The Fall And Panic

The aftermath of their fight had a tremendous effect on society that wasn't in a good likelihood.

A message appeared before Clark after the guilds appeared in the scene, it was an unfortunate timing for Clark which led to some misunderstanding.

[The third update will stay pending until the required isn't fulfilled]

[Good news, you can use the sword of light effect on the target you wish to select]

Clark disappeared before the eyes of people watching him, he hastily did what was necessary and materialised in the white room where Lorvin was held captive.

[Sword of light effect will take place]

[Evil is being removed]

[Evil had been removed permanently]

After a few seconds, Lorvin didn't open his eyes, and Clark doubted the effects. He was assured by the system that the blood bat king was removed and couldn't control Lorvin's body again until he made another deal with him.