A Useless Bravery

"yeah, yeah, I know keep those documents in the desk until I reach you"

A stranger talking on a phone next to his ear, walking on a footpath until he stops next to a traffic signal with other people.

Suddenly, the heavy heat from the sun which was making the stranger sweat was blocked by a shadow.

Strange… Did a cloud cover the sunlight?

The stranger gives a look to the sky because the level of shadow's depth was darker than the cloud could create with its presence.


The cell phone from his hand fell to the ground, his gaze remained upwards with his mouth wide opened. Whatever he was witnessing was dangerous because of his eyes of fear.

What the h*ll is that? A monster?!

A dragon bestowed from the sky landing on to the place where the stranger and other people were standing.


The destruction caused by the dragon's landing was massive as if a bomb fell from the sky, the buildings were destroyed and the surface was shattered.


He roared, even its roar could make a normal person bleed from their ears.

Chances for survivors from this landing was somewhere close to zero, but for hunters and hero's it was higher than 70.

Crash… Crash…

The other two dragons made their entry to the scene, on one of the dragon's heads the humanoid monster was standing with her knight beside her.

"This should be the starting point," the dragon said. "I can see that their are tiny ants that haven't died yet"

The dragon refers to the hunters and hero's as ants, who in large amount survived the damage without getting more than a small scratch on their bodies.

Although they were surprised by the fearsome giants before them…

"Are—are those dragons?!" a hero said as he swallowed his own saliva, fear fell in his heart.

"the f**k, I'm not here to died against those behemoths"

"There's three dragons, what are we gonna do"

The panic between the hunters and hero's started. It was a natural way of reaction against these disastrous creatures who could with ease wipe out all of them.

These weren't the only problem for them, as the army of the monster made their mark on the scene.

"More monsters?!"

Because of this, the tension in the magic users grew strongly, they were clearly being outnumbered by the beasts and the slaves.

"That monster on that dragon's head, I think he's(don't know her gender) controlling them"

The atmosphere was filled with pressure and the ominous energy making them unable to move away even an inch.

On the other hand, the Australian authorities had detected the disaster but what could they do except sending their best hunters and heroes?

"Everyone!!" One of the brave hunters said to his fellow humans, "Let us die for the sake of protecting our country. Death is all worth it for the right action"

The hunter's name was Tim David who was an experienced hunter. compressing his fear he decided to take the action of encouraging others.

David, finishing his small speech, turned to the dragons without knowing that the dragons had their eyes set on him before he did.

He had yet again fallen into terror, however he couldn't do anything about it. It was already useless to run away, leaving the choice to fight to death only.

"A human with such bravery" the dragon smirkingly said.

Stunned by the talking dragon David said to himself.

He can talk?...

David took in some air and took out the air inside his filled lungs. "Well, if it's my death that be it"

He dashed with all his speed towards the dragons and the army. Fully aware that all his efforts would be in vain but he still wanted to do whatever he could.

"Aaahhhhh" he screamed.

What David didn't know was that the thought he had in his mind, that the hunters and heroes would be joining him too…

That was his foolish mistake… The moment he realised that everyone stepped back out of fear, it was too late for him; he had already reached way closer to the dragons. Turning away wasn't easy anymore.

"Foolish but brave," the dragon said before…


Stumping on David with his giant feet, David must have died because of that attack, the action of the dragon was too flashy for David brain's to even process every single frame in mere millisecond.

"That d*mn fool, what is he thinking, does he really think we can win against those terrifying beasts?"

Well the hero wasn't wrong either, whatever they try the result would be the same. Their anilinalation.

The dragon who stumped David, felt odd as if he didn't feel anything under his feet. Stumping on an ant doesn't make one feel anything.

Lifting his feet up the dragon examined at the place where the feet landed. The beast and monster standing on his head were surprised.

David in fear had closed his eyes, he was unharmed by the attack of the dragon.

What's this…

The dragon was in bewilderment not grasping the weird phenomenon of how David survived even after being stumped by the dragon…

David opened his eyes which were closed tightly, he had accepted his death and to confirm his own death he peeked out and was stunned by being alive and well…

"What happened" touching his own body to verify if he really is alive or is this a dream, "I'm–im alive, but how?".

He was alive but that didn't mean it was just a bad dream that faded away, the dragons were still there staring at him in confusion.

The humans were far from noticing him as they thought he had died, but one of the humans shouted in shock, "he's alive!! He's really alive!"

Everyone with a quick turn of their heads looked at the scene, they were all in disbelief as they could sense a living being still alive with a lot of magic energy.

Some of them weren't sure who's energy it was but for those who knew David had realised it was David's energy.

They couldn't go that far, it was too dangerous to go any closer to check if David is really alive or not.

It seems that I have missed him but… this wouldn't happen again.

The dragon strikes his feet towards David, who places his hands before his head and squeezes his eyes closed.

"Eik!!No, don't want to die"

"Would you look at this cocky giant lizard?" a voice spoke out.

With a flashy speed the person behind the voice appeared as he strikes the dragon in his face.



The dragon fell back a little before recapturing his balance and stood.

The dragon angry looks at the person who had struck him just now.


The dragon said while giving a terrifying gaze to the individual.