It Sounds Good

Marcus: You did the same thing.

Himael: You can take responsibility for your actions. You are a big boy.

Marcus: Mael, since when are you so cold?

Himael: Don't ask me questions.

Marcus: Dude.

Himael: Don't you have things to do?

In school

So Clar's English teacher is a young male handsome African man. He met Jennie while she was going to get Sammy.

He was walking toward the exit door. And they dumped into each other.

Jackson: Oh sorry.

Jennie: It is okay. *step back)

Jackson: Wait, are you Sammy's mom?

Jennie: yeah?

Jackson: You look pretty young though you are in your 30s.

Jennie: I am not in my 30s, I am only 28… .

Jackson: 28? You are younger than me.

Jennie: And so.

Jackson: I wonder…

Jennie: Don't ask, and I am busy by the way.

Jackson: Okay, see you around..~

Jennie: hm.

Jackson: *smiles)

In the Office

Hismael: So how is the project going?

Nimia: Good.

Ariche: Ni-

Hismael: So I will have to go on a business trip, I hope you guys will be able to take good care of the Company.

Nimia: We always did.

Ariche: Huh-

Hismael: Sure I will believe that.

Nimia: Ariche can you go get me the document I just printed.

Ariche: Nimia, hm… I would like to talk to you about something.