Almost Defeated

Clark backs off, moving back from Alex, both of them ready each other for the fight.

Everyone was looking at them wondering, since Alex was the captain of the first division, people knew the winner.

They tried to predict the fight before knowing anything.

"Well, it's seems that people are cheering for me, because they know who will be the victorious"

With a cocky voice Alex mocked Clark.

Clark replied to Alex with few words, "your only good with talking"

These few words were enough to make Alex furious, his blood starts boiling.

He at the moment just wanted to attack Clark, but somehow he was in control waiting for the fight to start.

A bell rang loudly, it meant the fight had started.

Without giving any chance to Clark, Alex dashed towards him, his body covered with current.

His hairs moved up like spikes.

Clark didn't even flinch, just stayed where he was, staring at Alex with his furious look.


Alex vanished from Clarks site, yet Clark remained calm. Did he think he could win, that's why he was calm.

Certainly, but rather it was different. He was calm because he knows calmness gives a man more option to fight with than using any other option.


Alex appeared behind, he had his fist ready to strike Clark with it.

But then something new happen,


Clark disappeared from Alex's view, Alex and all the others were stunned by this.

What just happened, how can he disappear? Can a normal human have such speed?

These thoughts were popping in Alex's mind, well, it does make sense to think about it. When you see a human who never had any ability or superpower. Suddenly gains some ability.

It's not really something Alex was thinking, he had sweats on his forehead, because…

A human who climbed to the top list without any superpower, when there existed people with superpower.

It was like a normal human against superhumans, yet superhuman were losing.

Just imagine if that human gets superpower too? How scary would it be?

That was the reason Alex was now feeling fear.

Alex stopped himself as quickly as he could, he tried to turn around. Since there was a high chance, Clark might attack from behind.

But he got fooled by his own thoughts.

"Where are you looking at captain Alex?"

A voice came from above, it was Clark who was flying in the air. While the swords were around him.

Everyone was amazed by such a scene, they were unable to believe their eyes, guild master, uncle Kevin and also William were in awe.

The Guild master said, "could it be that Clark has awakened himself?"

There was no doubt that he might have awakened, there's no other way to gain such powers right?! The Guild master said his mind.

Alex, power is speed and current attacks. If it was my old self I would have never won against him but right now I have no chance of losing to him.

His speed compared to mine is slower, but the current ability is gonna be bothersome.

"Who cares if you got powers, I will just crush you no matter what"

Alex said in a furious voice, he jumped up at Clark.

He got closer to Clark way quickly, because of his speed that had accelerated and boosted his jump.

Reaching closer, Alex punched towards clark. Who was again still in the air.


The fist of Alex hit on to the blade of sword, which had protected Clark.

While Alex focused on the blade, Clark moved further as he punched on the face of Alex.


Alex went flying back and fell to the ground.


It wasn't all, but it was just a start.


Clark snapped his finger, fireballs appeared around Clark.

Clark once more snapped his finger.


The fireballs moved in Alex's direction, who was laying on the ground.

Crash… crash… crash…

[You have done some critical damage to your opponent]

[Opponent hp 12/120]

Alex was on the ground almost defeated. But it was still not enough to make him fall.

He tried to get up, even though he was struggling but still stood up.

Pant… pant…

He was breathing heavily. Everyone was shocked, just 2 strikes from Clark as Alex was weakened.

Everyone was now doubting their own prediction.

Some change their side, from saying that captain Alex is gonna win easily to Clark is gonna win easily. What a shameless people they are.


Once again, the fireball appeared around Clark. The speed of these fireballs launching at Alex were on the pair with Alex speed.

I underestimated him too much, I should have thought about everyone well, but I didn't think things would take a turn against me.

Was he hiding these powers from the start, that could be wrong since if that was the case he would have saved himself when I threw him off the cliff.

"Don't think to much captain Alex, the only thing you have to do is, is to get defeated by me and accept your crime"

The cold voice with Clark said to Alex. Who was on his last breath to fight Further.

"tch, I didn't expected such thing but let's just say it was just a luck for you"

To which Clark replied,

"What luck are you talking about? Luck is with you all who had the powers, I was just alone with my swords nothings else"

"I fought without powers and now I have been rewarded because of my hard work, through which I will protect what's important to me"

Before Clark could finish off Alex, the guild master in a worried voice shouted at them.

"Stop the fight right now, we have an emergency. All the first division members get yourself ready"

"3 top rank criminals have escaped the prison, before they cause anyone any harm find them and bring them back"

The fireballs around Clark vanished. Thud… he landed back to the floor, and passed by Alex before he went any further, he said to Alex. "It's your lucky day captain. If it wasn't for the new mission, you do be half dead by now"

After saying this, Clark left the battle stage.