Mysterious Man

"Wait a min---"

[What is it?]

a realization struck Clark in his head; his mind began to think something logical which he was lacking before. it should have been the first thing. however, it wasn't the case because Clark was so much in learning about his descended that his notice of this particular question wasn't settled in his mind.

now that this question had clicked in mind, Clark spoke up to the system wanting to verify whether has any answer to it.

"If… if my descended are alive, how old are they?"

[there's nothing else I can tell you]

"How come?"

[any more information regarding them is not provided or could be learned]

taking a sigh, he gazes was set on the sword. his focused was too deep on the sword as his muttered to himself. "This sword might be amazing but what is so special about it that makes it differ then other swords?"

[it's an S-rank weapon]

"Just an S rank?"

feeling disappointed, although it being an S-rank weapon is a rare feat however, there were several other swords that were S+ rank weapons in Clark's new swords collection in his dimensional art – swords world. where he could bring out whatever sword he liked.

calling this sword something really special other than a sharp blade and containing information of his descended wasn't anything helpful… that's what Clark had in his mind.

is a very decent sword even though I don't see anything extraordinary in it. I will use it unless any bigger problem arises.

Clark had judged the sword way too quickly before even learning anything about it but the rank. the system further gives outstanding details of what the sword is capable of that even stunned the young man.

"Holy! Are you saying this is all that the sword can do?!"

his eyes widened, and his eyebrows lifted up it was a clear sign that whatever he was reading on the system screen made him realize that it may be an S-rank sword. what made it special was what it was able to do.

so… what did he read?

[The sharpest blade – can kill an SSS rank beast if its true potential is unlocked]

[Energy Provider – if the owner of the sword is low on energy the sword will be able to provide him with black energy]

[Eye of Dragon – Your vision will become very sharp]

[Fast Healing – Your injured will heal at a faster rate]

[Regeneration – Your body will be able to regenerate its parts except for Heart, Head, Eyes]

[Transformation – You can transform into a humanoid dragon]

[after transforming you will have dragon vision, dragon wings, fire breath, dragon's teeth and hardened body]

[However, using the transformation leads to some consequences – it's up to you whether you wish to use it or not]

Clark wanted to check out all of these skills, but he couldn't do anything at the moment.

"What time is it?"

the watch he was wearing in his hand, lifting the hand up with his eyes lowering down to his wrist as the clock ticks on and every second passes by.

"It's already 7 am?!"

Clark felt panicked as his eyes remained on the watch, forgetting everything he said, "I need to head back, I told her I would be there at 6:30 and now it's already past 6:30"

he flees from the place in a rush, without knowing that someone all this time had his eyes on him.

"Umm… so it's that kid?" sigh… "he looks so boring," the man in the red hoodie said. the stranger was floating in mid-air as well away distance from Clark. his mouth and jaw were the only thing visible except that his face was engulfed in shadows with red eyes.

"Man, I want to see how strong he is, but I can't mess around like I did all the time" The man had a light tone to his voice. the grin he had on his face was like a devil's smile.

Clark or the system were unable to detect the presence of this mysterious man. the ability to hide his presence was at a greater scale.

going back to Clark, he was in a hurry to reach to Sara who on the other hand, waiting for him on the airport. she was well dressed her patience shrinking with each second passing. crossing her hands and her foot tapping on the ground.

People nearby had there's eyes locked on her. the reason wasn't any look at the beauty but the intense aura leaking from her body because she was becoming mad for Clark not appearing even on time.

"Telling me to come this early while look at this, he hasn't arrived even after extra thirty minutes have passed. Just let me come."

Clark got himself in trouble. Sara's eyes rolled to all sides to spot Clark, what she didn't knew was that Clark was just behind her sweating with fear. wishing to speak but with what courage? he was late and now Sara was mad.