A New Version

"People move! Move! Quickly run" A hero instructing the civilians to a safe place. 

"AAARRRRCCCHHH" a monster roared with his power, his irritating and bleeding voice made the civilians to cover their ears with their hands.

"Tsk, what do we do? His durability is too high for us to take him down at once" A frustrated hunter spoke, sweat was leaning down from his forehead.

The situation wasn't in the favour of the hunters and the heroes who were facing the monster of steel. 

His massive body that was bigger than two trees combined and the hard body covered by an unknown metal that made his durability level higher than hunters attacking power. 

"Kugh" blood spouts from a female Hunter's mouth when coming in contact with the powerful and hard fist of the giant monster.

Bang… The hunter flees back and crashes with a thick tree.

"Carla!!" One of the heroes shouted anxiously her companion's name while buffing other hunters and heroes.