
Ariana's Pov

"You have a daughter?" I asked him as I stared at the cute girl who had now stopped crying as she blinked at me with tear filled eyes.

"Umm, you don't need to know about that" Cyrus said his eyes wavering as he brushed away the topic.

"Why is she crying?" He asked as the maid shrugged helplessly.

"She's been crying every night even though she has been fed, she still cries" the maid explained as I stared at heather, she had a shade of purple and grey eyes, she stared at me with some emotion I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Heather what's wrong?" Cyrus asked but she pointed at me raising her hands in the air, I picked her up from Cyrus arms as I hugged her, she just started crying as I tried to calm her down.

"Calm down heather, I'm here okay" I said as she clung onto me tighter.

"Momma" she said as she cried, I stared at Cyrus who stared at me apologetically.

"Okay, momma's here, stop crying" I rubbed her cheek as she slowly calmed down as she fell asleep in my arms, I tried to drop her in her cradle but she refused to get off me.

"Heather I need to go rest I'll be back" I whispered into her ear kissing her cheek and she slowly let go as I dropped her in her cradle, Cyrus and i left her room back to my room as i sat down seeing the lonely look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about that she's just a bit emotional sometimes" Cyrus said with a sigh, I thought he was going to explain how he had a daughter at such a young age, not that I knew his name.

"It's fine, she called me momma, where's her real mom?" I asked as his gaze became as cold as Ice.

"You're in no position to ask me that" he said turning swiftly he left the room, what's his deal?.

I packed my hair in a messy bun, as I started unpacking the little things I brought with me, after I finished, I picked a towel heading into the bathroom, I peeled off my clothes as I let the cold water from the shower pour on me. Soon I was done showering, I wore something much simpler than earlier with my hair down, I didn't wear any makeup as I left the room.

I got downstairs and met Cyrus seated, he was going through some files with a serious look on his face and it made him look so hot, I heard a giggle and when I turned I saw heather in the floor playing with a plastic ball. She looked cute and slightly like Cyrus, I wondered were her mother was but I'll eventually find out. As I entered the sitting room, Cyrus looked up at me with a small smile motioning for me to take a seat, I sat down close to where heather was playing.

"Momma" she suddenly stopped playing as she looked up at me, I smiled at her as I looked at Cyrus who just shrugged. Heather raised her hands up at me to carry her but I didn't think that was a good idea, seeing I didn't want to carry her she started crying and I think I saw her eyes switch to silver then back.

"Her eyes" I gasped out as Cyrus closed the documents he was reading picking up his daughter he placed her on his lap as she continued crying.

"She's part siren, her mother is a siren so yeah it changes to black sometimes" cyrus said as heather stared at me with lonely and longing eyes, I stood up as I picked her up placing her on my hip as she clinged on me as she placed her head on my chest crying, when a guy walked in.

"Marcus?" Cyrus said as the man was shocked seeing heather with me but later recovered.

"Alpha Martin's and his wife are here" Marcus said as I chuckled wondering what they were doing here.

"Alright we'll be out to see them" Cyrus said as Marcus nodded staring at me one last time before leaving.

"Drop heather she'll stay here alone while we go greet your ex" Cyrus said as I rolled my eyes, I tried to pull heather off me but she squirmed, crying.

"Let's just take her with us, because she doesn't seem to want to let go" I said as heather blinked at me, I kissed her cheek as she blushed hiding her face in my shoulder as Cyrus chuckled.

"Fine let's go" he said as I nodded we soon left the sitting room, going to the visitors lounge I saw Martin there with Linda who was dressed extravagantly as she saw me she smirked but seeing the baby her eyes dimmed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lycan king" Martin said as they exchanged handshake.

"The pleasure's all yours alpha" Cyrus said a hint of disgust in his voice as Martin rolled his eyes.

"Baby please have a sit" Cyrus said to me as I played alongside him, I sat beside him as heather sat on my lap playing with the button of my dress.

"We came here to talk about the water dam separating us from the mermaid and siren's unfortunately it got destroyed yesterday, I just found out not too long and came to meet you" Martin explained as I thought about it for a while.

"Hold in, the large wall built in the forest that separates all out clan from that of the foxes and rogue werewolves was destroyed all of a sudden, what about that dam, it's not a coincidence if you ask me" I said and it truly was not, someone was doing this but why?, and how?.

"It's actually a coincidence Luna, it can't be someone doing it or how would someone actually do this in broad day light" Linda suddenly said as I whipped my head towards her with a scoff.

"Oh really, very soon the moon goddess would come down and that will be just a coincidence, how is am omega even listening to our discussions" I said as Linda stood up abruptly.

"I won't allow you insult me like this" she said already tearing up as Martin glared at me.

"Can't you just leave the girl alone, we get she's not as powerful as you but you don't need to run it in her face" Martin said as Linda sniffed.

"It's not her fault honey, she's just doing her job, I'll excuse you guys" Linda said about to leave when heather burst into a loud cry and Linda was slammed against the wall, heather cried as I held her close to me, Cyrus face palmed.

"Hey bitch, you were planning something if not my daughter wouldn't react that way" Cyrus said as Linda stood up holding her back as Martin helped her stand up.

"I'm not planning anything I was just going to go out and get something to drink" Linda said as Cyrus glared at her, I didn't believe her one but.

"Lies" heather whispered in a voice no one could hear except me.