Six Children, One Dead and The Underworld.

Moriah in the crowd shivered and lost her composure as her eyes watered a little. She felt in her chest a sudden emptiness. She actually missed and felt sorry for her.

Moriah looked behind and felt a bit lost knowing she would never see her, Elliam following her wherever like baby duck followed mother duck, again.

The blonde haired boy, Kage, was confused and admittedly felt sorry for her.

Ramone stood in the crowd, a dark lone silent watchful eye.


All was dark, silent and cold, like most winter nights, but yet unlike most nights, a small blurry light passed by the windows of ths first floor.

On the first floor, almost immersed in the thick shadows, a dark tall figure holding up a candle hurriedly but silently walked towards the trap door leading to the cellar.

It looked back and around and listened to any unwanted intruder, sensing all clear, it brought out a key and inserted it into keyhole.

It opened it widely. The interior of the cellar was even darker than the top. The shadow looked around warily once again before merging into the underground darkness.

However, four other figures, unknown to themselves, roamed also the desolate halls of the castle.


The shadow closed silently the door, before raising the lamp to illuminate it's surroundings.

As it expected, the cellar was of the same structure as the floors from the 2nd to the 14th.

Relieved, the shadow followed it's light, navigating it's way through the dusty hollow underway.

However sometime after, aboveground, the door opened again as a figure passed through it to the underworld.

The shadow continued moving silently through doors trying to locate something when it suddenly tripped.


A thud resounding within the room was heard.

The shadow stood up, while dusting itself then suddenly noticed the light coming from above.

A pale bluish floaty shining of the moon through a rectangular opening above. It looked at it and wondered how the moon shined from above to below. But then found that the particular rectangular opening opened it floors to the ceiling.

It looked like it was specifically made for the moon light to pass through. The shadow looked down to see what had tripped it.

The thing looked like the handle of a door. The shadow crouched down to look closely at it. Another trap door? And from the looks of it, an extremely large door.

What on earth would they need to pass through it that needed this large of a door?

"Thud! Thud! Thud!,"

The shadow alarmed at the sudden noise straightened up and looked behind, immediately being tumbled down by a heavy force. The candle went out immediately.



Two voices were heard shouting, the owners suddenly being aware of each other, shouted again.



The shadow pushed the force of it and stood up angrily.

"Would you two idiots keep quiet!!" It whispered furiously.

" What are you doing here?!!"

"Moriah!!" The three others shouted surprised. One more than others.

"I said shut it!"

"Sorry," they all said simultaneously and looked at one another's faces.


"Morani! What the heck are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question," Morani said haughtily.

" Wait a minute, Ramone and Morani?"

Both of them looked at him.

"E....E-Elliam's friends'?"

Both of them recognized him.

"Huggghhhh," Morani gasped, exaggeratedly.

" You killed her!"

" What? No no wait!"

" And now, you've come to admire your art, haven't you?"

" No! I did not kill her!"

" Well, it would make sense if you did, you didn't really like when she came here, if not, what are you doing here Kage?" Ramone said, thinking deeply.

" I did not kill her, wait a minute, what are YOU guys doing here?" he asked.

They all stayed silent for a while then.

" Doing girl stuff with her ghost,"

" Seriously Morani?"

"What? I noticed you sneaking out and followed you,"


"I don't know, bored,"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a flipping minute, are you seriously saying that we are all here for Elliam?" Moriah was aghast.

They were all suddenly immersed in a strange mixture of an awkward and sad silence.

"Wait, you too?"

"I thought you were here for your weird daily duties and were going to report us, but turns out you're in cahoots too," Ramone said smugly to Moriah.

Moriah responded with a glare.

"I knew you guys studied witchcraft, what are you doing with her body?"

" Look, you piece of caca, if we were studying witchcraft we would be at Hogwarts trying to resuscitate her body back," Morani fired back at him.

" If not then why are you here?!"

" No, Why are YOUUUU here!?"

" That's what I just asked!"

" We should be checking our mentality, why are even looking for a dead body?!" Ramone questioned.

" You're the one with the questionable mentality!"

" You're the one with the questionable mentality!"

Morani and Kage said at the same time.

" Would you three fools just shut it!!!!" Moriah bellowed.

Just then right on the trap door they stood on, they all heard and felt a sturdy knocking.

There was a silence again.

"Hopefully, I'm the only one that heard that," Morani said now disturbed.

They all were disturbed, there's this 6th sense that humans have that senses the most unprovable things, like feeling someone watching you even while asleep.

And all of their 6th senses were on their keens, their hairs stood on their ends as they felt an evil eye watching them intently.

They all subconsciously shifted away from the opening where the moon light came from because it made them feel exposed.

"What the heck is going on?" Kage asked fearfully.

They were all in a circle with their backs to one another.

"I don't know, but I can feel something watching me,"

" Moriah, what the heck do we do?! What is this place?!"

The trap door shook again, this time more violently and the feeling of dread enveloped them completely as their bodies shook in fear.

Suddenly they heard banging from the trap door, the banging continuing repeatedly.

"We need to get out now!" Kage shouted already running.

"Wait! The door was locked when I entered it,"

" What?!"

They all looked at Moriah.

" Moriah? You have got the keys right?"

Moriah had on a difficult expression as she looked at the banging door then at the deep insides of the underground. She narrowed her eyes then shook her head.

"Moriah! You do? Right?!"

" I won't leave without seeing her," She said as she walked in deeper.

"Oh? Oh yeah? Well, we're soon going to join her in the afterlife if we don't leave before whatever is under that door bursts out!!"

" Moriah, are you listening?!"

Just then the banging stopped. They all looked at the trap door at once.

"What the hell's going on now?" Morani whispered.

Moriah ignored the question and went deeper into the room.

She opened a door blocking her and passed through the door frame, into a room that was colder than the rest.

She walked further inside as the others reluctantly followed her in.


She tripped over something again.

"Gosh!!" She angrily mumbled then stretched her arms out looking for what had felled her a second time.

Her hands touched a wooden box and all their heart skipped four beats when they heard the sound.

"Is that...?"

"Don't tell me..."

Ramone widened her eyes as she shined the torchlight she held on Moriah.

It also illuminated the long rectangular box she was on.


"Holy Moly-I mean Mary mother of God....." Morani started to pray.

Ramone the torch all over the room they were in.

" This- This is a cold room," Morani noticed.

" I didn't know we had a cold room, we only eat meat once a month," Kage said looking at the variety of meat that was hung above.

"This is the creepy thing I've ever seen, they actually kept her in a cold room,"

"I'm never eating meat here again,"

Morani puckered covering her nose from the smell of fresh meat.

Moriah started to slowly open the large box.

"What are you doing?!"

"Are you seriously thinking of opening that box?!"

Moriah sighed a disgruntled sigh and continued on what she was doing.

"Oh my gosh- I mean God, I can't watch," Morani covered her eyes

The coffin wasn't nailed in as they weren't to bury her yet. So the lid was lifted up easily by Moriah.

Immediately Morani heard the sound she took her palms off her eyes and gasped when she saw the once alive body lying cold inside the coffin.

"Oh Elliam..."

They all looked at the deathly purple pale body of the girl in melancholic silence as they one by one made the sign of the cross.

"Rest in peace,"

"Rest in peace, Elliam,"

"Rest in peace, Eli,"

"Rest in peace..... Elliam, sorry I didn't get to know you better,"

"Indeed, rest in peace, you shall be missed by all of us,"

They all nodded in agreement and solemness, remaining in place for a little while.

Then slowly they all sensed something off.

"Wait a second, who said that?!" Morani asked suddenly.

Their only light, the torch, went out at that crucial moment suddenly.

"Ooooh nooo!!"

"It's her ghost! She angry at you, Kage!!"

Almost immediately after, the banging restarted.

" Holy cows, what do we do now?! Moriah?"

" I think we should RUUUUUN!!!!" Screamed she, speaking for the second time, as they all ran blindly through the darkness to the other trap door above.

They all climbed the stairs at the same time to the above.

"Get out of my way, you wanna die here?!"

"Get out of Ramone's way, Kage!"

Somehow through the chaos they managed to fit the key into its lock and come out of the underground.

But highly unfortunately, a fate worse than death awaited them aboveground.