The number two hero

Music played over my headphones, drowning out my thoughts and feelings, leaving a numb silence. I walk along the sidewalk, my hands tucked in my pockets, my hood pulled up and my head hanging. The sun was setting in the distance, the nightlife beginning to slink out of its hiding as people rushed to the safety of their homes. I didn't bother rushing, blending in with my casual stroll and the apathetic look on my face. I wasn't scared of the dark, I had seen plenty worse in broad daylight. I slip into an alleyway, not even bothered by the sight of people within, smoking cigarettes and staring blatantly. They didn't move to touch me, recognizing who I was and keeping a steady eye on me as I passed. They knew better than to touch me, to test me. They wouldn't dare, lest they end up in a ditch. I walk up to the steps of my apartment complex, flinging the door open- If I didn't have my headphones, I'm sure I would've heard screaming, TVs and speakers blasting at the loudest volume and the creaking floorboards. It wasn't exactly the best neighborhood, but at least these people didn't hide their intentions or motivations in the dark.

The sickest, twisted people disguised it behind white picket fences and pretending they were perfectly normal with smiles on their faces. These people had their hearts on their shoulders, they were the realest people I knew and it was a small comfort, no matter how disturbing and dark they could be. I walk up to my room, pulling out my key and shoving it in the nob. It tended to stick so I gave it a jiggle, wiggling it up and down to free it from the fob. It slips out and I step inside, closing the door and flicking the lock back on, securing the bolt. I make my way to my room, turning on my speaker and bringing it with me to the bathroom as I hook my phone off. Only when the music is playing full blast do I pull off my headphones, brushing my teeth before climbing in the shower. I take a quick one, rinsing off the sweat and grime from the day before stepping out and drying myself off. I grab a pair of panties and a tank top, tossing them on before I dry my hair, putting my headphones back on. With them secure I turn off my speaker, my music continuing as I trudge into my room, flicking the window open before walking over to my fridge.

I stretch my arms over my head, feeling a soft breeze brush through the curtains as I grab myself a cold beer. I pop it open, taking a long swig before grabbing my pack from beside the fridge, tapping out a cig. I lift it to my lips, searching the drawer for my lighter- a finger reaches out, igniting in blue flame, lighting my cigarette. I take a drag, grabbing the cigarette as I glance up at my visitor, seeing none other than Dabi. I slowly exhale the smoke as he withdraws his finger, offering me his usual grin as he leans against the counter. I set my beer down before hopping onto the counter, running a hand through my hair. I need a favor. Dabi signs, his fingers flicking through the gestures before he reaches out, his fingers spread. I offer him the cigarette and he takes it, lifting it to his lips as I grimace. What kind of favor? I ask as he lowers the cig, slowly exhaling the smoke before offering it back to me. One only you can do. He signs back and my gaze thins, realizing what he was asking for. He comes over, searching my eyes as he cups his fingers over my headphones. I grimace as he pulls them off, holding his gaze and showing my distaste.

Only for a little while, I promise. He says, tucking the headphones to the side as I press my lips together. You said that last time. I sign, furrowing my brows as his lip twitches. He reaches up, his fingers brushing over my cheek- I can't help but lean in, my eyes fluttering shut. His fingers were rough, callused, but warmer than any other, gentler. I slowly open my eyes, cupping his wrist, looking up at him. Stay? He smiles, shaking his head and pulling his hand away. I can't. I'll explain later. He signs, patting my thigh gently as I slowly exhale. He leans over, kissing my forehead before he turns away. I let my head hang, not even bothering to look- I lift my cigarette to my lips and he disappears again, like he was never here. I scrub my hand over my face as it comes- it starts slowly, quietly- but it builds up, bringing tension in my skull. I groan as it gets louder, wincing as it fills my head, getting worse by the second. I grabbed my bottle, tossing it back and chugging all the contents- it was going to be a long night. I throw the bottle into the trash, stuffing my cig out as I walk over to my bed. Maybe I could get some sleep before it was at full blast.

I storm into the bar, my body tense and my head hanging low. The music pounded over the speakers, giving me a small relief- but my mind was crowded, a steady buzz spinning within. I walk right over to the bar, tapping twice- the bartender doesn't hesitate, grabbing me a glass and pouring me a double of the strongest liquor they had. They don't bother saying anything, setting it in front of me as I pull a 20 from my pocket and toss it on the bar. They snatch it away before disappearing to attend to the rest of the customers and leave me to my business. I'm tempted to toss the glass back but I resist, taking a slow sip and savoring the flavor. Someone sits beside me, the buzz in my head getting quieter, manageable. "You came." He says in a husky voice, a shiver tearing down my spine as I glance over at my tormentor. You called. I respond simply and his lip twitches, waving the bartender down. I'll be back in a week with company. He says and I scowl, turning my gaze back to the bar as the bartender pours him a glass. He doesn't bother sticking around, tossing his shot back before standing, disappearing in that way he does.

I sit at the bar the next week, staring at the mirror of the bar. Sure enough, he was here with company. I stare at the two in the booth, Dabi holding a glass and chatting lightly with the other. It was hard not to recognize his company- number two hero, Hawks. What Dabi was doing with him as company I did not know, but they weren't even trying to hide it. Hawks had his arm over the back of the chair, idly fiddling with his glass. He was giving brief responses, observing the club- no doubt he knew someone was watching, but he hadn't spotted me yet. There was a thick dance floor between us, sweaty bodies moving and blocking line of sight. I had never seen him here before so he didn't frequent this bar often, so he must not know about the mirror yet. He was smart, though- he had gone to the bathroom once and scouted for me, though I managed to blend in. There was no doubt in my mind that this was going to be a difficult case, but I was good at what I did. Dabi says something and Hawks gaze thins, turning into an intense glare that he turns to him.

"You've been alone for a while, are you waiting for someone?" Someone says from beside me though I ignore him, taking a sip from my glass. Hawks spares a glance over, his gaze catching mine in the mirror- he does a double take, his eyes widening and his pupils dilating. I can't help but smile at his reaction, realizing that I was caught as his gaze softens, examining me. It was a matter of time before he caught on anyway, but perhaps now it was time to take my leave. I slip my hands into that of the person besides me, seeming to startle him as I guide him away from the bar. "If you wanted to leave with me, that's all you had to say." The guy chuckles throatily, obviously excited at the prospect of me taking him home. That wasn't what I had in mind, but whatever. I locked eyes with Hawks once more as I passed by, feeling that bond establish- his breath catches, as if he sensed it, his gaze glued to my form. She's so beautiful. The words cloud my mind, drowning out the rest, bringing silence with them- in an instant the headache that constantly pounded my head went away, feeling like I could finally breathe, my body lighter than air.

What a strange effect. I let go of the guy's hand as I stepped out, taking a cigarette and lifting it to my lips. "So… your place or mine?" The guy asks, eager and oblivious as I try lighting my cigarette- damn it, was my lighter not working? I scowl, knowing that Dabi had probably wasted all the fluid playing with the lighter the last time he visited. "I don't live too far from here." The guy clues as I toss the lighter to the side, glancing back at him. He catches on, whipping out a lighter- He holds it out, flicking it. The flame was tall, a sign of a drug addict. I take a drag, staring at that red flame- somehow, blue flames were always more comforting, more familiar to me. I push the lighter away once it's lit, feeling itchy all over from the sight of the red flames. I pull the cig from my lips, slowly exhaling the smoke and watching the cloud. Dabi wanted me to watch someone that big? This was big, even for him- last it was that shigaraki guy, now the number two hero? What were those two even doing together? I sigh, turning on my heel and giving the guy the bird as I walk back to my apartment. He catches the hint, scowling and sparing some vulgar words.

She seems pretty innocent. The words pop into my head as I search my purse for coins, pulling out the change I needed and offering it to the cashier. It was a brief relief, glad for the small reprieve and silence. A week passed since he started following me, his gaze constantly locked on me ever since that day. I made a point to go to the bar everyday, to order the same drink and sit in the same place. He showed up everytime, always watching from out of sight, following me from a distance when I left. He knew where I lived, where I worked, what I ate and what I drank. I caught glances of him on roofs, balconies and lingering behind me in glasses or mirrors. I never directly looked at him, making a habit of 'window shopping' and 'people watching'. Dabi hasn't showed up once ever since that night- he was probably waiting for me to contact him, though I wasn't sure when I would get the chance. I take my bag and head back to my place, lighting a cigarette on the way and taking a puff. Not that I wasn't used to his absence- he popped in and out as he pleased, never one to have any earthly attachments or emotions.

I stop outside my place, lingering for a moment as I take the last drag of my cigarette. I slowly exhale, stuffing it out in the ashtray I left out, making sure the ember wasn't lit before dropping the butt in the trash. I reach into my bag, pulling out the can of tuna I bought before heading to the side of the building, opening it up. The stray spotted me immediately, meowing loudly and announcing himself from the box I set up. He usually trolled around, but it had been a bit cold and wet lately. This was probably the only time I had seen him this week, the little alley cat that he was. I crouch down in front of the box, placing the tuna can down in front of him as he purrs. He wastes no time chowing down as I brush my fingers through his fur, enjoying the meal. I perch my hand on my palm, waiting patiently for him to finish, appreciating the company- at least this little guy didn't have to think about much but his next meal. The cat purrs louder once they finish the can, nuzzling their face into my hand and making me giggle softly as I pet them even more. So spoiled, the attention hog. Cute. The thought pops into my head, bringing a smile to my face.

I drop my keys on the counter, sighing as I shut and lock the door, stripping my shirt off as I head to my room. I turn on my speaker, connecting my phone and playing my favorite song on full blast. I dance lightly as I strip down, heading into the shower and turning the water on. The music drowns all the thoughts out, giving me a break as I brush my teeth. I don't even bother hiding- he had seen it all before. I hum to the music, spitting the toothpaste out before I stick out my tongue and scrub it thoroughly. I gag softly, not even bothered as I rinse my toothbrush off and toss back some mouthwash, swirling it around in my mouth. I had yet to figure out where he hid his feather, but I knew he planted one to spy on me. I mostly stayed quiet and kept to myself anyway, so it wasn't like I had anything to say anyway. His spying was useless- I had no clue why he was so focused on me anyway. The sooner he moved on, the faster I could start my job. I spit the wash out, climbing into the shower and letting out a soft sigh- nothing like a nice long shower after a long day. I caress my hands over myself, enjoying the warmth soaking into me from the water.

I shift, something soft fluttering over my skin and making me shiver. I roll onto my back, barely stirring from my sleep as the tickle goes away. I hum, my lips barely parting as I settle back in. It takes a moment for it to start again, a gentle caress on my bottom lip that trails down my neck, sending a tingle down my spine. Jeez, does he know what time it is? I groan as it strokes over the swell of my breast, throwing an arm over my face as my cheeks burn. Could he at least pretend to be subtle about it? Seriously? What did he expect? How was I supposed to react to that? I sigh, rubbing my hand over my eyes, pressing my lips together. How many nights did he plan on doing this to me? I couldn't remember the last time I got a good night's sleep because of him and his antics. Usually I would roll over and tuck tighter in my sheets, hoping he would get the point- but he was especially risky tonight, more bold. I sigh, relenting as I drop my hand to the side, opening my eyes and looking up at the ceiling. Damn it. I reach over to my nightstand and grab my pack of cigarettes, slipping from my bed and walking over to the balcony, running my fingers through my hair.

I lean against the railing, lifting the cigarette to my lips, pulling my lighter from my pack. I let my eyes flutter shut, covering the flame with my hand as I light the cig. I take a slow drag before I toss it to the side, letting the smoke fill my lungs. My lips part with a soft exhale, a cloud floating from my lips- I open my eyes, sending a fierce glare in his direction, feeling agitated by his gaze. I knew he got a thrill out of it, the way I always knew where he was, how I knew he was there, that he drove me crazy… I calm my gaze as the fog dissipates, pretending it was nothing, just another sleepless night. I could practically feel his gaze, his humor as he watched me from a nearby rooftop. It wasn't hard to realize that he was always nearby, always in sight, watching me from a distance or above. I scrub my hand over my eyes, dragging it down my face and sighing as I take another hit. This brat was really starting to get on my nerves, when would he give up and move on? Maybe I should ask her on a date? The thought pops in my head and I snort, covering it with a cough and turning away, hiding my red cheeks. Damn, I hope I didn't give myself away there.

I slid into the club right on time, finding him already sitting at the bar, right next to my usual stool. Rather than Dabi's usual seat, he sat on the other side, which struck me as particular. Was it intentional or just a coincidence? Either way, it didn't matter. It just meant he was here to stalk me for another day, much to my grief. The faster I got this mission over with, the faster I could move on and get back to my life. I swallow my groan, trudging over to my usual stool and flagging down the bartender- he wasted no time at all, sending a glass over with my usual. I snag it, immediately tossing it back. Hawks seems amused, dragging his gaze over me from the corner of his eye, seeming to appreciate every curve and crevice. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hawks, the number two hero." He chimes, holding out a hand- I only spare it a glance, not giving him the time of day. "Sorry, she's mute." The bartender pipes, taking my glass and sliding me another. Hawk raises an eyebrow, glancing back as I nod and take the new glass. I savor the taste this time, the liquor already settling in my stomach and warming me up deep inside.

"Dance with me?" He asks suddenly and I glance over, raising an eyebrow at him as he offers me a smile. "I mean, come on. If you can't talk using words… then use your body." He says and I can't help but giggle, amused by his words. It was the first time anyone had ever suggested such a thing to me, considering only one person had ever bothered learning my language. I take another sip of my drink, debating it in my head- before I give in, sliding off of my stool. I offer my hand over and he all but bounces out of his seat, taking my hand and dragging me to the dance floor. Thank fuck, she accepted. Wait, do I even remember how to dance? Shit. How long has it been since I danced with someone? How am I supposed to dance with her? It's been forever. What do I do now? The words fill my mind, the bond strengthening with every second that our hands are linked. Well, that's one way to peek deeper into his mind. He stops in his tracks, glancing back at me as I offer him a grin. I waste no time starting to dance, taking the lead with a slow, seductive sway of my hips and raising his arm and twirling myself on his fingers.

He's quiet, staring at me as his lips curl into a smile, his eyes softening. He pulls me into his arms, startling me a bit- but he wraps his arm around my waist, twining his fingers in mine and guiding me through an intimate dance. "You're really good at this." He muses softly, earning a soft giggle from me as he spins us around, speeding the dance up a bit. I don't even break a sweat, used to slow dances on rooftops under the moonlight. My eyes flutter shut, remembering those nights, his warmth, the look in his eyes as he spun me around- Hawks pauses, pulling me from the memories as I glance back, seeing he was staring at my back. Had he not noticed before? "What happened?" He asks softly, his fingers brushing over my lower back, my entire body shuddering and breaking out in goosebumps as my breath catches- the memories of bright red flames rush to my mind, a whimper tearing from me at the thought. I yank away, wrapping my arms tightly around myself, feeling chills as I blink the visions away. He looks confused, his hand held out as I look at him, scared, frightened- but he wasn't who I needed to be afraid of. What happened to her?

He wasn't there that night. I don't know if I should be relieved or not, but I took the opportunity to get a true, full night of sleep, completely undisturbed. I slept better than I had in days, even managing to drool all over my pillow. I woke up the next morning without his eyes prying into me, a small relief that brought questions- where was he and was he coming back? I pry myself from my bed, heading to the bathroom and turning the shower on. I pause in front of the mirror, looking myself in the eyes and focusing- I pull our connection, bringing the thoughts and images forward. I can practically feel the chill down his spine, the way his heart stuttered and his skin broke out in goosebumps, his breath catching as I peaked in on him. He was at a cafe, sitting at his computer and looking something up. I pulled away before he suspected anything, taking the reprieve where I can and hopping in the shower. He could look me up if he wanted- I just used aliases anyway, he wasn't going to find anything no matter how long he looked. After all, no one knew who I was- not really. Anyone who knew who I was died a long time ago, in the same flames that scarred me.

He didn't come back the next day, but I knew I couldn't peek in on him again. Instead I take my suitcase to work, heading straight to the roof. No one stopped or questioned me, going about their days as I passed by. Once I reach the roof I pull my hair into a ponytail, setting my suitcase down and flicking it open. Inside was a SSG 69, one I custom built with untraceable parts and bullets I manufactured and made myself. I take my time putting it together before walking over to the edge of the building, laying down on my stomach and settling in- no one would be coming up here. Only I had the key. I lit a cigarette before peeking through the scope, using the info I learned yesterday to pin him down- sure enough, he was sitting at his apartment downtown, sitting on the balcony with a cigarette in his lips. I settle down, taking a long drag from my cigarette and slowly exhaling, watching as a woman comes out of his bathroom, using a towel to dry her hair. He exhales his smoke, lowering his cigarette down and doing a brief glance around- he sensed he was being watched. Wow, he was really good at that, huh? Was it instincts?

The girl says something and he glances back, not even phased as she drops the towel down. I grimace, taking another drag of my cigarette as he stuffs his, walking back over to her. He lays her back down on his bed and I roll my eyes, turning my scope elsewhere- might as well leave the man to his devices and check around. I look through his apartment building, mostly browsing through the cliche penthouses with families or bachelors- before something catches my eye, sending chills down my spine. In one of the windows I saw a man with a little girl held tight in his grip. He was yelling at her, smacking her viciously, not even hesitating- the mother sat nearby, no doubt high out of her mind on some substance. A pit curls in my stomach, making me nauseous as the guy pulls his belt off, throwing the girl onto the bed. She cries out, bouncing as the guy fumbles with his pants, dropping them down- not if I could fucking help it, sick bastard. I watch, my fury building as he pins the girl down to the bed, his intent obvious- before I move my finger to the trigger. All it takes is one shot- even with the silencer, the bullet explodes into the air.

I grabbed myself a coffee on the way home, a little trip no one would think twice about. After all, it was just another destination that Dabi and I had in common. I left a note under the usual desk, letting him know that Hawks was keeping a close eye on me and hadn't let me out of sight. He was caught up in the investigation about a mysterious shooting, it was in his apartment building and he was none the wiser. I take a sip as I approach my door, flicking through my keys without a care in the world. He wasn't watching, he was probably gonna be busy for a few days. I glance at the ashtray as I pass, pausing when I notice a new addition- no way. My breath catches at the sight, knowing the familiar marks all too well. I feel giddy as I jog up the stairs, slipping into my apartment and locking the door. I dash over to the curtains, pulling them shut- music starts playing over the speakers, but not my playlist. I turn, seeing him coming out of the kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest at the sight of him. I lift a finger to my lips, silencing him as his lip twitches- he gestures to the top of my fridge and I roll my eyes, realizing he found it before I could.

Of course he would put it somewhere my short ass would never look, if I did, I would give myself away. Dabi walks over, his gaze lingering over me as I stay where I was for him. He reaches over, his fingers brushing over my hip and making my heart stutter. He grabs on, giving me a mischievous grin that makes my breath catch. He tosses me onto the bed and I gasp, his body covering mine in seconds. His lips crash down on mine with a feverish passion, eliciting a quiet moan from me as his tongue slides in. He barely parts to pull my shirt over my head, though I greedily lunge in for more, missing his touch, his warmth. My fingers caress over his chest, feeling the vibration from his silent chuckle- he was amused by my reaction. My cheeks burn as he strips off his coat, dropping it to the side before stripping off his own shirt. He pulls away, pulling his belt off- I stare at his chest, always fascinated by the marbling of his skin. I stroke my fingers over his abs, biting my lip as I glance at him. His lips twitch, curling into a grin as he takes my hand, giving it a gentle kiss on my wrist- right before he flips me onto my back, his lips finding my scar.

I bury my head into my pillow, curling my arms tighter around it as I whine- Dabi strokes his tip between my lips again, amused as I tremble under his torment. I groan in agony, clenching my fist so tight in my pillows that my knuckles turn white. He always did this, god damn it- but god, I loved it. He stroked back in and goosebumps broke out over my skin, my breath stuttering as he gently pumped in and out, bliss inducing strokes deep inside my core. A weak, trembling moan slipped from me as I turned to goo, rocking back against his strokes as my eyes fluttered shut. His hand slid to the small of my back, his fingers stretching over as his grip tightened on my hip. Enjoy it while you can, Baby Bird. Once you're mine- The words tumble into my head, startling me as I suck in a sharp breath. There's no way- there's absolutely no way, Dabi always silenced everyone, every thought- so how did that one break through? Dabi suddenly flips me onto my back, catching me off guard as he leans over, his lips finding my ear. "Focus on me." He whispers so softly it was barely a breath brushing my ear, but it made me shiver as his thumb found my bud.

I tumble through my orgasm, a cry on my lips as heaven opens its gates to me- Dabi silences me with a kiss, cocooning me in his warmth and burying himself deep inside. He hid me away from the world, silencing me with his lips and rolling his thumb over my bud. I pant through my nose, my head fogging as the room spins around us, lost in the pleasure he was giving me. He pulls away, staring me in the eyes, watching as I come apart- tears cloud my eyes as I moan softly, not wanting anyone else to hear, to ruin this moment. Dabi doesn't seem satisfied, rolling his hips and flicking his thumb over my bud. I cry out in bliss, unable to help myself as he touches all the places I like, my body convulsing involuntarily. His lips curl into a grin, silently approving as he sends me flying, lost in cloud 9. He leans down, bringing his lips to my ear and nipping my earlobe. "You're mine." He whispers, making my heart stutter and core clench- god. I shriek, throwing my head back as cries tear from me, overwhelmed by his words, his actions- he was claiming me, showing him who I belonged to- and I fucking loved every second of it.

Something strokes over my hip, stirring me from my sleep as I glance over my shoulder, curious if he was still there. All I see are empty sheets, dropping my expectations as I settle back down, turning back to the window. A soft sigh slips from me, my chest aching- I knew. I didn't expect it, but… it'd be nice if he stuck around once and a while. I shut my eyes, hoping to get more sleep before the thoughts flood my mind- at least he stayed until I fell asleep. Or did I pass out? I don't remember. Probably the latter. I brush the thoughts away, feeling the breeze brush through the curtains. Wait… it was open? My eyes snap open, seeing the shadow of a figure on my balcony, perched on my railing. I sat up, holding my breath, staring at the figure, wondering if it was him. No way, he knew I was being watched, he wouldn't risk the balcony. Did he want to give me away? Another breeze brushes through the curtains, giving me a peek- Hawks sat on the railing, my eyes widened as his wings stretched out, unfurling from his ball. He held my gaze for the second it took for the curtains to settle, an ethereal sight clad in black before disappearing when the curtains fell.

I try not to think too much of it, I really do- but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I always thought it was peculiar how his thoughts seemed to interject into my mind at random intervals, silencing any others in its path and bringing relief with it. Usually thoughts would cloud my mind, reigning over and driving me insane by blending with the masses I accumulated with time. I would build the bond with contact or catching eyes so I could pick them out, but it was strange that I would only catch little glances at his mind, like I was picking through a filter. I nibble my lip, sitting at the bar, lost in my thoughts and trying to figure it out. Regardless, the quicker I got this over with, the better. I just wanted to go back to my normal life, but it was strange. Why was he all over me? He didn't know I was in contact with Dabi, it didn't seem ominous, more… curious. Like he had a fascination with me, one he couldn't seem to shake. Ever since that night, he'd been right back at it, watching me in his spare time. It was like he was constantly by my side, watching, waiting for an opportunity to strike- but I had no idea what his intentions were, I'm not sure I ever would.

Someone sighs, dropping a case on the bar and making me jump. Hawks loosens his tie, offering me a grin as he sits in the stool next to me. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He muses, the bartender coming over with his drink of choice and replacing my empty glass. "You're mute, right?" He asks and I glance over, raising an eyebrow as he chuckles. "But you're not deaf." He points out and I nod, picking my glass up and taking a sip. "I bet you keep a lot of secrets." He says and I can't help but snort- if only he knew how true that was. "I've got an offer for you." He says and I pause, not sparing him a glance as he settles in. "I'm under a lot of stress, I could use someone to vent to, you know?" He says, taking his drink and swirling it around. "It's a lot to be a hero… you recognize me, I'm sure." He says, glancing over at me as I stay quiet, waiting for him to get to the point. "How about I take you out to dinner, bitch about my case and at the end of the day, I'll send you off at the door and you can decide if you want another night?" He asks and I take a moment, debating it before grabbing a napkin and writing down my number.

I didn't do it because I wanted to spend time with him, to give him a chance or any ideas. I needed to establish the bond, to figure out what made him different from the rest, to pick apart his mind and pass it on so I could ghost him like the rest. I walk up to the restaurant, my hair pulled up in an elegant messy bun, wearing a form fitting black off shoulder long sleeve dress that cut off at my thighs and thigh high boots. I looked it up ahead of time, which was good, because it was a black tie kind of place. Why he wanted to dine here, I had no clue- but as soon as I walked into the building, I saw it was completely empty besides hawks, who sat near the windows, staring out at the night city. He spots me as the server guides me over, having been expecting me. He smiles, his gaze softening as he stands, pulling my seat out for me. "I'm glad you could make it." He says as I slide into the seat, feeling his eyes linger on the skin of my thighs before he takes his seat again. "You never responded, so I thought you wouldn't come. That, or you gave me the wrong number." He muses as the waiter comes, pouring me a glass of wine and spouting specials.

I take a sip, approving before holding up three fingers. He bows, taking off to prepare and leaving us alone. "You know, I'm curious. I know nothing about you, yet I feel as if I've known you my entire life." He muses and I raise an eyebrow, wondering if he realized how ridiculous he sounded. "I know how it sounds, trust me- but something about you is… different." He admits, as if testing it out, like saying it was like bringing it to light. I take the napkin from the table, spreading it over my lap, keeping my hands idle while he works out his words. This is another way to get a peek into his mind, I suppose. "I'd like to know something about you. Anything." He says, perching his chin on his palm as I glance at him, wondering what he expected. He offers me a smile, pushing a pen and paper over to me. "I thought ahead." He muses and I glance at the paper, debating it over. It was an exchange- something of mine for something of his. A simple sacrifice, really. I take the pen, scribbling down my alias- Shiki- on the paper before pushing it over to him, getting a little satisfaction from the flicker of disappointment that flashes across his face.

"Is that your name?" He asks, looking me in the eyes as I shrug, knowing it wasn't. He hums, crossing his arms and staring down at the letters. "I was expecting something else, if I'm honest. Something… no one knows." He admits softly, a mumble really, though I snort and idly twirl the pen in my fingers. "Not that it isn't enough for me." He quickly interjects, gently taking the paper and setting it to the side. "We just met, I get it. You can keep your mysteries… for now." He says and I stare at him, silently challenging him as he chuckles. "What? I've got my own secrets. I know what someone with a lot to tell looks like." He says and I perch my chin on my hand, raising an eyebrow at him. "Does anyone know your real name?" He asks and I shift, dropping my gaze down- only one person did. "That's what I thought… anyways." He sighs, leaning back in his chair and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I've picked up a case recently, it's a real mind twister, you know?" He says, looking up at the ceiling as I sit, watching him. "You might've heard of them, back in their hay days." He muses, sparing me a glance as he lightly rocks his chair back and forth.

"The angel of death." He says, dragging the words out as I twine my fingers together. "There's a lot of controversy about them. It always seems like they act indiscriminately, killing whoever, whenever, without any cause or meaning. It's only when investigations are opened that the dark comes to light, you know? It turns out every single person they've killed has some sort of dark, shady secret they were hiding. Sex trafficking, drug distribution, arms dealing, that kind of type, you know?" He continues, taking one of his feathers and starting to fiddle with it. "That's where the controversy comes in. Some people say that they're doing the right thing, that we should leave the vigilante to their devices, to leave them be. Others say that the vigilante should come to justice, serve time or join the force to bring the villains to the light. After all, they know all these secrets about people, you know? They could pass the knowledge onto heroes who will act for due justice." He admits, twirling the feather around and staring at it blankly. "The only evidence they leave behind is a bullet, really. Specially crafted, untraceable." He mumbles as I set the pen down.

"If I'm honest, I find it hard to pursue them. They're doing what they think is right- don't we all? I mean, there's no set line for heroes. No one is right all the time- it's really just a blanket term for someone who's saved a lot of people or fought lots of bad people, right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as I subtly nod, admitting that truth. "And they're doing both of those at the same time by removing players from the invisible board. They've got a lot of courage to do it, to- despite all the controversy, a lot of people admire them, idolize them, defend them… Others use them to justify their actions and such… but they never reveal themselves, they never bring themselves to light or give us any clue to who they are…" He mumbles, though I reach over, plucking the feather from his fingers. He pauses, watching as I examine the feather, twirling it lightly in my fingers. "To be honest, I think it's better that we don't know who they are. I think their power operates on the fact that they blend in, that no one knows who they are or what they do. I can respect that, but of course everyone thinks I can solve this case." He admits, watching me as I play with the feather.

"Maybe it's because people know that I can't honestly pursue them that they put me in charge of their case. Of course, I'm capable of finding the killer, but that doesn't mean I will." He admits as I lift my finger to the feather, dragging my finger up the vane and watching as he shivers. I raise an eyebrow as he crosses his arms, grimacing a bit. "That one's a bit sensitive." He admits, covering his face as his cheeks turn pink. I delicately set it between us but he leaves it where it is, rubbing the back of his neck. "It doesn't help that they leave no evidence at all… all we have to go off of is angles and shit." He mumbles, falling silent again as the waiter comes with our food. I catch their gaze, earning a sweet smile as they set the plates down. He brought a girl. I wonder who she is? He always comes alone. I drop my gaze down again, grimacing a bit as I look at the plate they brought. They depart again, though their thoughts linger as Hawks watch me. I turn back to him, holding his gaze, feeling our bond strengthen and establish with every passing second. "Thanks for listening to me." He admits, turning to his food- I wish I could get her opinion.

He walks beside me, staring ahead as I debate what I should do, knowing that this was probably the last time he was going to invite me out, the last time he was interested in me. It was both relieving and stressful, thinking that I still couldn't see in his mind, that I couldn't pick through his thoughts like I could with others, only catching strings through his filter. At the same time, if he left I could begin a proper investigation, searching for whatever dirt that Dabi wanted. He stops and I glance up, seeing that we were in front of my apartment building. I linger for a moment, glancing at Hawks as he offers me a smile. "Thanks again. I enjoyed our time together." He says, his hands in his pockets as he turns to leave- before I can think I reach out, snagging his sleeve. He pauses, glancing back, seeming confused as I offer him a sheepish smile. I hold out my hand and he takes it, though I turn it over, bringing my finger to his palm and beginning to trace out the words I wanted to say- "Do what you think is right." With that I slide my fingers into his, giving it a gentle squeeze, offering him a sweet smile. He relaxes a little bit, offering me a smile of his own.

"They struck again last night." Hawks sighs, sitting beside me on the railing of my balcony as I take a drag off my cig. "It was a man… no one could think of anything, but I connected the dots when I was talking to his mom. She told me he was neglecting her, the sweet old lady that she was, for another woman. She overheard the two planning on killing for insurance money. She burst into tears just telling me about it, how they planned it all out while she was in the next room. She accepted her fate, she gave in and… once again, I found myself thanking the angel." Hawks admits as I exhale the smoke to the side, trying to be polite. "I was able to draw the evidence with her testimony. He was planning on killing her with her diabetic medicine and pulled a hefty life insurance plan. Would've gotten away with it, too- but what got me was the fact that they had just been planning it the night before. How could they know and act in 24 hours? No one would know." He mumbles, cupping his chin as I fiddle with my cigarette. "They don't work with that insurance company. I know that much. The girl had an alibi too." He points out as I stub my cigarette out, throwing it away.

"I just don't get it." He mumbles, crossing his arms and perching them on his knees, curling into a ball. "This case has made me question a lot about myself and others. I mean, this guy had the perfect mom. She loved him enough to accept the end, you know? It makes me sick. My mom was never ideal, she moved on and left me behind without a second glance. She moved to an apartment on the edge of town and never bothered contacting me, even when I became a hero. I wish I could have a mom like he had." He admits, laying his head on his arms and staring at the sky. I wish I had someone. I reach over, brushing my fingers over his feathers, offering him a small comfort. He glances over at me, relaxing a bit and stretching his wing out to cocoon around me. If I brought Shiki home, what would she say? I glance at him, caressing my fingers over his wings as he watches me. I offer him a small smile, laying my head against the soft feathers, enjoying the subtle warmth they held. Ah, he smells so good, too. My eyes flutter shut, my fingers curling in the feathers as I bury my nose within, brushing my lips over the softest of them.

Soft caresses on my skin stir me from my sleep, a moan slipping from me as I reminisced in a delightful dream. My eyes flutter open as that feather tickles over my skin, tracing my curves without a care. I rub my eye, humming as something flickers across my mind. I fell quiet as the image of me, panting, writhing, bouncing, cheeks pink and eyes dazed filled my head, startling me out of my sleeplike state. God, you're so fucking beautiful. The thought made my cheeks burn as I covered my face, realizing what was happening- did he even realize? The feather traces over my inner thigh, making me shiver as I bite my lip. Say it. The words pierce my mind, a throaty command that makes my heart flutter. Say my name. His desperate groan makes my skin tingle all over, my entire body burning up. Just say it. Keigo Takami. I blink, the words ringing in my mind- Keigo. The words slip out, a quiet murmur in the spur of the moment, though almost instantly his reaction slams through me, like a second hand hurricane. Goosebumps break out over my skin, my breath catching, my body tingling and burning up all over- just as ecstasy takes hold of me.

Did I really have an orgasm from that? My cheeks burned at the thought, shuffling through my day and wondering if it was possible. People orgasmed all the time and it never affected me, so why did Hawks have such a strong effect on me? This was bad. I slipped the note under the coffee table before heading home, knowing that I would probably get a response soon. The sooner this case was behind me, the better- Dabi could handle it from here. I got the dirt on Hawks, it would be enough to threaten him if it came down to it. I didn't mention their relationship seemed tense, but I don't think that mattered. Having a name and an approximate location would be enough to pin her down and threaten any valuable information out, but if I went myself then it would seem suspicious. Of course, Dabi knew all of this, too. No doubt he would tell me to stop investigating. Hawks suddenly pops up beside me, making me jump and fumble with my coffee as his head tilts into view. He chuckles, catching my coffee when it slips through my fingers. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He chimes, offering me my coffee as I sigh, gingerly taking it and scowling at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't come between a woman and her coffee." He muses, twining his fingers behind his head and meandering alongside me, much to my chagrin. What was he doing following me around? I raise an eyebrow at him, voicing my silent question as I head back to my apartment. "I'm on patrol right now, I happened to stumble upon you." He points out and I hum, sipping my coffee and turning back to the street. "Do you have any plans today?" He asks out of the blue and I shrug, knowing he already knew today was my day off and I usually hung out at home. "Would you like to walk with me, then?" He asks and I hum, though I notice someone running behind him, catching up to his pace. I glance back, seeing a peculiar looking guy in a cloak, though Hawks follow my gaze and spots the person running up. "Ah, that's my trainee. Being the number 2 hero comes with its responsibilities." Hawks muses, waving it off and turning back to the street as I watch the boy curiously. He stops behind us, catching his breath, his forehead dripping with sweat and looking relieved for the break. I give him a small wave and he grunts, bowing his head.

We walked for a while, though Hawks watched me from the corner of his eye. I tried playing it off, window shopping and people watching as we idly walked around. I was mostly watching the boy behind us, wondering if I should mention him to Dabi or not. I decide it's better to leave the kid out, knowing I had already given him some valuable info and that the kid was probably just a bystander. Someone bumps into me, startling me as I drop my coffee, spilling it all over my shoes. "Are you okay?" Hawks asks as I groan, stepping out of the forming puddle and glancing at the person who I bumped into. He passes by, hunching his shoulders and dropping his head, brooding in his mind. Bitch. "He could at least apologize." Hawks grumbles, one of his feathers darting out and bringing a napkin, crouching down and patting at my shoes dry with it. I turn back to him, setting my hand on his shoulder and shaking my head. He rolls his eyes, not even bothered as another feather grabs the cup, taking it to the trash can. "Hey, trainee, can you go get another coffee? A tall caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino." Hawks says and the kid nods, dashing off.

I smack Hawks shoulder, giving him a glare as he scoffs, grinning up at me. "It's the least that I can do." He chimes and I silently mock him, gesturing to the kid heading into the coffee shop. "Oh, I'm sorry, was I supposed to get it for you?" He teases and I cross my arms, pouting a little bit. "What?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow, though he just lays his arm on his knee, staring up at me. "We really gotta figure out how to communicate." He muses and I glance back at the coffee shop, seeing that the guy who bumped into me went inside as well. I'll show you, breaking up with me. I'd like to see you move on when you're dead. I tense as the thoughts come to my head, my breath catching as I see his hand slide into his pocket, gripping something inside. I spin, dashing towards the shop, bursting through the doors as he pulls out a gun- I dive into him, shoving my elbow into his gut and seeming to startle him. He grunts, stumbling to the side though I kick my foot out, knocking his leg out from under him and slamming my fist into his cheek, sending him to the ground. "What the fuck?" The guy snaps, glaring at me as I set my foot on his chest.

I kick the gun away, hearing the bell chime as I roll the struggling man onto his back, pinning his hands behind his back. He groans, straining against my grip as I grimace, looking for something that I can use to restrain him. "Bold, doing that in front of the number two hero." Hawks says, coming over beside me and kneeling down, taking the man's hands from mine. "Let go of me. I wasn't doing anything, this lady just jumped on me." The man says and I grimace, knowing that it was hard to explain how I knew things that I did and how I handled them. It wasn't the first time I tried being an honest person, after all- people just never listened. "Yeah, yeah- you can tell them all about it back at the station." Hawks mumbles, sparing me a glance as I climb off the guy, letting him take over. He's quiet for a second, watching me as I offer him a sheepish smile, avoiding his gaze. I glance over the counter, seeing a shocked girl- Why did he violate his restraining order? Oh god, I need to call Kita's school. I point to the guy, making an x with my arms before pointing to the girl, hoping that he caught on. If this guy has a history, he's screwed and I'm cleared.

It was a close call- a little too close. I acted without even thinking, but the woman testified against her ex husband who had a history of domestic abuse. He had a warrant for his arrest for missing his court date and was wielding an unlicensed firearm that he wasn't even supposed to have in the first place. Hawks told everyone that he made the arrest since I was mute and he didn't want to pressure me to testify, much to my relief. He pretty much just told everyone that the guy was acting strange and followed him into the coffee, where he pulled out his weapon. He sent me on my way, promising he would handle it from there and would see me later. I took my chances where I could, knowing that it was pretty much a get out of jail free card. Later that night I stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower, noticing him on the balcony, leaning on the railing and staring at the sky. I slowly walk over to the door, unlocking it and flipping it open, peeking out at him. He doesn't say anything or even glance at me, which was strange for him. I hesitate before stepping out, walking over and standing idly beside him. He was usually so chatty, like an open book.

"How did you know?" He asks after a moment, his gaze finding me- it's not cold, but it's missing its usual warmth. I already made an excuse just in case, but I didn't expect him to ask straight out. I point to myself, my ear, then make a talking gesture, signaling that I heard the barista talking about him before. He hums softly, searching my gaze as I slide my hands behind my back, holding his gaze. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" He asks and I shrug, dropping my gaze down. "Why?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him, silently questioning him. He takes a moment before chuckling softly, dropping his gaze down to the streets. "Yeah. That's a pretty dumb question, isn't it?" He muses softly, seeming more relaxed as he watches the night life below. "I could've handled it, you know?" He asks softly and I look down at the streets, shaking my head. I would do it again- I was always a person of action, taking the risks no matter the cost. Even if he had been able to handle it, there's no telling what would happen. Stopping it before it could happen was the best I could do in that situation, which is what I tried to do often with my quirk.

Of course, more often than not I caught people after the fact, a villain that I brought to light with a bullet of justice. "I could protect you." Hawks whispers, glancing over at me as I stare at a drunken man passing by. "You could come with me… I've got room." He says quietly and I perch my arms on the railing, leaning on it as the guy below stumbles. I give it some thought, I really do- I had nothing to my name, just a job, an empty apartment and a name that wasn't even mine. Then again, I also had blood on my hands, a gun stashed away and targets that needed to be dealt with. As nice as it would be to come home to a lit home, knowing I had a safety blanket, being a killer in the house of a hero wasn't ideal. Even then, Dabi had protected me well enough all these years. I shake my head, a small smile tugging at my lips- I wonder how he would react if I accepted. I lay my head on my arms, wondering if he would even care. He never showed he cared, after all. I was at his convenience, an afterthought. Hawks is quiet, staring at me as I enjoy his presence, entertaining stupid thoughts. I think I'm in love. My eyes snap to his, suddenly breathless.

I invited her to live with me. I sit at my desk, nibbling my lip as I try focusing on the form I needed to fill out. Hawks sat on a nearby roof, silently observing me from a distance. This was bad- we barely even knew each other and yet he was always there, always watching, reflecting. It was making me anxious- If he was this invested, then how would Dabi get in contact? Was the mission done? How should I deal with him? Just leave him to his devices and move on? Why do I always want to be with her? I sigh, running a hand through my hair- I was wondering that too. God, she's so beautiful. My cheeks burn as I cover my face, squeezing my eyes shut. I don't think I was going to be able to focus with his thoughts spinning circles in my mind. I could use some fresh air- I grab the sign from my drawer and set it on my desk, heading for the elevator. I head to the roof, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. At least he was giving me a break from the rest of the thoughts, so I didn't have a headache tormenting me constantly. I walk to the ledge, looking out over the city below, my head falling quiet as I stare out at the beautiful sky stretching above.

Not that it was a bright, brilliant blue- in fact, it was a stormy day, dark clouds marbling into the horizon. In my opinion, it was far more beautiful than any other sky I had seen before. I admire every aspect of it, hearing a deep rumble in the distance. I held a hand out, feeling a soft sprinkle on my skin- it was starting to rain. My lips curl into a subtle smile as I lay my head back, letting the droplets pelt my face. It felt so nice, a delicate massage of water cooling my flushed cheeks. It brought back memories of dark, cloudy nights I spent with Dabi, dancing on rooftops until the sun rose. I step onto the ledge, not even bothered as I start a slow solo waltz, closing my eyes and imagining he was here with me, an invisible partner. Even with the rain pouring down I moved effortlessly, without fear, without a single care in the world. I remember dancing in his flames, his warmth, his caress, the way he soothed me and took the thoughts away. So many thoughts clouding my mind, dark, disturbing thoughts, blending in amongst those none the wiser- but after so long they all blended together, drowning out all the light. All that was left was the dark, dismal truth.

I step on the edge, kicking my leg up and dipping myself back, feeling gravity weighing me down. My breath catches, the adrenaline kicking in as I remember so many times we would tumble off together, laughing as we descended to the ground, tumbling like a burning comet from the sky. My heart fluttered at the thought of the dark sky, his smile, his eyes sparkling with joy as we plummeted down. Did he even realize what he did to me? Did he realize he had me wrapped around his finger? Did he know I craved an ounce of his affection, of his attention? My dark angel, my sovereign- if I were to disappear, would he even care? Sometimes, when I was performing this dance, I thought about letting go, falling down. I wondered if he would scream, I wondered if he would cry or if he would just turn away and never look back. How far did his affection go? I didn't know. I'm not sure I ever would. "Shiki!" Someone calls, snapping me from my thoughts as my eyes snap open, losing my balance. I choke, reaching to grab the edge as gravity sucked me into its pool. Dabi! The thought shot out like a bullet as my fingers barely grazed the ledge.

A whimper tore from me as I missed, terror striking through me- was he even close enough to catch me? This building was tall, if he was near he could make it. Would he even bother? My breath caught at the thought, my eyes widening at the realization- no, he wouldn't. Tears gathered in my eyes, knowing the truth, deep down inside- I couldn't read his mind, but I could read his actions, I could read his scars. He didn't love me, he never did and he never would. I choked out a sob, the tears blurring my vision as I tumbled from the sky. So this is how it ended? How pitiful. Something snatches me out of the air, startling me from my thoughts as I snap to look at my savior- "I got you." Hawks whispers, holding me tightly in his arms, his warmth soaking into my skin, his golden gaze piercing through me. His wings stretched out behind him, like a mesmerizing flame, an angel of fire. Usually, I would be scared- but for some reason, I was breathless, captivated by this celestial man before me. I don't get it- he was the opposite of everything I ever loved about Dabi, so why was I so absolutely bewitched by him at this moment?

I sit quietly, curled in a ball, reflecting on my thoughts and feelings, wondering when Hawks had wormed into my life. He had been there since the moment he entered and never left- at first I thought it was a bother, but now I found it comforting. When did I grow accustomed to his presence? Why was it reassuring knowing he was nearby, his thoughts a salve to my aches and pains? Something flutters, my mind falling silent as I hear the soft creaking of the stairs, a sure sign. Was he coming? I slowly slid out of my bed, walking over to my curtains, drawing them closed- Hawks was on the roof nearby, so what was Dabi doing? The door opens silently and I look over, seeing him there- he actually came. I stare at him, holding the curtains shut as he closes the door behind himself, flicking the lock shut. What are you doing here? I watch as he examines me, looking me up down, drinking in every inch of my skin. He slowly walks over, his fingers caressing over my hip, making the skin tingle as I shut my eyes, my cheeks burning as he leans down, his lips brushing over my cheek. What the hell? What is he doing? His arms wrap around me, making me stiffen.

He squeezes me gently, relaxing and resting his head on mine, brushing his fingers through my hair. I let out a soft exhale, beginning to tremble, so lost and confused- what was he doing? He had never done this before. Why was he suddenly touching me so tenderly? He holds me quietly, not saying a thing, just stroking his fingers through my hair, confusing me that much more- but all the stress builds up, a ball of anxiety forming in the pit of my stomach, choking me as I try swallowing the lump in my throat. He tucks his nose into my hair, tears streaming down my face as I pry my fingers from my curtains, curling them in his coat. He takes a deep breath, placing a gentle kiss on my head as I bite my bottom lip, holding on tight- despite everything, his warmth, his comfort melted me down, making it hard to resist. I sniffed quietly, burying my head into his chest, taking the solace while I could. It might be the last time, after all- I had no clue why he was doing this, but I'd be damned if I didn't enjoy every second of it. I slowly opened my arms, wrapping them around his waist, holding him while he seemed willing, feeling my heart soaring in my chest.

After a while he gently pulled away, brushing his lips over my forehead before meeting my gaze. Are you okay? He asks and I nod, scrubbing the tears from my eyes and looking up at him. What are you doing here? You know he's outside, right? He glances at the curtains, grimacing for a second before shaking his head. I don't care. He walks over to my bed, sitting down on the edge and watching as I linger by the curtains. Am I finished? He shakes his head, twining his fingers and perching his elbows on his knees. I need you to watch him longer. I scrub my hands over my face, giving him an exasperated look. It'd help if I knew what I was looking for. I raise an eyebrow at him as he stays quiet for a moment, seeming to debate it over. I need to know if I can trust him joining the liberation squad. I gawk at him, feeling the frustration building up- so Hawks was a member of their crew and I didn't even realize it? He hid it well. I thought I told you- I started but he cut me off, standing up and walking over. I press my lips together, biting my tongue as he brushes my hair behind my ear. I know you want nothing to do with this- but I need to know.

I rant and rave all I wanted in my head- but I knew it was important if he asked me. He never pressed my boundaries, but that didn't make it any less frustrating. The whole reason I refused to even join his crew was because I thought the whole thing was a sham. I was a solo operator, the fewer people who knew who I was, the better- so far, only one person knew all my secrets and he wouldn't say a word. Still, I was so confused- between Dabi and Hawks, I was starting to feel lost. I knew Dabi, but that meant I knew all his flaws- but Hawks… he was new, confusing and made me question a lot of things. I groan, scrubbing my hand over my face before dropping my arm over my eyes. I knew- I just knew. Despite all the anger that it brought, I would still investigate regardless- but it annoyed me that I couldn't get straight to the point when it came to Hawks. His filter only let through thoughts that revolved around me in some way, which meant I'd have to get closer than I was comfortable with. I usually kept people at arm's length, considering I knew all their deep dark secrets and it made it hard to face them- it's just the price I paid for my quirk.

My stomach grumbles and I scowl, prying myself out of my bed and heading over to the kitchen. I pop open the fridge, finding it completely empty to my disappointment. When was the last time I even went grocery shopping? I grimace, sighing as I push it shut, heading to take a shower. Might as well go since I had the day off, it would be a good opportunity to get some fresh air and take my mind off of things. I get dressed in some shorts and a hood, grabbing my keys off the counter before heading out. I pull my hood up before I light a cig, meandering in the direction of the supermarket, wondering if I should cook tonight or if I should eat out. I pull the cig from my lips, slowly exhaling the smoke, feeling mentally drained. The thoughts cloud my mind, my migraine full force as I scrunch up my nose. It was worse the closer I got to the supermarket, considering I tried avoiding eyesight and contact as much as possible near home. However, when I was out and about, it could be unavoidable. I blow out a breath, rubbing my temples, hoping to relieve some of the pain. I'm sure I looked like straight shit right now, I came straight out of the shower, my cheeks puffy and eyes red.

"You know…" Hawks says, popping up beside me and making me jump. "Smoking is a bad habit." He muses and I groan, rolling my eyes as I point to his pocket where he kept his pack- and he tried playing innocent. "Okay, you caught me." He chuckles, seeming amused as I hear panting, glancing back and seeing that kid following him around again. "Do you smoke often?" He asks and I shrug, putting my cig out- I really didn't, only when I had to deal with people's thoughts 24/7. It was incredibly difficult to deal with, but smoking gave me an outlet. Nonetheless, I tried not to smoke in front of kids or around babies. I wanted to be a good example at least, trying not to normalize it in their eyes. I tuck my hands in my pockets, dropping my head down and tucking myself close to Hawks, hoping to avoid contact with others if possible. His wings pretty much demanded space from others, which gave me the reprieve of dipping through crowds. He settles beside me, seeming satisfied with the distance and looking ahead. "What were you doing on that roof?" Hawks asks and I freeze, not knowing what to say, what to tell him as he stops beside me.

I look up at him, quiet, letting him search my eyes as I just let the silence hang. No point even trying to explain, he wouldn't understand anyway. "Were you trying to die?" He asks and I scoff, an unconscious reaction to his words. I shake my head and he hums, seeming pleased with my response as he turns back ahead. "Well… If you ever decide to dance in the rain again, take this with you." He says, one of his feathers detaching from his wing and floating in front of me. I plucked it from the air, curious why he was offering me one of his feathers. It seemed familiar, the same length and girth as the last one he had shown me. I brush my finger over the vane and he shudders, a string of silent curses flooding from him as he covers his face. "Goddamn it, I told you, it's sensitive." Hawks groans, looking frustrated as I giggle, lifting the feather and twirling it around. Oh, this was going to be fun- try sleeping tonight, Hawks. Revenge was going to be sweet. I give him a mischievous smile, his face falling as I bounce ahead, a pep in my step now. Oh god, what have I done? Why did I have to give her that feather? It could've been any other feather.

Hawks carried my groceries as I made a quick knot of fishing line, using it to secure the feather into a necklace. I had glared when he tried passing the task off to the kid, earning a small grumble as he reluctantly followed along. The kid seemed grateful for the grocery trip, more than satisfied to follow behind us without anything weighing him down. Since Hawks kindly offered his services, I opted for a genuine grocery run instead of a quick stock up like I originally planned. Once I finished the necklace, making it a nice length, I pulled it on, securing it around my neck. Hawks stumbled as his cheeks turned pink, though I spared an innocent glance at him. He looks over at me, pressing his lips together as his face turns red. He doesn't say anything, despite the fact that his feather was nestled in between my breasts- his mind, however, was running a mile a minute. Jesus, fuck, they're soft- okay, Hawks, calm down, you're not a teen anymore. God, I didn't even know I could get this hard. Shit, is it visible? I tucked it away, right? My uniform is baggy, it should be fine, right? It would be so embarrassing if the kid saw me worked up like this.

I walk up to the steps, opening the door and stepping out of the way. Hawks slid right in, heading upstairs without a second glance. The kid seems to hesitate but I offer him a smile, waving him in. He follows Hawks up, seeming anxious as I follow after the two. One of Hawks feathers appears, snagging the keys from my fingers before flying ahead- he must be really impatient. I hear my door click open, a subtle grin on my face as Hawks walks in, heading to the kitchen. The kid arrives next, quietly announcing his greeting before stepping in, sliding his shoes off. I pass by, heading over to the kitchen and grabbing a few cups, glancing back at the kid and Hawks. "Water for the kid. You got any liquor?" Hawks says and I snort, raising a brow at him as I pass by on my way to the sink. "I could use a drink right now." He mumbles under his breath, amusing me as I nod my head. I could tell by the nature of his thoughts that it was going to be a very long night for him- if I knew the feather affected him this much, I would've snatched it in the first place. I fill the glass with water and set it on the bar for the kid before I reach for the liquor cabinet, grabbing something strong.