Dream Fever. 02

Suddenly all was silent, however the silence was broken some short seconds later when the clones' hand burst through the wardrobe where Elliam was.

'Bam!!' The half metal and half marble door shut close as Elliam latched it lock.




As soon as she closed it, she screamed,

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

She looked down at her bloodied hand, and winced.

She had to pull the shard out.

She slid down the door, taking breaths of relief.

Elliam then opened her eyes and shook her head as if trying to move the worlds back into position.

Thankfully she's remembered the hidden room in her mother's closet, that was what she'd been searching for.

A shard of marble had pierced through her hand when the clone broke through the door.

She was currently in a room behind the wardrobe, it was very narrow but was safe and give or take would protect her long enough from her clones for her to find a way to get out of here.

She put ears to the door and listened, all was silent.

She looked at the numbers on her arms counting downwards and wondered what would happen when the time was up. She decided she did not want to find out for herself.

Elliam knew she was running out of time so, she tried focusing harder than she'd ever did, as the tilt of both worlds made it harder. She had stood up to walk and took a step holding the walls close to her for support, but she noticed something on the ground. It was a paper.

She picked it up, the place was pitch black and the only light was from the tattoo her arms. So with the low light from her arm and the haphazard look of the place she tried to see if there was something she could read on it.

There was.

And when she saw the hand writing on it, she froze.

The note said,

'If you can read this then we hope to be able to assume you're not dead *****, You must have realized that your time in both worlds is limited. And when it completely runs out... Well we hope you don't have to find out.

You need to escape this place, and to do so you must find us.'

Trusting, Mom and Dad.

It was the haggled and twisted handwriting of her mother. She was struck but now understood how to escape. She needed to find her parents.

Suddenly she heard banging on both doors.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!v

But first she needed to stay away from the monsters.

Behind her, during to the banging, the doors had started showing dent marks, the first series, the dent mark showed on both sides that they were using their fists but as time grew and they grew more incensed, the dent marks started showing those of two twisted faces.

Elliam ran quickly, scratching and wounding her legs as she did so; the banging noises were getting louder. Her eyes were closed tightly, it was easier to run in that way, opening her eyes she would only get confused and disoriented by the slanted visuals of the two worlds.

She could feel the walls getting closer to her the wardrobe was getting more narrowed the further she ran in. Elliam stopped and opened her eyes. She was tightly wedged between the walls now but she could see a light at the opening of the place.

She kept her injured palm close to her head to avoid putting pressure on it.

She was still moving when she faltered suddenly again, it was another wave of migraine. Elliam held her head in pain and as she expected it went away soon.

Elliam looked around the unfamiliar place in confusion, where on earth was she? The two worlds tilted over again, making Elliam lose her footing and fall.

She looked at her arms with narrowed eyes as another wave of migraine hit her again.

Thank God she remembered.

She quickly searched her pockets for a pen and scribbled something on her arm.

This was sure to help her remember when she lost it again.

Way behind her she could hear intense sounds of struggle as both monsters broke walls and romped, shadowing closely behind her.

She closed her eyes again and turned to fit into the passage way, moving as quickly as she could.

The light was getting bigger and closer with each fatal step she took.

But so we're her clones hunting for her blood behind her. The walls were also getting closer tightening her more and more in between.

"Ughhh!" She grunted struggling into the passage way to the opening of light.

She peeked a little. Yes! She was so close. 'Just a few more steps,'

The monsters smashing the walls behind her was ever so loud in her ears and it was all she could do not to open her eyes.

The light and warmth of the light could now be felt on her face. Yes! She made it, she could feel the bright light on the lids of her eyes.

Her hands grabbed the threshold of the opening, however immediately she did, she felt a piercing pain on either sides of her torso.

"Arghhhhhh!" Elliam shouted in agony, the pain incensing her to move faster and finally out of the place.

Elliam fell on the grass outside unable to move from the paralyzing pain that reigned her body. She shakingly moved her arm to her side, and felt warm liquid gushing out of it.

Both monsters seemed to have tore their claws through her both sides of her torso. Blood was rushing through the holes profusely, the edges of the injuries were jagged and gory.

She was losing blood fast and losing consciousness likewise. Elliam looked at the sky her body, gasping and coughing.

She was grunting, struggling to breath, her eyes were wide with a mixture of shock pain and fear.

Was this how she was going to die?

In a fever dream?

With dream fever?

Her hearing was fading and somewhere in the distance she could hear padded and hurried footsteps towards where she lay and a series of horrified shouts and voices.

Elliam's eyes were getting heavy, she shut and opened them again, when she did, she could only see the backyard of her cottage from both eyes.

She could see the too bright, too blue sky, she could feel the wet hotness of the environment, she could see the bright yellow sun with black eyes and a black happy mirthful smile.

"Hmmm?" How come she'd never noticed how cartoony the sky was?

"Gee, Elliam you don't look so good, do you?" The sun said with a merry giggle.

Elliam smile back at the plastic sun.

All bodily pain and pleasure faded away.

She laughed with the merry sun.

She still had that lazy absurd smile when the owners of the footsteps landed beside her.

Her sight was blurry but she could see the outline of two older persons. She closed her eyes again and when she reopened them, found herself in the forest.

She could see the dark starry sky of the forest edged by tops of tall black trees. The full moon had two huge black circles on it like eyes, there were two little whites on both the circles so it actually seemed like eyes.

Elliam wondered why the moon had no lips and was only glaring at her.

She was a bit annoyed when the two figures blocked her sight of the moon. They were saying something to her and someone else but she couldn't hear them as their voices were muffled against her ears.

She closed her eyes again and reopened them; they were getting heavier and harder to open again as time went on.

This time when she opened them again. She was in her backyard and she could see the blurry figures clearly now. She could see the worried sobbing face of her father, and the distressed shouting face of her mum.

"Elliam! Elliam!! Can you hear us?!"

"Elli! Ellia- somebody help us!! Over here! We're over here!! Come quickly! Help her!"

Elliam smiled again.

"Mum? Dad?" She barely whispered.

"Yes! Yes! Mummy and daddy! Yes Mom and Dad are here, and you're going to be...."

Her vision was slowly going black and their voices were fading.

".... You're gonna be just fine,"





Elliam woke up to a white ceiling in her visage, with a faint sense of alarm in her chest.

She looked around her in awe of the brightness of the white room she was in.

The place seemed to be a hospital.

Elliam blinked, adjusting her eyes to the brightness of the place.

Elliam looked at her then suddenly looked at the figures on her arm with a sense of panic but to her surprise, both times had stopped counting, one at 000745, the other at 000945.

She was confused but also relieved.

She looked beside and saw a wheel chair.

'what is it for? Is it for me?'

Elliam made to sit up but stopped as a wave of strong pain struck her entire torso. Elliam looked down at her body and gasped at what she saw.

There was something wrong

with her skin, it was ashen and grey like that of a dead person's.

She was wearing a hospital gown but it was raised to her chest, there was also a white clothe covering her lower body.

There was a bed table on her, with numerous surgical equipment stained with blood on it. But at her sides were two gaping bloody gory fleshy sewn holes. The left part had been sewn up but in a way so haphazard and careless, that it looked like the person had been doing it in a hurry.

The right was the same, but was seen more tightly. But the wound, although sewn, was still bleeding profusely, it's lips swollen like it had been infected.

She looked at her hands, the shard was no longer there, but her hand was bandaged tightly.

Elliam stared at it in shock as the memories of her assault came rushing at her. She started hyperventilating.

"Tap…. Tap…. Tap…. Tap…."

She heard a group of footsteps coming towards her ward.