Unfair Selection?

"shall we start the announcement?" Clark asked the multitude of Individuals, and their reply was a simplistic nod.

In front of Clark, there wasn't a single piece of paper on the podium desk, where names were thrusted on. In fact, Clark had to say out oral names that he had to decide on stage.

Clark pins at many rankers with his agile turn of pupils, he scans out each and every ranker.

Humans all around the world were collectively watching on devices with attentive eyes, with ears widely open to hear the sound.

"The first ranker that has been selected is Steve Walker from the United States of America, an S ranker with steel-like power"

Many gazes of miscellaneous emotions were capturing his face from nearby to far away seats, a mischievous smile with contempt eyes that turned to their nearby seats.

It was an indirect way of saying to the Iranis' 'I will always be first'.