Guild Manager

"So, are you coming with me right now, or will you stay here for a while?" Daniel asked, his eyes sparkling after hearing the news from Aralith. He effortlessly managed to hire a manager for his guild without breaking a sweat.

"We can go right now. I don't have much stuff here, so it won't take too long for me to pack everything." Aralith didn't even hesitate before answering. She was a bit too excited to join Daniel's guild. She only cared about a few friends of hers and the elders, so she decided to say goodbye to them before heading out.

"Wanna come with me or wait here?" Aralith questioned Daniel, preparing to leave the room. Daniel got up from the chair and started trailing behind her.

"Will this be the last time I am seeing this place?" Asked Aralith, as she walked through the corridor. Daniel could feel a tinge of sadness in her words. A smile appeared on his face.