is that it?

Tracy's POV

After having a talk with Reece on the rooftop, I never went back to class that day and spent the whole day faking sick at the infirmary.

Jason had rushed over worriedly to see me that evening, words must have reached him from Reece that I wasn't feeling too well and so I had a perfect excuse not to go with him to that dumb party where I might end up being left alone once we got in

He never argued

I proceeded to spend the rest of the day thinking about how to continue hiding from Adrian so he doesn't have a chance to confront me

Hoping he doesn't recognize me was out of the picture, the way he had looked at me with shock clearly gave him away

Although it was a big school, he was a teacher only to the senior section of the school hence my chances of avoiding him completely are slim

And so for the rest of the week I tried my very best to hide myself away from Adrian

Which I did but yet still I kept feeling way too paranoid.

Even when no one was around or looking at me, I always felt eyes on me

Adrian eyes on me

"Tracy what's wrong? You've been acting weird since the beginning of this week" Jason must have noticed the way I keep looking out for something that wasn't there

He, Reece and I were on our usual seat in the cafeteria, eating out meal on a Thursday morning during break time

"What do you mean?" I blinked fast subconsciously "I'm okay" I said as I stabbed at my burritos before shoving them into my mouth

"Yup, something's definitely wrong" Jason dropped his fork loudly as a frown took over his facial expression as he looked at me

"is someone bullying you?" he asked after a few seconds of silence and I sighed, almost laughing at how stupid and far from point that was

"No one's bullying me Jason"

"Then why have you been acting all paranoid and shit?"

"I'm not paranoid, I'm just being super aware of my environment right now"

"What does that even mean?"

"it means that unlike you I tend to pay more attention to the things and people around me" I said without much thought just trying to clear the air off the topic of this paranoia of mine

"Unlike me?" he frowned, taking it personal "and why am I just noticing that about you just now?"

"That's why I said 'unlike you Jason" he never truly notices anything about me, always too busy with his games, guy friends and those girls who always seem to surround him annoying me "you never pay attention to people around you not even me and to think we've been friends for a while now yet you do not know some things about me"

I breathed, realizing when I noticed all the students around us looking at our table at that point that I must have raised my voice a few octaves higher than before unintentionally

"I didn't mean to…"

"Let's continue this conversation when you're calmer" he cuts me off my almost apology while grabbing his bag ready to leave

"Jason wait…"

"What Tracy's trying to say in earnest is that she has a crush on Mr. Adrian"

My heart fell to my stomach at Reece's words, why the hell did Adrian's name had to come up in this conversation

I gave her the 'what the hell' look and she shrugged

Jason had a slightly surprised look on his face which quickly disappeared as he shook his head and walked away

I felt my legs shake slightly

No! This cannot be happening

"What the hell was that Reece, why did you bring Adrian's name into the conversation?"

I hollered at her after dragging her away from the cafeteria and up to the rooftop

"It kind of slipped from my tongue" she answered nonchalantly while shoving the last bit of her cracker biscuits into her mouth and that just spiked my anger even more

"Of all the names that could have slipped your tongue, why Adrian, what is wrong with you?"

"There it is again" she said pointedly


"The way you call his name"

I stood stunned, completely out of words

Did I just give myself away, Reece may not look it but she's super smart, calculative and very observational

"What… what do you mean by that?" I stuttered, my heart beating fast

"All these began since Mr. Adrian arrived at this school didn't it T?"

At this point I think I was already having a mini heart attack

Reece was about to find out what I've been trying to hide and just after four days

"At first I thought you may have a crush on the guy and was having conflicting feelings with that of your long term crush on Jason" she folded her arms over her flat chest, a smug smirk on her thin lips

"You were avoiding Mr. Adrian and was always hiding from him because you were shy was what I had thought but then the look on your face every time you did that just didn't fit that hypothesis and also…" she paused and looked straight into my eyes

My breathing spiked up, what more could she have to add

"Although Mr. Adrian was more subtle about it, he was also avoiding you like a plague which brought me to a conclusion that he is…"

"Stop it!" I cut her off as I turned to hold onto the iron rails of the rooftop edges with the wind blowing against my skin

From the side of my eyes I saw her place her palm over her mouth in surprise as she looked at me

"Oh… oh my God" she breathed "what a funny coincidence" she added with a laugh

"It's not funny Reece"

"But it is" she giggled "just within one week your 'once boring love life'…" she air-quoted "has taken a big step away from a boring one to a sizzling hot one"

"Stop it Reece, I'm dying here"

"And why is that T, are you scared Jason might find out about you two?" she asked and I nodded, my eyes already teary

"I won't tell him, you won't tell him would you?" she asked and I looked at her as if she just said something completely impossible which it was

"Of course not, why would I do that?"

"Good and I sure as hell don't think Mr. Adrian would go around blabbing to any student that he actually slept with a student before he got in, that would ruin his career" she scrunched her face with a nod as she patted my shoulder

"I don't know Reece, I'm just so scared" I admitted as I turned to face her

"You poor thing" she said pitifully and playfully as she pulled me into a hug and I smiled "it won't do you any good if you continue being scared, it will only give you away"

Just then the school bell rang signaling the end of break time

"Time to go back to class" she said as she lets go of the hug "go freshen up before class you look like a teenager going through thirty vicious demons right now and you don't wanna go to Mr. Theodore's class looking like that" she smiled "he would definitely use the whole class section as a therapeutic section for you"

I laughed at that as she grabbed my hand and we move towards the door

"That would definitely brighten the lives of all you other students in class won't it?"

"No it wouldn't" Reece groaned and I laughed harder

Having a childhood friend was one thing but having a girl friend who understands you so much was the best feeling ever.

I smiled to my reflection in the girl's restroom mirror, my eyes were a bit red from all the crying I did earlier but after that talk with Reece, I felt a whole lot better

Humming happily, I splashed water on my face while listening to the hurried footsteps of students from the outside, running around to get to class on time like I should be doing

By the time I had cleaned my face, reapplied my light makeup and was feeling absolutely better with myself, the whole place was drop dead silent.

"Shit!" I exclaimed in horror when I looked down at my phone to see it was almost ten minutes past end of break time

I ran through the restroom before bolting out the door only to come to a striking halt when I came face to face with Adrian who had the same look of shock on his face as I did

His didn't last for long though because the next second he was walking past me, continuing on with his destination like he was before he saw me

Without so much as a second glance

"Although Mr. Adrian was more subtle about it, he was also avoiding you like a plague"

Reece's words rang in my head and I stood frozen

Adrian was avoiding me?

I don't know why I suddenly felt my chest getting heavy when I should be happy since Adrian avoiding me would definitely make my life easier but…

"Is that it?" I asked

My voice low but still loud enough to have reached him but he kept walking anyway

"Are you just going to keep walking away?"

He didn't stop

Didn't even pause for a second

And I watched his back until he disappeared down the corridor

"Damn, so much for all the hiding and paranoia" I said to myself still staring at the direction where he went before turning the other way

He hadn't even stop to send me to the principal's office for hanging around during class

I strutted on on my way to class late while dreading the earful and detention I'm going to getting

If I had known he was that way

I clenched my fist full of my school skirt

I wouldn't have bothered hiding and feeling paranoid and I probably wouldn't have had that little fight with Jason

Damn, my school life seemed to be getting crazier than I anticipated


3rd person POV

"Although Mr. Adrian was more subtle about it, he was also avoiding you like a plague which brought me to a conclusion that he is…"

"Stop it!"

"Are you scared Jason might find out about you two?"

"i won't tell him, you won't tell him would you?"

"Of course not, why would I do that?"

"Good and I sure as hell don't think Mr. Adrian would go around blabbing to any student that he actually slept with a student before he got in, that would ruin his career"

Percy smirked replaying the last part of the recorded sound on repeat

"Damn, this girl really is something else"