dying the way I was, they are rushed to the infirmary and not the rooftop"

"Was it Jason, you only get like this when he is involved?" she ignored my earlier attempt of a joke and went for a direct hit

I guess I could just direct the blame to him since he was partly to blame for it and telling her the truth wasn't an option either, she may not say it to others but her behavior to Adrian might give us away

Thank God I didn't tell her his name

"He was spinning a girl in the field earlier and having the time of his life"

"Tracy~" she said sadly before pulling me into a hug making me feel sad and teary

She sighed "What are we going to do about this? You can't continue to be like this for the rest of your high school year"

"But I can't get over him Reece, I feel like I'm dying every time I see him with another girl" I responded as I continued to cry in her arms

I don't really know what was making me cry

Was it Jason not even noticing me


Adrian being in this school and might cause some kind of problem to me

Either way this was not a good thing and I could sense trouble brewing from the future with his presence in this school