Hawks lingered for a while, sipping his drink while his thoughts passed through my mind like a seethe. Some were words, some pictures- all of me in provocative positions, pleasing him in one way or another. The kid treated it like a long awaited break, asking for crackers and even managing to get a portion of food- not that he had asked, I just caught him drooling and couldn't resist giving him a plate. He was a really nice and sweet kid, we got along well and I respected his commitment to the job. Hawks had politely asked for a to-go container when I offered- In his thoughts, he was wondering if he could convince me to be his meal instead. Who knew he could be so lewd? Some of his thoughts would make a preacher faint. The thought made me giggle, bringing my fingers to the necklace on my throat- it was still settled neatly between my breasts, where Hawk's gaze had been glued the entire day. I trace my finger over it, still feeling his warmth, his presence within it. I knew for a fact he was at his agency right now- his shift ended soon and he was filling out reports. It would be the perfect time to exact my revenge for all the sleepless nights he gave me.
I lift the feather to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on it and thinking of all the times he had tortured me in my sleep. I lowered the feather down, a grin tugging at my lips- every breath, every shift, every move I made I swore he shuddered. He hadn't been able to get me out of his mind, thinking about touching me, kissing me, sucking and licking all over me. I wondered if he could feel it right now? The entire time I was cooking, he had been watching, staring, thinking of railing me against the counter or dragging me to my bed. I gently caressed the feather, wondering if Dabi thought the same. Dabi had always been there, pleasing me to my heart's content and rendering any touch or toy useless. It made me wonder if I would see him again, considering Hawk's little obsession with me. Usually Dabi would always swing by, crashing on the couch or tumbling around with me in bed. I had grown as accustomed to his presence as I did with his disappearances. We had been closer before he joined that damn organization- he tried convincing me to join, sending me to investigate that Shigaraki guy, but I refused, encouraging him to do the same.
The fact that he was having me investigate Hawks as a third party infuriated me, but I knew I wouldn't deny him. Despite everything, he was all I had, all I knew. After all, he was the only one who understood, who could actually see me, who could actually hear me. I missed that- I missed him by my side, the quiet presence that he was. Where was he even? I entertained the thought of peaking in on him- he never minded before. I was always curious what he did in his free time, but I didn't like to pry. Maybe he was with a girl? I wouldn't be surprised if he moved on, he wasn't the type to commit. I take a deep breath before I reach out, delving through my connections, searching for that dark spot that always seemed to linger in the back of my mind, waiting, hovering, my reprieve. It was the place I retreated to when I needed a break from it all, my little hiding hole away from the world, my security- Dabi. I peek through, hearing the soft strum of his guitar, the way he was always so calm, so quiet. His fingers pause on the cords, his gaze lifting to the mirror. His lips curl into a grin, his body relaxing a bit as he sets his guitar to the side, brushing the hair from his face.
Naughty girl. Spying on me? Aren't you supposed to be working right now? He signs, making my lip twitch- there was no anger, no malice, his intentions to tease me. I'll have to punish you. He signs, his eyes sparkling with mischief and peaking my curiosity. He strips his shirt off, dropping it to the side and making my breath catch at the sight of his marble chest. He grabs his phone, typing his complex password and opening his photo album, typing in another password for a locked folder. He opens it up, revealing all the pictures and videos he had taken before- all of me, of us. He clicks on the most recent one, a picture of me licking his cum from my fingers, the thick goo spattered on my face. He hums his approval, making me feel giddy, remembering the way he had looked at me, how he had been eating me up when he took that picture. He swipes to the right, a video of me on top of him, riding on his cock playing. He pauses, seeming entranced, watching as I bounced on him, panting, writhing, a mess as I orgasmed on him- but I powered on, determined to give him that same bliss. God, I could remember how worked up he got, how hot he was.
I shudder, sucking in a breath as his hand slides into his pants, stroking his cock. He knew what he was doing, how he was affecting me- so mean… I press my lips together, focusing on the connection, feeling the arousal coursing through him, the satisfaction he got from it. God… I cover my mouth, my cheeks burning as a pool of heat gathers between my legs. How could he tease me like this? He was so evil. A subtle groan slips from him, making me shiver as something traces over my nipple. I whimper, covering my eyes with my arm, the heat between my legs starting to ache. I could still remember the last time he was here, the way he kept me up all night. His breathing picks up, pleasure pulsing through our connection- ah, he was close… I quickly drop my hand between my legs, not even thinking twice as I rub my clit in circles. My breathing picks up, my head spinning with pleasure, pouring it into our bond- he shivers, a soft groan slipping from him as he starts panting. He knew what I was doing, getting him worked up more. I arch my back, a moan slipping from my lips, feeling my orgasm build up with his own-
I hear something flutter, startling me to reality, bolting up. I glanced over to the balcony, seeing he was there- Hawks was leaning in the doorway, his gaze filled with lust as he stared down at me with a subtle grin. How had he got here without me noticing? His thoughts should have been a dead giveaway. "I was coming to check on you, but who knew you'd greet me with such a beautiful sight?" He purrs, dragging his gaze over me as his gaze thins with desire. My cheeks burn as I grab my blanket, pulling it to cover my nude body. "Oh no, please. Don't let me stop you. I was enjoying the show." He muses as I hide my face, unable to look anywhere but him. "You were so close, too. Why stop now?" He asks, pulling away from the door and slowly walking over, rounding to my side of the bed, like he was stalking his prey. I shift, my cheeks burning as I shrink away, not knowing what to do. "Unless you want me to help?" He asks, my eyes widening as I stare at him, astonished he'd suggest such a thing. He sits beside me on the bed, gently taking my hand and placing a kiss on it, lingering for a moment and holding my gaze as I freeze from shock.
His lips trace along my arm, past the crevice of my elbow, all the way to my neck, where he lingers. "Who were you thinking of, baby bird?" He mumbles as I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to stop myself from shuddering. "Was it me?" He asks and I quickly shake my head, his thoughts from before still fresh in mind. "That's a shame." He sighs, seeming disappointed as he crawls over me. "You should have been." He muses as my breath catches, stunned by his intensity. "You're always alone, I find it hard to believe you've got anyone worth it in mind." He points out, curling a strand of my hair around his finger and bringing it to his lips. "No offense, but I don't think they're serious about you." He admits and I feel a pang in my heart, knowing he was right. Sure, I'd known Dabi for years, we were intimate for just as long and he never tried finding anyone else- but that was it. It wasn't like I was special, I wasn't different, he just couldn't be bothered to search for someone else and we had good chemistry. He could easily find someone better and I would be left behind, all alone and by myself. No one saw me, no one understood who I was and no one cared to learn.
It was painful to think about, a sore spot I avoided, opting to enjoy his presence while I could. It's also why he was my weak point, not that anyone knew- I'm not sure if he even knew. My lips tug into a frown, unable to keep the pain from flashing across my eyes. Hawks softened when he noticed, offering me a pitiful smile and curling an arm around me. "It's okay. I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but I'll take care of you." He mumbles, placing a kiss on the top of my head before sprinkling kisses all over me. "I promise, you'll never feel that way with me." He whispers in my ear, making my chest flutter- I could tell he meant it, but that didn't change the fact that Dabi had my heart. "Don't worry. I'll wait for you to be ready- but I want you to see the chemistry we have." Hawks mumbles, lowering his hand down, past the covers and sliding them into my shorts. His other hand cups my breasts, his wings floating around us in a cocoon, like he was hiding me away from the world. "You'll enjoy yourself, baby bird." He purrs, his fingers cupping my heat as my heart stutters, my breath catching. "I'll make sure of it." He mumbles, his gaze piercing through me as he sends me flying.
I meander along the street, not knowing how to feel about last night. I tried to fight it, I really did- determined, Hawks gave me multiple orgasms, leaving me a mess by the end of the night. Only then did he bid me ado, looking smug, accomplished as he left me breathless from his kisses and covered in his marks. I covered as much of my skin as I could before I left, feeling ashamed to bear his mark when I had Dabi- I didn't know if he cared, but it disturbed me nonetheless. As much as I wanted to avoid him, to shove it deep down and forget it, I still had a mission and he mentioned an important meeting today. I swallow back a groan, my head pounding as a sudden burst of thoughts flood through my mind. Hawk's must've done something impressive again, because everyone was buzzing about him. I was tempted to turn back, to toss on my headphones and forget all about it, but I still felt guilty about last night. I couldn't just leave Dabi hanging, I knew he would be put in a tough position of Hawk's ended up not making the cut. Then again, if he really was cut out for it- I shiver, wondering if Hawk's would end up on the wrong side of my scope again.
I blow out a breath, shoving my hands in my pockets and hunching over, picking up the pace. Maybe if I caught up I'd be able to catch his thoughts and get a break from all these people and their thoughts. I needed to figure out what his meeting was about so I can go home, curl up in my sheets and forget all about last night- that, or I could go out on a hunt and put Dabi out of his misery. My headache suddenly disappears, making me feel lighter, allowing me to catch my breath- right before a vision of me from last night, my cheeks red, eyes dazed with bliss, panting heavily flashes through. I choke, my body burning up as I realize I had gotten into range, jerking to look up at him. He perks up, seeming to notice my presence and glancing around before I spot his company. I fall silent, dread filling my entire body at the sight of the brilliant red, encompassing his entire form in a blazing inferno. I shuddered as the memories of that night came back, my breath picking up as I remember the heat, the weight on my back- I could still remember it so vividly, the sound of my screams as the heat burned me alive, forever leaving my back a blistering scar.
He was supposed to be far, far away from here- I came so I would never see him again. Hawk pauses, looking back and catching sight of me- his face falls as he sees me trembling, my eyes locked on Endeavors back. The man pauses, assessing his partner before turning back to me, the man who forever traumatized me. His gaze locked with mine and I felt the click, making my stomach curl as I stared at him. For a moment I pondered digging to see if he remembered me, if he regretted what he did- but I knew from the look in his eyes that he didn't know, that he didn't care. He would forever be apathetic to the little girl he left screaming, crying all on her own, traumatized for the rest of her life. I wasn't the first person he scarred, I wouldn't be the last- but fuck, I seethed under my skin. I ran at him, absolutely fuming as he seemed shocked, lifting his hands to defend himself- Hawk's steps between us, scooping me off of my feet and pulling me away. I snarl, lunging for Endeavor, glaring daggers at him as he looks confused, slowly lowering his arms, registering me as not a threat- if only he knew just how dangerous I could be.
I grab onto Hawk's arm as he holds me back, digging my nails in as I stare right into Endeavor's eyes, shooting my thoughts right at him like bullets. You don't even remember, do you? What you did to me, what you did to my family? You think you can sit on the throne of corpses and call yourself a Hero? The thoughts seem to startle him, making him take a step back as wicked laughter tears from me, my body shaking from adrenaline. Be glad, Endeavor. If only you were mine, you would already be dead- but he claimed you. A sinister grin tugs on my lips as I giggle, seeing him so distraught and confused. Remember, Endeavor- Remember all the victims you've claimed and wonder which will be the death of you. Hawks strokes me, soothing me as tears drip down my cheeks, staring at the crooked man before me. You're no hero. You're a villain, just like us. He tenses, his gaze thinning as his gaze snaps to Hawks, seeming confused by his complacency. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here." Hawks whispers as I sniff, gathering myself up and glancing up at him. He looked concerned, searching my eyes, just as confused as Endeavor.
"You okay?" He asks as he lowers me, letting me get my footing as I scrub my tears away. I sniff, sparing one last glare before I turn away- my shirt drapes off my shoulder, revealing the scar on my back. Murmurs burst out through the crowd, seeming astonished at the revelation- I don't bother covering it again. I wanted him to see, I wanted him to know just what he had done to me. I shove my fists into my pockets, storming to the nearest alley- the faster I got away, the better. Hawk's wouldn't be able to stop me next time and it wasn't my revenge to seek. Dabi would deal it 10x worse than I ever could with a bullet. I lower my head down as I storm down the alley, feeling pent up as I glare at the ground. I knew Dabi's identity, his past- it bothered me that he hadn't taken care of Endeavor yet, but I knew he had a plan to destroy him completely. A hand slides around my throat, my breath catching and drawing me from my thoughts. It was dead quiet, making my heart flutter as I turned, seeing he was there. Dabi lifts a finger to his lips, silencing me as my lip trembles, tears in my eyes. Did you know? I sign and he nods, sliding his hand from my throat to my hand.
He cocks his head to the side and I follow him, taking slow, creeping steps as we each hold our breath. It was easy enough to disguise our presence since we were professionals, luckily I left my feather at home. Dabi leads me to an abandoned building, taking me up to the roof before we stop in the stairwell- he peeks out, checking before turning his gaze to me. You saw him? He asks and I drop my gaze, reluctantly nodding my head. He cups my chin, pulling me to look up at him. Did you say anything? I shake my head and he nods, pulling me into a small hug and giving me a squeeze. I sag a bit, my eyes fluttering shut as I cling to his embrace, desperate for his warmth, his comfort. He lifts my chin, placing a small, lingering kiss on my lips before he pulls my jacket off, his fingers stroking over my scar. He pauses, lifting his finger to one of the marks Hawks left- I don't say anything, letting him make his assumptions and leaving him in silence. He leans down, his lips covering the mark- he marks me, filling me with euphoria. He strokes my hip as he finds every mark, covering it with his own, working his way down as his hands unbuckle my belt.
Is this why you pulled away? Dabi signs before he grabs my thigh, pulling it over his shoulder and placing a kiss, his gaze burning into me. Hawks. I admit and his gaze thins, but he doesn't turn his glare towards me, rather a mark on the apex of my thigh. His lips cover the mark, his tongue darting over it and making me shiver. He sucks on the mark and I cover my mouth, biting on to suppress my moan. He suddenly pauses, glancing towards the door before he brushes my thigh off his shoulder. I bite my lip to suppress a whimper, but a shuddering breath escapes me, unable to hide my disappointment. I understand if he was punishing me for not pushing Hawks away, but that didn't make it any less frustrating. He moves me over to the door, facing towards it. Watch. He signs, offering me a grin as I glance back at him, curious. I turn back to the glass, wondering what he meant as his fingers caress over me. He pulls my pants down, making my heart skip a beat as his lips find the back of my neck. He unzips his pants, leaning against the glass beside me as he sets his cock against my heat. I stand on my toes to give him better access, feeling him drag it between my lips.
I spot the creature, my breath catching as it sails towards a tall building, making me freeze. Dabi watches with a wicked grin, stroking into me just as it crashes through the window. I cry out as his finger finds my clit, rolling it in circles as he cups my chin, forcing me to watch. His lips cover my neck, sprinkling kisses all over as we watch the intense battle between Endeavor, Hawks and the Nomu. My heart pounds in my chest, both terrified and excited as the heroes struggle to fight the creature. My breath fogs the glass as I stare, lost in the ecstasy of Dabi's cock and the energy of the battle. I moan, setting my hand against the glass- his hand covers mine, his fingers twining around mine and curling into my palm. My heart fluttered, feeling so complete, so in love as he pants, laying his head against the back of my own. "Rin…" He whispers ever so softly, sending me flying- Hawks came crashing down on the roof before us, making my breath catch. Dabi thrusts deep inside, making me cry out in ecstasy as he fills me. Hawks eyes snap over, seeming startled as I come apart, blissfully unaware of the threat as Dabi's hand darts down to my hip, grabbing on tight.
I writhe as he pounds me, moans tearing from me in a symphony of bliss, abandoning my focus on the battle. His breath gets hotter, faster, making me that much more excited as I bounce back against him, eager to please. He lets out a guttural groan, his hand snapping to my neck and grabbing on. "You're mine." He snarls in my ear, shivering as goosebumps break out on my skin and my vision flashes- oh, fuck. I scream when his teeth bury in my neck, lost in his arms as he grinds deep inside, his cock twitching as he pumps me with his seed. I whine, a mewling mess as my pussy drenched his cock, earning a throaty groan from him. "Remember that." He whispers before he pulls away, making me cry out in agony. I whine as he places a kiss on his mark, fixing my clothes. Tears gather in my eyes as I look at him, prepared to beg him to stay- but he's already gone. I whimper, my trembling legs crumbling under my weight, feeling weak without him. I sob, curling up inside of myself as I ache- he was torturing me, there's no way he wasn't. He knew I needed him, he knew I missed him, he knew I was nothing without him- but he left anyway.
Hawks was silent as he carried me- both in his words and in his mind. I couldn't bring myself to care, feeling numb, a shell of myself without my other half. He fluttered onto my balcony with what little feathers he had, one darting out and opening the door. I sniff, still curled in a ball, my eyes filled with tears and lip trembling. He walked me over to my bed, setting me down gently. I don't budge as he stares down at me, seeming lost. He sighs, scrubbing his face before sliding his hand through his hair. "Oi." He says but I don't react, staring blankly into space and mourning my heart. He blew out a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose before he crouched in front of me, cocking his head in sight. "What was that earlier?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as I slowly drag my gaze to his, quiet. He searches my eyes, our bond strengthening- but he was just as quiet, the thoughts of strangers crowding my mind and making me feel less human. The encounter with Dabi left me weak, vulnerable, close to my breaking point. "Look, I get that you don't talk-" Hawks sighs, sitting back on his knees- he falls silent as I slowly sit up, watching my every move.
I needed something, anything to take it away- I wanted to feel human again, like myself. I slowly crawl over, sliding down into his lap and curling against him. I curl my fingers in his shirt, giving it a tight squeeze- I tremble, tears streaming down my cheeks as he hesitates, grimacing. A sob slips from my lips, desperate for comfort, anything. He breaks down with a sigh, curling around me as I fall apart. I cry in his arms, feeling broken as he holds me together, rocking me side to side. "It's okay, baby bird. I'm here." He whispers, kissing the top of my head and holding me tight. I choke up before breaking down all over again, clutching my head- the thoughts wouldn't stop. Make it stop, please- he stands up, carrying me back over to the balcony, hopping onto the railing. I gasp, curling my arms around his neck as he steps off- we sail into the sky, making my heart pound as I cling to him- but the higher we go, the quieter the thoughts get. I let out a shuddering breath, slowly relaxing as we sail smoothly in the air, Hawks quiet as I glance down. "Beautiful, right?" He whispers softly as I stare, amazed by the sight of the city at night, glittering in a beauty only he could see.
He carried me until I fell asleep, allowing me to get rest. I woke up in my bed, the soft hum of thoughts in my mind- it seems like the hype had worn down in the time I had been asleep, the attack yesterday just a fleeting thought. I slowly sit up, crawling to the edge of my bed and swinging my feet over. I wait, taking a deep breath and holding it, squeezing my eyes shut. I tried to remind myself that this was worth it, that I just had to finish this mission and I could go back to my normal everyday life- but I sag, blowing out a breath when I remember that Hawk's was probably gonna stick around for a while. I scrub a hand over my face, waiting for a second, trying to collect myself- before I decide to get some fresh air. I grab my lighter and cigarettes, heading outside. I light a cig as I look at the clouds, hearing an ominous rumble. Feels like a good day to get some work done- a smile tugs at my lips as I head to one of my scout points, pulling my hood up. I toss the cig to the side once I'm finished, slowly exhaling the smoke as I hop on the train, locking eyes with as many people as possible. The connections click, their thoughts flooding my mind, good and bad.
I walk over to the railing, grabbing a hoop and hanging on as I close my eyes, dropping my head and focusing. I dig through the thoughts, the minds, searching, looking- it all floods in, focusing on the deep, dark and dirty, buried deep within. I find every little thing, listening to every last detail before I open my eyes, my eyes snapping over to my right. A grin spreads over my lips as I spot him on his phone, not even noticing as he talks about some project he was working on. He would regret meeting my gaze, the sick fuck- the thoughts of all the woman he assaulted, his sick satisfaction and kinks all on display for me. A subtle giggle slips from me as I lower my hood, trying to hide my wicked smile- this is just what I needed. When he gets off the train I follow, staying far, hidden in the crowd, out of sight and out of mind. He didn't even think twice about the strange girl on the train, more concerned about going to the club tonight for his next victim. I stop as he enters a building, glancing up at the place- this must be where he works. Good. Now I knew where to find him. I turned around, heading back home- I needed to prepare for this target.
If Dabi wasn't going to help me, then I'd get peace my way. I hum as I slide on the outfit I knew would drive him wild, a long sleeve turtleneck top that cut off right under my breasts in a bubblegum pink color, a matching tennis skirt and sneakers. I toss my hair up in a high ponytail before attaching a bow, doing a girlish makeup style that would draw him in. I slide on some pink gloss, popping my lips and pouting my lips, making Bambi eyes at my reflection. I snort, rolling my eyes as I toss my makeup in the drawer, set to never see it again. I wonder if Dabi saw me he would cringe or if he would be into it- I didn't really know his type, after all. For all I know he could fuck a dumb Bambi silly. The thought was a little entertaining, but I didn't entertain it for long, grabbing my phone with my ID and card stashed inside before I head to the club. The hunter officially became the hunted- let the games begin. It was easy enough to get in, just a bat of the lashes and the bouncer let me pass, looking starstruck. I make my way over to the bar, ordering a glass of their strongest and tossing it back- the faster I get this over with, the better. These thoughts were disgusting.
I was on the dance floor, my body flowing in erotic moves, swaying my hips low and keeping my head high. I could feel the eyes on me, watching me like a hawk, their lust and envy palpable in the air. I stroked my fingers through my hair as a grin spread on my lips, knowing they wanted me, they couldn't take their eyes off of me, like the beasts they were. I knew how to move, what got them going. I roll my hips in seductive waves, enticing them with the promise of pleasure and bewitching them with my beauty. In the dark my back was illuminated through the black lighting, revealing the blue Phoenix, Dabi's personal mark on full display, glowing from my gnarled skin. It danced with every move, calling for its life, its partner. I wonder if he would come, if he would see, if he would proudly claim me like he always did- but I just kept dancing with my eyes closed. I knew my target was here, that I had left my drink unattended with only a napkin on top- I was baiting him in with temptation, daring him to take me on. His sins would be the death of him, in the form of beauty only I knew. I could get Dabi to take care of his body with a simple note and he would never be seen again.
The thoughts fall silent and I shudder, my breath catching as I open my eyes- Speak of the devil. I held my breath as I dragged my gaze around, not lingering on anyone- I spotted Hawks at the bar, his gaze fixed to me, his gaze making my skin tingle. Oh, fuck- how long had he been there? How did he even know where I was? His gaze was different, more intense, confident, like it was only a matter of time before he got his hands on me. It gave me a thrill, the way his eyes were a vibrant red, his pupils thin with lust, like a beast in rut. He lifted a drink to his lips, taking a small sip- my drink, I realized. When did he take it? Had he been defending it this whole time? Did he ruin my chances to get my target? Where was he even at? I tear my gaze away, looking for my victim, hoping I hadn't lost him now that Dabi was within range- but I spot him lingering nearby, his gaze on me. A hand slides onto my hip, giving it a squeeze as goosebumps break out on my skin, immediately recognizing his touch. He settles behind me, his fingers caressing my skin, his hand stroking the Phoenix on my back, admiring his mark, his own little work of art embedded in my skin.
The effect is immediate- the room darkens, the gazes turning away as Dabi establishes dominance, touching me in the way only he can. I move to turn around but he stops me, keeping me facing towards the bar as he lowers his lips to my ear. "Why didn't you tell me, little mouse?" He purrs, making me shiver as his hand slides around, cupping my throat- it was rare that Dabi wore gloves. He knew Hawks was watching but came anyway. "That way he looks at you, it's obvious that you're his weakness." He whispers, a dark chuckle slipping from his lips, giving me a thrill. "I wonder how he would react if he knew you were mine." He mumbles as he slowly drags me back, pulling me to grind against his hard length- my heart pounds in my chest, losing interest in everything else but the man holding me. He was being possessive- very rare of Dabi, who never cared for anything, who never showed any emotions, who shrouded himself in darkness and mystery. "Dance for me, baby. Show him who you belong to." Dabi purrs, making me lose my breath as I move, dancing and grinding back against him, seeming to only stir him up that much more.
He hums in delight, not tearing his gaze away from me for a second, matching my rhythm and keeping close. I could feel the jealousy lingering, giving me a thrill as Dabi caressed me, as if he was showing me off- as if he couldn't keep his hands off of me. His lips find my neck, making me shudder and tilt my head, giving him more access. He tugs the collar down, sprinkling kisses and licks on the skin. I gasp when he nips me, my body burning with desire as I start panting, my heart pounding in my chest. I reach back, grabbing his hips and gently squeezing, giving my hips a seductive roll against him. My eyes flutter shut as I relinquish myself to him, a silent offering. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me and bringing his lips to my ear. "How can I say no to you, Babe?" He muses, slowly dragging me back, away from the crowd, away from the dance floor. He guides me to a secluded area, out of sight before he sits on a couch, sliding his hand to my hips and giving me a little tug. "Come on, princess." He teases, making everything freeze as I glance back. Dabi flashes me a grin past his hoodie, his gaze barely visible, his eyes filled with lust.
How long had he really been here before he got close? How many drinks did he have before he gave in and came to me? It was very rare that Dabi showed any emotion- and right now, he had it all on display. He wanted me. He wanted me right here, right now and he didn't care who was watching. It gave me a thrill and made me flustered at the same time- but fuck, we had done so much worse before. Dabi's gaze drops down to my ass, biting his bottom lip as his hand slides down, cupping my thigh before sliding his hand up, grabbing a handful. He groans, closing his eyes for a second- before he meets my gaze again, his beautiful cerulean eyes ablaze. "Get on." He demanded, but he wasn't asking anymore. He couldn't resist, his desire palpable in the air- and I wouldn't deny him. He drops my panties down and snaps his pants open without a second thought, knowing I wouldn't take long to climb on- I don't. I crawl onto the couch backward, mounting his lap and straddling him with my hands on his knees. His hand fists my skirt, bringing me to his cock, guiding it to my entrance. It was hard to control myself- he was my weak spot, after all.
He thrusts in and I come apart, a mess for him, his hand tangling in my hair and keeping my head up for everyone to see. People were watching, their envy obvious, making my body tingle, arousing me that much more. I cry out, bouncing on his cock with him guiding me, keeping the pace up. He let out a guttural groan, his head leaned back against the couch as my pussy clenches on his cock, feeling my stomach curling in knots. Dabi smacks my ass, making my breath catch and my head spin, my hips stuttering. He grabs on, bucking his hips into me, his cock filling and stretching me, sending me tumbling over with a scream of euphoria. "That's it, baby. Cum for me." He purrs, seeming satisfied as my cheeks burn, my eyes watering from ecstasy as I heave for air- fuck. He tugs my hair, a shriek tearing from me as he forces me to bounce into his thrusting hips. He sends me flying to cloud nine, the heat of his cock inside me burning me from the inside out. "Do it, baby- show them how good you're feeling. Release Eden." Dabi demands and I shudder, my eyes rolling back- with all the force I had, I force my bliss across the room.
The room explodes, the feeling bouncing right back at me, just as intense, making me shudder and break out in goosebumps- everyone I made contact with stumbles, caught off guard as we experience the same thing. Cries explode through the room, a symphony of moans and groans, everyone filled with lust and bliss. Dabi shudders, a groan slipping from him as I hone in on him, feeling it all- his heart pounding, his gaze locked on my back, the admiration, the ecstasy, the incarnate craving he had for me, the desire to claim every last bit of me. I could see his vision, the way he watched that phoenix fly, seeming entranced by the sight of it- and I swear I could see my wings spread. In a split second, the people in the room were throwing themselves at each other, turning the room into an involuntary orgy in seconds. "I gotta go, baby." Dabi whispers in my ear, making me crash- I snap back, a whine tearing from me as I grab on tight. "He's coming." He groans, pulling me off- I cry out in pain, reaching for him as he pulls away, storming off. He drops his head as I whine, trying to scramble after him, stumbling on my trembling legs.
Someone catches me as I lose sight of Dabi in the crowd, my heart withering in my chest. I heave for air, searching desperately- but just as quick as he came, he was gone, taking his peace with him. I howl as the thoughts slam back into place full force, an echo of our lust and desire, a painful reminder of him. I cover my ears, shrieking as my head pounds, spinning and aching from the powerful onslaught of thoughts and emotions. I choke as someone picks me up, throwing me over their shoulder- a familiar red graces my vision but I squeeze my eyes shut, clawing at their back. A pained groan slips from my lips as they carry me out, pushing out of the back door. They adjust me in their arms, pulling me to wrap my legs around their waist as they hug my torso tight- they take off, startling me as I grab their shoulders tight, wind rushing past us. I open my eyes, my vision tinted yellow as I look up at my captivator. Hawks glances down at me as we sail into the night sky, the thoughts fading away the farther we get. A shuddering breath slips from me as I relax, tears gathering in my eyes as I mourn and ache the loss of Dabi's warmth and serenity.
I choke back a sob and Hawks moves a hand to cup my ass, supporting me as his other hand brushes my tears away. We don't say anything as I look up at him, sad and miserable, a shell of myself. He searches my eyes, quiet as ever as his gaze drops down to my trembling lips. He curls around me, cupping my chin as his head dips down- he kisses me, so soft, so sweet, soothing me with his warmth and easing the pain. I shudder, desperately clinging to him, to his comfort, drinking it all in as I kiss him back. Hawks groans, his chest rumbling as I claw at his back, trying to pull him closer, needing more. He huffs, pulling back, glaring at the sky as I whimper softly, a tear slipping down my cheek. He looks back at me, his gaze softening as he presses his lips together. "Fuck it." He mumbles, diving back down- he ravages my lips, a soft moan slipping from me at his intensity. He kisses me breathless, our tongues tangling together as he baptizes me in his heat. His wings wrap around us, hiding me from the world, greedily devouring my mouth. I shiver as he bites my bottom lip, his hand dropping down between my legs, touching my aching core.
I gasp, bucking my hips against him as his soft fingers stroke my bare essence- My panties were left behind. "Fuck." Hawks groans, heaving for air, seeming desperate as his fingers caress my dripping heat. "Tell me you don't want this." Hawks mumbles against my lips, searching my eyes and seeming desperate for some kind of excuse, a reason to pull away right now. I stare in his eyes, finding nothing but love and desire, something Dabi could never give me. Sure, Dabi had been there since the beginning, but he was like a stray cat, coming and going as he pleased. Hawks was like a puppy, following me around with a wagging tail, happy for every second he got to spend with me. I knew Dabi could never give me what I wanted- sure, we were close before, but ever since he joined that stupid squad, I didn't know what to think, what to feel. Of course I loved him, but… I close my eyes, burying my head into Hawk's neck, wrapping my arms around his neck. He huffs, burying his head into my neck, hugging me tight- "Damn it." He groans, his hand diving to his joggers, shoving them down and out of the way, grabbing his member.
If Dabi was a demon, my dark temptation, a forbidden desire, then Hawks was an angel. He was light, soothing my pain and washing away my sins, tempting me with his grace. He slid in with a shuddering breath, a groan slipping from him as he filled me up, making me tingle all over. He took away the ache with soft strokes, never taking his lips off of me. He flew on his back, keeping us steady as he guided me to grind on him, stroking deep inside of my heat and giving me a different, more fulfilling pleasure. A trembling moan slipped from me, Hawks breath catching as I rolled my hips against him, enjoying the slow, deep strokes he gave me. He reluctantly pulled away and I glanced up at him, wondering why he stopped. He was staring down at me, seeming mesmerized by the sight- I didn't need to read his mind to tell what he was thinking, but he said it anyway. "I love you." He says, making my cheeks burn as my breath catches, not knowing what to say, what to do- he cocoons around me, kissing me deep, holding me close, as if he never wanted to let go. When he cums, his wings spread, the moon shining down on his bliss clouded gaze.
A loud bang sounded through the air, but I didn't stop, moving the scope and aiming at my last target. It was a good thing I hadn't killed that guy last night, he led me to a den of sinners. I hold my breath, tracing the trajectory, feeling the wind brush over me. I moved my finger to the trigger, letting him think he was safe for a second longer, enjoying the way his fate lay in my hands. Meeting my gaze would really be the last thing he ever regretted. I pull the trigger, a loud bang resounding as I watch through the scope, the man stumbling and falling to his knees, clutching his chest. I lower the scope, lifting my gaze and blowing out a breath. Another hard day at work, but those sick men would never lay a hand on a woman again. I hear a soft click and I jerk, looking to my left, where my ammo was. Hawks lingered, staring at the bullet for a second before his gaze found mine. I swallow thickly, staring at his crouched form, a thought shooting out to Dabi- Compromised. "I kind of had my suspicions." Hawks sighs, setting the bullet back in its place, grimacing a bit. "But your quirk- it's telepathy, right?" He asks as I stay quiet, not giving anything away.
"I don't know the details, but I know that you can project and receive thoughts and images. There's no record of anyone with that quirk matching your description, though." Hawks admits, scratching the back of his neck as I glance at my rifle, wondering if he was going to bring it up. "Are you with the league of villains?" He asks and I cringe, my nose scrunching up at the thought. He chuckles softly, relaxing a bit and settling down beside me. "Yeah, it didn't seem like your kind of thing." He admits quietly, a subtle smile tugging on his lips as I watch him quietly. "Can you read my mind right now?" He asks honestly and I hesitate before I shake my head, silently admitting guilt. "Is that normal?" He muses and I shake my head again, a chuckle slipping from him. "Can you not read me at all, or can you not read me right now?" He asks and I shrug, though he seems curious, turning his gaze off the building. "What did they do?" He asks, gesturing towards my sniper, making me grimace. I sigh, running a hand through my hair, taking a minute to compose myself. Was Dabi gonna save me? Probably not. That would just reveal his identity.
Was Hawks gonna turn me in? I curl my arms up and tuck my chin, debating it in my head- he had already seen my bullets. He was the one assigned to my case, there's no way he didn't know. He waits patiently, not seeming to be in a rush, just watching me quietly. I sag, finally relinquishing as I look back at him, catching his gaze. They target women at clubs, using narcotics to intoxicate them before gang raping them. He seems startled at first, as if he didn't really expect me to project my thoughts to him, but he blows out a breath, shaking his head. "Fuck." He mutters, scrubbing a hand over his face, seeming disturbed as he cups his chin. "And… you know this because you read their mind?" He asks and I nod, turning my gaze away. I don't feel guilty- I never did. The things they did, they deserved so much worse- this is just my justice. "Why do you hate Endeavor?" He asks suddenly and I flinch, unable to help my grimace. "Did he… did he do that to you?" He asks softly and I slowly nod, admitting it but not wanting to tell him. He's quiet, as if waiting for me to elaborate, but I stay quiet, letting him make his own assumptions.
"Why not him?" He asks and I snort, saying nothing. "I'm gonna just assume that was a dumb question, but I doubt it's moral justice." Hawks mumbles, both of us falling quiet as I look up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking, why I couldn't read his mind. Should I try peeking in? Would it even help? Something tickles my mind and I furrow my brows, reaching out- Jump. Dabi's thought clouds my mind, my breath catching as a thrill shoots through me- he came. He actually came! I bolt to my feet, dashing to the edge and leaping off without a second thought, putting my faith in him. "Hey!" Hawks calls, scrambling to his feet as I adjust my weight, keeping a leg out and searching for the familiar face in the crowd below. "Fuck!" Hawks groans as his arms hook under mine, jerking my momentum to a stop and making me panic. Shit- "I'm not gonna let you kill yourself, damn it!" Hawks scolds me, making me cringe- did he really think I was gonna kill myself just like that? I mean, thank god he didn't think I was escaping, but damn that was a big gap. Wait- he didn't know I had an accomplice, so he must think I'm acting alone, which was kind of true.
"Jesus, don't scare me like that." He grumbles, flying me back onto the roof, keeping a close eye on me as I grimace. There was no point trying to reason with him, it would be admitting that I had a plan to escape. I put my hands up, effectively surrendering, rationalizing with myself that it was a dumb idea in the first place. Hawks could fly, he already caught me falling off the building once, he could easily do it again. He blows out a breath, brushing a hand through his hair as he grumbles under his breath. "Pack that up." He says, gesturing to my gun- I raise an eyebrow, silently questioning him as he grimaces. "I'm not gonna touch it." He says and I hesitate for a second before crouching down, disassembling my rifle and packing it all up. He seems satisfied as I pick the case up, scooping me into his arms and taking off, startling me. I wrap my arms around him, holding on tight as he flies to his apartment, landing on the balcony. I glance at him as he sets me down, hesitating as he watches me. We stand, staring at each other quietly for a second before he sighs. "Look, I'm not gonna turn you in." He admits, making my eyebrow shoot up.
He scratches the back of his neck, grimacing as he heads to his apartment. I hesitate for a second before following, seeing him heading towards a cabinet. "I told you before, I can't really hunt down 'the angel of death' in good conscience. Honestly, it's just a complete coincidence that I stumbled upon your persona." He admits, grabbing two glasses as I glance around his meager apartment, finding it pretty simple. "Then again, now that I know, I can't just let you go running around trying off yourself again." He says and I cringe, collapsing onto his couch as I realize I had effectively ruined any chances I had to get away. "I'm not gonna say what you're doing is wrong… but I'm not gonna say it's right, either." He sighs, grabbing a bottle of liquor as I glance over, pressing my lips together. "I'm just gonna take it for what it's worth and be glad that you're cleansing the scum from the streets." He mumbles, pouring two generous glasses before walking over, setting one in front of me. "So, for now, until I know I can trust you, you're gonna be staying with me." He says and I freeze, staring at him as he lifts his drink to his lips, taking a sip.
"I'm not gonna turn you in, rest assured." He mumbles, setting his drink to the side, squeezing his eyes shut and scrubbing a hand over his face. "I don't even know what I'd say." He admits, resting his forehead on his palm, seeming as calm and collected as he could be in that situation. "I just can't." He admits quietly, glancing over at me, seeming conflicted as I slowly reach for the drink, cradling it in my hands. He's quiet for a second, watching as I take a sip, hoping it would help calm my nerves- had Dabi seen him catch me? Would he come looking? Did he even know where to look? Would I tell him? "How many?" He asks and I glance at him, wondering if he wants to know my body count. I thought about it for a second, trying to count- but it was too many. I shrug, taking another sip of the liquor- it slid down easy, sweet like honey. "Okay, how long?" He asks, though the answer was easy, slipping from my mind. Since I was 12. "Wow." He mumbles, seeming startled as I grimace, wondering if that changed anything. "Um, who was first? Why?" He asks, my mind flashing to my first victim- he was probably still rotting where I left him.
I don't try telling him- instead, I show him. The memories flood from my mind to his, showing him what and why. I had been 12, fresh from the program, stalking down the streets and catching eyes with a few people. I paused, looking back at a man, his thoughts filling my mind- He was a psychopath. He had been beating his girlfriend, getting her addicted to drugs, keeping her locked up in chains in his bed. No one knew, he was confident, cocky- he was going to a meeting to assign a client to rape her while she was so high on coke she wouldn't know any better. I turned, following the man into an alley, in a flash, dashing at him, hopping up- I cut off the memories there, but it was implied that I attacked him. Hawks grimaces, dropping his gaze down and blowing out a breath. "What'd you do?" He asks softly and I shrug, opting to leave some things in the dark. He was my first. I leave it at that, Hawk's slowly nodding, as if he was accepting that fact. "But you didn't use that?" He asks, gesturing towards my rifle as I nod, cradling my drink. I was young. As I got older, I matured more, got smarter- moved to bigger areas.
He settles in, cupping his chin and nodding, seeming to think it over. "You started small, in areas where the police wouldn't bother looking for bad guys." He says, more of a statement than a question, but true. "Did you ever hesitate?" He asks and I shake my head, not even stopping to think about it. Those men are just better off dead. The thought is bitter, tinged with venom, knowing the true darkness behind every person who ended up behind my rifle- even things that investigators never found. "Oh. Well, is there anyone you let get away?" He asks and my mind flutters to Dabi, the one that had found me, who had created me and nurtured me- the one who had joined the liberation squid after many years of suffering, seething under his skin while his father made his way to the top heroes on a pile of sacrifices. I stroke my back over my shoulder, sparing a glare at the ground at the thought of endeavor, though Hawks seem to catch on. "I see." He mumbles, silent for a second, not knowing what to ask next. "Why your apartment, then? That place must be filled with bad people." He asks, making a dark laugh slip from me at the irony of his words.
It's the picket fences you gotta look out for. They hide their sins behind manicured lawns, they're dark and dirty behind your imagination- My people don't hide their sins, they leave it all on display, showing their faults and owning them. They're good people put in bad situations, while others… They got their way by playing tricks and filthy tactics, far worse than the simple, petty crimes of those around me. I take a long sip of my drink, letting those words settle in for him as he shivers. "Note taken." He mumbles, taking a sip of his drink before leaning back and settling in. "Okay, why not go pro? Be a hero, just hide your quirk." He asks and I pause, giving it some thought. I met Dabi before I could consider being a hero, it never crossed my mind before. Giving people my form of justice had just been the norm and a lot of people agreed with my choices. I shrug the question off, not knowing what to say. Paperwork, I guess. Bullets are faster. Hawks bursts out in laughter as a subtle, wry smile tugs at my lips- I don't know how he managed to laugh in this situation, knowing he fucked a killer last night.
"I suppose that makes sense." He muses quietly, fiddling lightly with his glass and staring blankly at the amber liquid within. "If I'm honest, sometimes I think the same." He admits, not glancing at me, though I turn my attention to him. "There are villains who do unspeakable things, people I think would be better off dead whether it be their intentions or their capabilities. It can be frightening, how much potential they could have if they just put their mind to it." He says, a soft chuckle slipping from his lips. "It's honestly a miracle that so many of them are dumbasses and don't even realize what they got. I mean, look at you." He muses, offering me a grin as I raise an eyebrow at him. "A simple thought and you can tell when someone's got something dirty planned, if they're gonna perform a raid or they're onto you- I don't know what you've been through, but you're incredibly smart to have make it this far. You're untraceable, you only pick out criminals with the deepest, darkest secrets and somehow manage to get people to trust and believe in you all the same. It's terrifying and enchanting at the same time." He muses, sparing me a glance and taking a sip of his drink.
"I guess that's part of your charm." He chuckles as he finishes off his drink, though I take a small sip. I lower my glass, my tongue darting over my lips- now what? He wasn't going to turn me in, but he wasn't going to let me go. I got a little heart to heart with him, but nothing useful. I was stuck in limbo with nothing else to do- he sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face before running it through his hair, squinting at his empty glass. "We could've been chatting this whole time." He says, sounding exasperated and earning a small giggle from me. It's not that simple. I admit quietly and he hums, sparing me a curious glance. I sigh, setting my glass down before locking eyes with him. I can't just read your thoughts- it's like a seethe, I only catch certain thoughts and images. I've never seen anything that didn't have to do with me. "Oh?" Hawks hum, his lip twitching as his gaze fills with amusement. "So, the day I gave you my feather, you knew." He muses, making me cringe as my cheeks turn pink, thinking and remembering of all he had been imagining, both that night and last night. He has a very vivid imagination, that's for sure.
I turn away, feeling flustered that he caught on, itching the back of my neck as he chuckles. "Is there a range?" He muses and I press my lips together, covering my cheeks as I give a subtle nod, not wanting to give him any exact details. He hums, giving me a subtle grin, gazing at me from the corner of his eye. "What did you think?" He muses and I cover my face, blowing out a breath. You have a very active imagination. He bursts out in laughter, seeming amused as his arm drapes over the back of the couch. "Yeah, I get that." He muses, falling quiet again as he looks over at me. His hand reaches out, gently brushing my shirt up and stroking my back. "Can I ask?" He asks, staring at the scarred skin with a grim expression. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says softly, as if he was set on not knowing- but a little part of me, one I had long forgotten, one that wanted love and comfort gave in. I close my eyes, the memories conjuring up in my mind, flowing through our connection. I was just a little girl at the time- I couldn't even remember how old I was. It was smoky, my lungs aching and body hot from the fire that surrounded me, filling the building.
I was calling for my mother- I could hear her screams, even now. It was absolutely terrifying, it haunted me every day, the sounds of her agony filled wails. She had been burning alive, her skin rotting off her flesh and bone- I felt nauseous, sick and anxious at the thought. My younger self was desperately searching, trying to help, terrified and afraid, unaware of what was happening- when the ceiling came down. The screams had stopped, but I had been trembling, so scared, curled up in a ball on the ground, covering my ears and bawling my eyes out. I was just a little girl, I didn't know any better- that's when it happened. He landed on my back, knocking the wind out of me, the burning sensation engraved in my mind- I screamed. I cried, it hurt so much I wailed until my throat gave out- he had simply spared a glance down at me, unbothered by the small, pitiful child before he leapt away, leaving the pain behind. My back was destroyed, I cried too much and destroyed my vocal cords, the heat of the smoke had singed them. Nobody even bothered looking for me- there were too many people to save. In the end, I limped my way out of the building, whimpering softly.
"Hey, it's okay." Hawks whispers, stroking me, bringing me back. I realized I was hyperventilating, tears in my eyes as I gasped for air. In a second the illusion was gone, a whimper slipping from me as he pulled me in his arms. "It's okay. It's over." He whispers, holding me close, squeezing me tight- his warmth washed over me, his face buried in my neck and his tears soaking into my skin. I slowly curled up in his arms, sagging in relief, glad for his comfort- it was the first time someone held me like this. It was… nice. I close my eyes, clinging desperately to him, accepting his soft, sweet words and letting them wash away the memories. Dabi found me shortly after that time, but by then… the damage had already been done to my mind. It was him who helped me grieve, he who brought me back from the dead, him who took care of me. The memories of his blue flame flickering around us, his soft humming as he stared up at the stars- he was so beautiful in those moments, especially when he would look at me and the moon cascaded through his hair. I kept those memories to myself, the precious moments we spent together meaning the world to me.