The Books of Truth

"huh?!..." I looked bewildered by what I was seeing.

The guy I punched hit the altar and fell to the ground. I felt a bit worried for the guy since the fist wasn't any weak. Feeling bitterly pleased at hitting him.

I wanted to ask him if he was okay since he wasn't showing sign of movement, and before I could even open my mouth the man giggled.

"Amazing, amazing, Hahaha, that was out of my expectations"

hell-Fair got up from the ground with a bleeding nose and a beam. "This means I passed?" I asked.

Hell-fair looked at my face with a thrilling expression, a moment of nervousness hindered my heart, he squeezed his hand tight before opening his mouth wide with teeth becoming visible.

Is he furious at me for hitting him too hard? I said in my mind while making my fighting posture.

"That was a hard one, I feel like I should give back what I took"

Give back what he took?