Dream Fever. O1

It had no gory physical characteristics, but Elliam felt like she didn't want to be where the thing was. It had a broken calmness, like a gentle creature suddenly settled on violence.

Elliam's nerves were stretched taut as she prepared to get away.

She instinctively jerked backwards but misstepped and fell over.

Her vision clouded into darkness once again.

She didn't stay unconscious for long and was soon awake.

Elliam groaned and stood up but stopped in her tracks as a confusing merge of two worlds came into her vision.

On her right, she could see the cold semi darkness of the marble halls. On the other, the warm woodiness of her cottage. Elliam stood still, feeling dishevelled and faintly disoriented.

What in Marvel Multi universe was going on, this time?!

She looked at the worlds before her and shook her head, blinking severally to remove the 'vision' out of sight, but it had no effect.

She then raised her arm and crossed it over to the other side, then looked at it in wonder.





She crossed her other arm, there were no changes made to her arms. It was odd and made her eyes ache a little but it was exhilarating and new.

Not so much were the hairs on her back that suddenly stood on end.

Elliam looked back to find her clones standing behind.

How was she to go on about it? Run? Does she run? She looked at the clones again, yes, she definitely runs.

But there were two places at once.

How to do it?

Maybe just...

She ran, half running down the darkly transparent halls and half running down the narrow wooden passage of her cottage.

Her cottage, now was larger and had rooms she hadn't even known about before. On the other hand, she had never been in the glass hall before so she relied on her knowledge of the cottage to navigate the place and keep herself away from the clones.

Elliam turned left into a room in the cottage world and also turned left down another hall in the dark world.

She could hear the footsteps of the first world's monster's footsteps and the looming slow footsteps of the other that somehow still kept up with her behind her.

Although the worlds were different they had almost the same structure, the rooms and the halls. Elliam stopped when she saw the interior of the room/passage. They both were full of black wardrobes and dark cupboards.

Footsteps still in her ears, she quickly roped her way through the many wardrobes and cupboards then chose one which was situation way at the back.

She knew her hiding place was not to be permanent.

Elliam's vision was swallowed up in darkness as soon as she closed the wardrobe doors quietly behind her.

Two footsteps on different grounds simultaneously echoed in her ears, one on wooden floor, the other on a marble like floor.

Elliam was aware of two things, first, Clone 1 couldn't see her as the wardrobes was closed and Clone 2 couldn't see her either as the thick darkness in the chimney room had enveloped her entirely. Although she couldn't see them either, she could hear them, clearly.

They were both walking in the same direction, at least according to her hearing that was what she could get.

Back then, when she turned, in both worlds she turned into large spaces and in both of them there were multiple small compartments. That meant that the two worlds were correspondent with each other and what was in one or happened in one would happen in the other, at least in one aspect or the other.

Then that also meant that the monster of both worlds would move simultaneously and to the same places in their worlds!

That made things a lot easier she wouldn't know what to do, if what happened in one world happened the opposite in the other.

She sighed and was about to shift into the interior a little more when a strong sudden dizziness hit her all of a sudden. She doubled over from the heavy aching and held her head.

After a minute, the aching subsided and she stood up straight, frowning.

Wait a minute, where was she?And why at two places at the same time? She couldn't see anything in the darkness of the wardrobe or the glass wardrobe.

She jerked in shock when she heard a smash somewhere around her, and two distorted voices muttering something she didn't understand.

She could hear one echoing and the other filling the room and her ears. Her memories of the place came rushing back at her. It seemed the clones knew where she was, and she felt a little weak. Just then the two tattoos on both her arms brightened up a dark cool green against her face.

She blinked and looked closer at them. All the numbers were brightened up, shining eeriely into her face. The right one which had read 001200, now read 001012 and was counting backwards, Elliamn frowned, it had been counting backwards!

Was there a time limit?!

The other which had read 001400, as expected now read 001212! Elliam widened her eyes as she pieced it together. Her sudden loss of memories and her weakening? There was a time limit in both worlds, and as the time dragged to it's limits, she lost her strength and memories and who knew what else might have gone wrong during that moment.

Speaking of which, she suddenly felt herself in the first world turning clockwise like the house has tilted over, however simultaneously, the other had too turned, but anticlockwise.

It was a confusing and disorienting sight to see, considering those two were the opposite of what Elliam needed right now.

She could hear the footsteps again now.

The footsteps were deliberate and mocking, like predator teasing prey.

She heard her giggling from either ends of her right and left.

"Is anyone here?" Two voices said simultaneously in her voice.

"It's about time, you came out and met us, Elliam," They said loudly.

Elliam stayed still, moving her arms behind her trying to find something.

She heard another smashing of wood and marble.

"Time's running out, and I just can't wait,"

Elliam's heart was pounding that she feared the monsters would hear the beats. Their voices and the smashing were sounding closer and closer with each second.

" You m-m-ade me s-s-s-suffer!" A single glitching distorted version of her voice. She was only hearing from the left side now, the cottage monster.

" Our parents were monsters!" The voice sounded again, sounding deeper and gutteral.

Suddenly all was silent, however the silence was broken some short seconds later when the clones' hand burst through the wardrobe where Elliam was.

'Bam!!' The half metal and half marble door shut close as Elliam latched it lock.