At school
Right now Sammuel is 8 years old, and Luna is 3. That's why they pick Sammy first then they go to Luna's class.
In the primary elementary
Sammy: Mommy, Antie!!
Jennie: Hi sammy.
Nimia: Hi, how was your day?
Sammy: Auntie Nini, my teacher gave me homework again. (Stomps on the ground with his leg*
Jennie: Usually Sammuel is pretty mature. What happened today?
Nimia: That's true. Is your teacher this mean.
Sammy: She is not mean, but she gives too much homework.
Jennie: She gives too much homework?
Nimia: How much homework did she give you?
Sammy: one, yi, un, uno.
Jennie: One.
Nimia: let's go, stop being childish
Sammy: I am not.
Jennie: really.
Nimia: Okay, Let's go pick Luna.
In the kindergarten
"There she is" says Nimia, then Sammy ran to hug his sister. Luna also run towards him leaving her school bag and lunch box behind.
Luna: Sammy. (running to him*
Sammy: (hugged her and she hugged him back* Lulu, how was your day?
Luna: I missed you…
Sammy: Me too.
Luna: Oppa
Sammy: (smiles*
Luna: Where is mommy? (Breaks the hug*
Sammy: There ( turns around*
In Hismael's office.
Marcus: Dude, Nimia is trying to make me pay for Luna's school fees.
Himael: You want to help me?
Marcus: No, I already have Noa's.
Himael: I have to pay for Sammy's.
Marcus: You are richer.
Himael: You just admit that you are rich. I believe you can pay.
Marcus: Mael, I thought we were best buddies.
Himael: You are telling me that after you slept with my ex?
Marcus: You did the same thing.