A Guy in Red Hoodie

Clark stared at the person who appeared out of nowhere, even frightened the Devilcry who had a screwed expression on his face.

The man from before who had observed Clark when he was at the place of the past incident appeared once more but this time revealing himself.

Who is he? Another enemy?

Clark had his guard more alert, not sure who this person was and the purpose of his appearance out of the blue.

The man wore a red hoodie as usual covering his face with only his jaw and mouth visible except that the hoodie cap covered the eyes like a barrier with an ability making someone invisible inside.


Tilting his head around, Clark had a good gaze at the Devil-Cry, seeing the expression of fear he looked like any moment his soul would be taken out from his body.

Clark wondered for a second and then again looked back at the hoodie guy, Clark opened his mouth fearlessly.

"Who are you?"

The hoodie guy's eyes shone red with a smile that showed his teeth visible, with a calm but excited tone the hoodie guy responded.

"A wonderful question, right… right…" his focus wasn't on Clark at all as if he wasn't taking his question seriously but like an outcast.

"I can't tell you much but I will least tell you that I'm Hell-Fair"

Hell-Fair? What's that now?

Clark was dumbstruck although never heard such a name or title before in his whole life, his eyes displayed signs of questioning.

"Sorry for interrupting your battle but I wanted to enjoy this little show of yours" Hell-Fair carelessly walked several steps and sat on a rock with its half part out of the ground with half-buried inside.

"Sir… Hell-Fair may I know of your sudden visit?"

Devil-Cry hesitantly inquired, his words barely coming out of his mouth. A dog who was biting and barking a few minutes ago has turned into a dog that doesn't even know what barking is…

With such a change of behaviour of a crazy devil now trembling with fear meant that Hell-Fair is an ominous character that Clark should be cautious with.

That skin, he's a human that I'm sure of but why can't I feel anything from him?

Hell-fair exposed skin was like a human not only just a small part of the visible face but his hands confirmed that he was a human being hiding in the hoodie.

On top of that, Clark failed to detect any sort of black or white energy from the man which was obvious that he wasn't from his world but could be from another which could have a different source of energy just like the Devil-Cry.

Clark figured out that well but the problem remained, two opponents before him from one he was already facing with the second had arrived who didn't seem to be interested in the fight.

[System has completed the analysing of the enemy]

[Stats available]

Through his mind, Clark ordered the system to open the stats, this analysing part of the system was not available many times up until now.


[Name: Hell-Fair — Age: ??? — Race: ??? — Rank: ???...]

Why are there so many question marks on the stats? Did the system fail to analyse his stats…

Fail? That wasn't a correct word to say that the best answer that could replace fail is unmeasurable but that was just a guess.

A tense look shows its mark on Clark's face, he knew nothing about the man and that if he were to fight him the result would not be in his favour that was his conclusion.

The man smiled with the end of his mouth moved up, he placed his fist under his jaw before placing his leg over the other.

"Don't be so surprised, like I said I just came here to watch the show there's nothing else I would do to harm you" he swiftly looked at the Devil-Cry, and upon seeing the man staring at him he freaked out even more with failing to make eye contact.

"You," Hell-Fair said, "you're free to do as you like" It was just as he completed his sentence, devil-cry face switched from panicking to the same crazy type that he was before Hell-Fair appeared.

Clark, who remained silent, gazed at the devilish face of the young Clark, encountering a gaze from the Devil-Cry.


Devil-cry dashed with mighty speed at Clark, who remained unfazed by the approaching individual. Clark held the sword tightly with posture making him look like he would one-shot the Devil-Cry.

His focus was clear but concern remained, although Hell-Fair was an unknown individual who Clark didn't feel trusting with his words and tried to find the connection that the hell-fair had with each other.

I can't concentrate. Not only is this brat a problem but that guy could also be a problem if he were to interfere.

Not only was this a problem but if Clark defeated Devil-Cry he might have to face the hell-fair, on top of that, the transformation was also a bigger problem if he were to transform, the aftermath would be problematic which he had seen before.


The black sword in Devil-Cry hands clashed with Clark's dragon slayer creating a 'cleng' sound. The sound echoed in the surroundings even the small rocks present beneath were sent off.

Both swords in touch with each other were shaking as from both sides force was being applied.

"Do you want to hear something? Something that will make your blood boil since I believe you are a person who loves justice"

"And what's that?"

Clark and the Devil-Cry stepped back from each other creating a distance, just for a moment they shared a glance at each other after touching the ground.


They disappeared with the speed they were moving.

Cleng… cleng…

Hell-fair staring at the ground changed his direction of stare from the ground to the sky as the sound of swords clashing with each other rang in his ear.

The fight now took place at a high altitude, Devil-Cry could fly with his wings but for Clark, the matter was different he didn't require wings because having the ability to fly was a blessing, and both had incredible speed.

While they were clashing and moving around, devil-cry continued saying, "You know I told you about having siblings and parents" he said with a laugh.

"What about it"

Both stopped in mid-air once more. The Devil-Cry eyes narrowed as his end of the mouth both sides widened with a bigger grin.

Clark's eyes widened as he came to a realisation, "Don't tell me you–"

"Yeah, I killed them all painfully but not just them, every human who loved justice with pleasure"

"You son of a–"

The Devil-Cry laughed even louder with his sword pointed at Clark.

Clark's face darkened, not showing any sign of calmness but fury with boiling blood in his veins popping out on his skin that might burst at any moment.