
Author's Pov

Ariana stared at Linda trying to see through her but she couldn't seem to see a thing. Linda knew how to hide her emotions so well no one would know what she was thinking.

"I'll be leaving now, take your time hunny" with that Linda stood up leaving the room.

"Well as I was saying, the breaking if the dam and the barrier built to separate all creatures from each other is just a ploy I can sense it, someone is trying to do something and they need the rogues and sirens help" Ariana said as Cyrus nodded.

"She's right, we didn't have any storms or accidents around here so it was either someone broke it down or it got destroyed by the rogue's and the sirens" Cyrus said as Ariana and Martin listened attentively.

"Why don't we go check out the sites where both of them were built, and maybe we can venture inside and investigate" Ariana suggested as Cyrus nodded.

"Good idea, I'll get some Lycan's to follow us incase something happens, Ariana you go put heather in bed change and meet us downstairs" Cyrus said as Ariana nodded immediately going upstairs.

Linda was just outside the door listening to their plan, as she heard the door creek open, she found a corner to hide as Cyrus and Martin left the hall. She quickly fetched out her phone as she dialed her number.

"Hello, they're planning on investigating the dam and the barrier" Linda said as the voice muttered something as she hung up. Linda smiled as she dusted her dress "they're in for a treat".

After putting heather to play in her room, Ariana wore a blue jeans trousers and white shirt and black boots packing her hair into a ponytail. As she went out to met Martin and Cyrus, Ariana had two options ride at the front with a cute single dad or ride with her ex husband and off course she chose to ride with the single cute dad.

As they drove out of Cyrus's clan, they got to a forest that caught off their packs from that of the rogue's and foxes, as they saw the large knocked down barrier. Ariana had a weird feeling as they parked their car hoping down from it, she took the lead as she stared at it with multiple scenarios running through her mind.

"This wall was knocked down by something or rather someone" Ariana said as she picked up a bracelet that shone in the sun, it had moon pendants.

"What's that?" Cyrus asked as he got closer to her, as he sighted the bracelet, worry and fear filled his heart, he knew very well where he had seen that bracelet.

"I don't know what it is but I'm going to find out one way on another" Ariana said as she wore the bracelet loving the style.

"We better walk in to check what might have happen" Martin said jealousy laced in his voice as he he walked past the broken barricade as Cyrus helped Ariana over the pile of rumble. The other side was dark and gloomy with different creatures making sounds. Ariana couldn't help but feel helpless, no one knew she couldn't shift so she tried her best stay close to Cyrus who had more advantage than Martin.

"I'm glad you guys came" they had a ladies voice echo through the forest

"Who are you?" Martin yelled as a sinister chuckle went round the forest.

"Ariana should know who I am, after all I'm her" the voice said as Cyrus and Martin turned to Ariana who shrugged confused.

"I don't know you, whoever you are just show yourself" Ariana said but there was no response.

"There's nothing here maybe we should go" Martin said when he noticed they were getting too deep into the forest, Ariana felt a hand on her shoulder as she let out a shrill scream. Cyrus immediately turned to see three men standing behind them, they looked dangerous and he had the urge to protect his mate because he felt something wasn't right.

"Why wonder into the enemies den ayy Lycan" one of the man known as Jeremy that was banished from Cyrus's pack few years back, Cyrus could still remember this guy's mental issue.

"What do you want Jeremy?" Cyrus asked with a growl as he pulled his hand off Ariana dragging his to his side.

"To kill you and that cute Luna beside you" Jeremy said as he winked at Ariana who shuddered in disgust.

"Well that wouldn't be possible, so you and your goons should move aside" Martin said as Jeremy laughed whole heartedly.

"You guys really don't get it done you...we want her and we'll leave peacefully but if you don't hand her over peacefully there will be a blood bath" Jeremy said his voice changing from stupid and playful to serious and dangerous.

"I would prefer the blood bath you know" Cyrus said as Jeremy glared at him, he didn't waste time to shift into a dirty brown wolf that was slightly smaller than alpha wolves, Ariana couldn't help but feel angry at her wolf for not coming out from her hiding place when she really needed her. Martin didn't waste time to shift into his wolf form which was a dark shade of red, his wolf had an elegant manner of fighting, Jeremy and Martin started splashing each other with their claws but obviously Martin had an upper hand as he slammed Jeremy to the ground stepping on his chest as his wolf growled in pain.

"You should keep going, they're trying to stop us from finding whatever is hidden within these woods" Cyrus said as he nudged me further, Jeremy's friend's quickly shifted as they were about coming after me but Cyrus growled in annoyance as he shifted ripping his clothes apart, he shifted into a dark blue wolf that had red eyes, it's fur was scattered by the wind as it pounced on Jeremy's friend, I prayed they would be okay as I ventured into the woods.

The woods was dark and creepy but I had to keep going to see what the rogues where planning, as I got to a place where vines blocked my view as I cleared them I came face to face with a part of the forest that was bright and wasn't as gloomy as the other part as I stepped in the place went dark as the bracelet I was wearing glowed.