
T.C.N.'s Junior College, Honeville, The Cold North, Antarctica.

The Cold North, a country formed in the year 20XX, in Antarctica when the Cold temperatures lowered by -20°C. During the months November to March, the Arctic is become an icy wasteland and during the months April to November, the weather is warmer and more pleasant.

But due to the fast rising economy of the country[with a shocking population of 15,000,000], many devices and mechanisms have been implemented in the frozen roads of T.C.N. making the ambiance much more rosier than it was.

Still T.C.N. is a country, colder than most countries across the globe.

The most popular and recommended highschool is T.C.N.'s Junior College located in Honeville.

However fast rising the country is, its vast icy, dark green Forests are still kept safe and open to all citizens.