He has a daughter

Cyrus would ignore everything a woman did to him but any woman (including his mate) does not have any right to hit him. Cyrus stared at his mate his eyes had turned red.

"I'm sorry Cyrus, I didn't mean to" Ariana tried to apologize but Cyrus didn't even flinch, he walked into his car and started it zooming off.

"What the fuck did you just do Ariana?" Danielle asked Ariana who stared at the floor sulking on her lower lips.

"You slapped a fucking lycan king, do you know that he can start a war with us and their pack would win but our...do you know what would fucking happen to ours?" She yelled angrily as Ariana looked up.

"You better fix this mess because if any shit starts I will use you as a peace offering," she said to Ariana as she stormed off, everyone mumbled some words of disapproval as they left, even Clara just shook her head as she left.

Ariana stood there dumbfounded, she stared at the body of the man Cyrus just killed, why on earth did she slap me, she thought as she combed her fingers through her hair. She left the scene going to the back of the pack house, she sat on the grass as she stared at the butterfly that fluttered around her, one landed on her hair as she smiled.

"Do you think you deserve your smile?" She heard a voice turning back, a man who was wearing a black cloak and black face mask said to her, she stood up abruptly.

"Who are you? you don't look like you're in this pack?" She asked the man who snickered softly.

"Well I'm not from this pack...that means you're an intruder" she yelled as she tried to shift but remembered she had lost her wolf, she trembled thinking what would happen if this man attacked her.

"Can't shift, now can we?" He said as Ariana's eyes widened, she never told anyone about it how did this man know?

"How did you?" She asked as the man walked standing behind her back.

"I know and see everything, Ariana, this is just the beginning of your problems, you better find that mate quickly before your wolf disappears forever," the man said as Ariana gasped.

"Disappear? Why would my wolf disappear?" She asked him but by the time she turned around the man was gone.

"Where the fuck is my mate?" She asked no one in particular as she slumped to the ground and she sighed dejectedly.

She needed to apologize to Cyrus one way or another, she decided to start staying there till the wall was fixed because who knows if that man came through that wall, she went back to her room packed a few things, she met Danielle on her way out.

"I'm going to make things right" Ariana said to Danielle who scoffed.

"You better make it quick" Danielle responded tossing a car key to Ariana as she walked away, Ariana looked at the key before leaving the house, she started her car and headed to the Lycan pack.

"Who are you looking for ma'am?" One of the gatekeepers asked as Ariana parked her car, she stepped out of the car as the lycan werewolves gasped, she was dressed in a black leather jumper, that hugged her curves in all the right places and black boots, she changed while she was in the car.

"I'm here to see your king" she said as the gatekeeper nodded dumbstruck.

"I'll take you to him" The gatekeeper said as Ariana nodded swinging her backpack over her shoulder as she followed the gatekeeper.

They arrived at a large castle-like mansion, it was made out of white and gold, very elegant and beautiful, Ariana didn't expect less from a lycan king, the inside was better than the outside, it was greatly furnished and a large crystal chandelier was hanged in the middle.

"And what is she doing here?" She heard Cyrus' voice as she faced where the voice was coming from, Cyrus was dressed in a white button-up shirt, white pants and white boots, he wore gold ornaments as he stepped down the stairs, he didn't have that usual cheerful gaze but a cold gaze as he finally stood in front of Ariana.

"Who let you in?" He asked her coldly as the gatekeeper ran away to avoid the king's wrath.

"I'm here to apologize to you sir" Ariana said but when Cyrus heard that sir he was angry.

"Get out!" He yelled at her pointing at the door.

"I want nothing to do with you, your pack or that goddamned wall," he said as he turned to leave but Ariana back-hugged him, and Cyrus could swear that he felt her plump breasts pressing against him, was she trying to seduce him.

"I'm sorry, I was just frightened by the way you killed that guy and my hand moved without me thinking, please forgive me, Cyrus," she said his name as Fenrir growled, Cyrus was holding back to urge to mark her so badly, he turned swiftly, as Ariana fell into his arm with a gasp

"I'll accept your apology but you owe me a favour" He said as Ariana tried to get out of his arms but she was stuck there.

"What favour?" She asked but Cyrus struggled nestling his face on her shoulder blade.

"You'll know when the time comes...why are you with your bags?" He asked her, Ariana finally got the chance to leave his arms as Cyrus snickered.

"For the job obviously" She rolled her eyes as Cyrus cleared his throat.

"Don't roll your eyes that way Ariana it gives people another meaning, come on I'll take you to your room" Cyrus said not giving Ariana a chance to respond he walked up the stairs.

"Hey wait up!" She said running after him, Cyrus took her to a room on the last floor, the last floor was meant for the royal family of the Lycan's pack not everyone could step foot there.

"You'll stay here for the meantime" he said as they stepped into a room, it was right In front of his so it was a huge advantage.

"Alright thanks" Ariana said placing her bag on the chair as she took off her boots.

"You look stunning by the way," Cyrus said as Ariana looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you" she mustered up courage and placed a kiss on his cheek, she knew she shouldn't be doing it but who cares, when Cyrus was about to return the kiss, a loud cry came from outside the room.

"Shit!" Cyrus cursed as he stared apologetically at Ariana before walking out of the room, Ariana followed closely behind, they got to a room with a pink door as he stepped him, Ariana saw a girl probably younger than her cradling a baby who was carrying.

"Heather" Cyrus cooed in the most cute voice Ariana had heard since she was born, his gaze was soft as he picked up the baby gently as if he didn't want to hurt her.

"Dada" Heather said as she cried, Cyrus cradled the baby as Ariana finally understood, that this baby was his daughter.

"You have a daughter?" She suddenly asked.