A dark path

Hawks carried me to bed once I was calmer, laying me down and curling beside me. He stroked me, caressing me with his lips, soothing me with his touch and warming me with his body, holding me with his strength. His wings wrapped around us, a brilliant red cocoon of the softest silk- I brushed my fingers through it, fascinated by the way each feather responded, seeming to buzz under my touch. I pull it closer, my eyes fluttering shut as I brush my lips over the softest- Hawks shudders and I glance over at him, seeing his cheeks were flushed. "Can you read my mind right now?" He whispers and I shake my head, burying my nose in his feathers and taking a sniff- it was such a nice scent, a spicy citrus with an earthy undertone, enticing me with every breath. I pleased moan slips from my lips, feeling like I could never get enough of it. Hawks rumbles, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer, drawing my attention back to him. "You're driving me crazy, baby bird." He mumbles, my stomach curls in knots, my heart pounding in my chest as his lips find mine in the dark- only then do I realize that I had grown attached to this feathery man, more than I'd ever admit.

My breath shudders as I grind against him, his gaze piercing through me in the dark. I shiver, my head rolling back as my fingers stretch over his chest, a moan slipping from me. His chest rumbles in delight, his hands grabbing my hips and guiding me against him. Hawks. The thought flutters out as goosebumps break out on my skin, my lips parting with a sigh. "Shiki." Hawks groans, perching his weight on his arm and bringing his lips to my neck. I curl my fingers in his hair, whimpering softly as I tilt my head, giving him more access. Please. I shiver as he groans, brushing his lips over my ear. "Tell me what you want, baby bird." He murmurs, making my cheeks burn as I cover my face. You're really gonna make me say it? The thought was a shy whisper, revealing my flustered reaction. He hums, a soft chuckle slipping from his lips. "You do want it, right?" He teases and I lower my head, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Well?" He asks and I whine, wrapping my arms around his neck. Yes! Stop teasing me, please! I finally give in, burying my face into the crevice of his neck, squeezing my eyes shut. He chuckles, sliding his hands to my waist and lifting me up.

I hear a soft click, making my breath catch as he unzips his pants, moving the flaps out of the way. He gently pries my hands from his neck before he pulls away, my gaze darting to him as he leans back against the headboard. He opens his arms and I crawl over, straddling his lap as his wings curl around us. "Go slow, okay?" He whispers softly and I hum, his arms curling around my torso. I trace my fingers down his shirt, feeling the thick muscle through the fabric. He's quiet as I reach his pelvis, my fingers wrapping around him. I adjust myself before I guide him to my entrance, placing my hand on his shoulder. With a shuddering breath I slide on, a moan slipping from my lips as his girth stretches me. He lets out a throaty groan, his fingers digging into my waist as his face buried in my neck. I watch in a trance as his feathers shift, a wave of crimson cocooning around me. He takes my hand, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles as his fingers slide into mine. My face burns, my heart fluttering as his lips find mine in the dark. A soft moan slips from me as I start moving, gently rocking on his length, earning a husky groan from him as his hand slides to my hip.

His breathing picks up as I curl my fingers in his hair, our tongues tangling together in a delicate dance. I take deep breaths, his scent flooding my senses, making my head spin as my body trembles from the pleasure. His arms curl tightly around me, his face burying in my neck as I desperately grind against him, soft whimpers slipping from me. He's deathly quiet, unusual for this chatty man- I subconsciously reach out, curious what he was thinking. I shuddered, bombarded with an onslaught of feelings and emotions instead of thoughts- Hawks skin was tingling from head to toe, even the tip of his wings. My breath catches, my eyes widening as a feeling of elation washes over me. He was ecstatic from our bond, his lips tugging into a smile as he clung onto me, craving this connection. His teeth ache, his body hot, his head thick and his heart pounding in his chest. He curled around me, his love flowing through us, bringing tears to my eyes, how warm and endless it really was. I could feel it- it was heaven, washing me clean of my sins and basking me in serenity. Not to mention the bliss coursing through our veins, our connections pulsing with desire.

He bites onto my neck and I gasp, crying out in surprise. It gave me a thrill, his hot mouth on my skin, his canines pricking my skin- I could feel it, the way he didn't want to hurt me, but how he wanted to bury his teeth deep inside my soft skin, to mark me as his own. I shudder, my head falling back as I flow- a symphony of moans slipping from my lips, my hips rolling on him, feeding on his emotions. He groans, ecstasy pulsing through him as pries his teeth from my neck, laying his head against the headboard. He watches me, mesmerized by the sight, making me tingle all over from the feelings of lust and desire. His hands cup my ass as he bites his bottom lip, guiding me on his cock, far from satisfied but savoring every second of it. I shiver, curling my fingers in his shirt, dropping my head into his neck. Fuck, Hawks, you're driving me crazy. My body was trembling, overwhelmed by it all, panting as I closed my eyes, tears sliding down my cheeks. He rumbles in delight, burying his head into my hair, forcing me to move faster on him. I shiver, crying out as he nips my ear, feeling my peak fast approaching- I curl my arms around him, digging my nails into his back as I fall apart.

I pant softly, exhausted as I lay on my stomach, Hawks laid beside me, his fingers caressing my back. He hums softly, his voice lulling me into a sleepy state, making it hard to keep my eyes open. He leans over, kissing the top of my head, lingering for a moment with his nose buried in my hair. He was content- I don't know why, but I could vividly feel his feelings now, both emotions and physical. It was weird, feeling all of his feathers, the way they all connected to him in some way. "Shiki?" He asks softly and I shift, letting him know he had my attention. "That guy…" He mutters and I tense, putting my guard up. "Look, I don't wanna know who he is- I don't really care." He admits and I stay quiet, still pretty unsure. "I just want to know why." He says, silence falling between us as I debate telling him. "Every time he leaves, you lose yourself. It doesn't seem healthy." He mumbles, a wry chuckle slipping from me as he falls quiet. He makes everything quiet. It was a small admission, one that seems to make Hawks even more curious. It makes me feel sane. You used to silence others with thoughts, too. It drives me crazy, hearing it all.

Hawks was gone when I woke up, though I didn't feel lonely. I slowly slipped out of bed, seeing he left a note on the nightstand, next to one of his feathers. I grabbed this and some things from your house last night. I'll be back soon. I set the note aside, lingering for a moment before I pick up the feather, recognizing his sensitive feather with a glance. I lift it to my lips, feeling it humming with his warmth and energy, my eyes fluttering shut. For a second I could swear I felt him wrap around me, cocooning me in his warmth and safety. A smile tugs at my lips as I delicately set it back on the desk, heading to the bathroom. I take a shower and find a spare toothbrush before I pat myself dry, doing a little skin care before I step out. I head to his closet, grabbing a soft shirt of his and sliding it on, hoping he wouldn't mind before I make my way to the kitchen. I searched his fridge, finding it stocked with all kinds of things, especially chicken, which was a bit concerning since he might be a bird. I shake my head, a subtle smile on my lips as I pick out a couple things and get to work. Something flutters as I'm chopping ingredients, drawing my attention.

I glance up, doing a double take as I notice a feather coming through an open window, making its way directly to me. There was a plastic bag hanging from it, making my brows furrow as it stopped right in front of me. I pluck the bag from it, peeking inside- I giggle, realizing that he sent his feather on a coffee run for me. The thought was amusing to say the least, but I gently stroke the feather to show my appreciation. It hums in delight before fluttering over, caressing under my chin before darting back out the window. I get back to work, enjoying my coffee when I get the chance. It was quiet here- peaceful. I never hung out near his apartment, so I hadn't connected with anyone except Hawks himself. It was a nice change of pace, like a vacation, especially since he was pretty high up from ground level. I pause, wondering for a second if Dabi was worried about me- I dismiss the thought, knowing he probably couldn't care less. The possibility that he might have told me to jump, sacrificing our secrets with me, still hung heavily in my mind. I hadn't seen him and as far as I knew he wasn't looking- then again, he probably wouldn't even know where to start.

I hum softly as I sauté the chicken in the sauce, watching patiently for it to reach the right consistency. I jump when arms slide around my waist, Hawks resting his chin on top of my head. Welcome home. "Hey, Baby Bird. What are you making?" He asks as I lean into his embrace, seeming pleasantly surprised. Orange chicken. Check on the rice? I spare a glance at the rice cooker and one of his feathers darts over, opening it. He glances over his shoulder as his feather darts to the cabinets, opening it up before placing a kiss on top of my head. "It looks great." He chimes, heading over to grab some plates and bowls. I hum, turning off the heat and setting the chopsticks to the side. I hop on the counter across from the stove and he glances at me, a grin spreading across his lips. He sets the plates down, walking over and settling between my legs, setting his hands on either side of me. He chuckles, leaning down and capturing my lips in a tender kiss. Go eat, silly. "Itadakimasu." He chimes mischievously, pulling me close and making me gasp as his tongue dives into my mouth- it doesn't take long for him to slide down, sending me flying.

I curl up on the couch, my head on his lap as his fingers run through my hair. Days had turned into weeks now, but it was still the most peaceful I had been in years. Hawks made me feel loved and appreciated the entire time, spoiling me and keeping me satisfied. Our bond was stronger than ever, the connection allowing me to constantly feel his state without bounds. I could tell he was always thinking about me, craving me, wanting me. We had grown closer, too- with late night talks and flights, we had spent a lot of time together, even when we were tangled together, learning each other's bodies. I had grown even more attached, as reluctant as I was- it was hard to deny the temptation, even when Dabi had my heart on lockdown. Hawks made it hard to resist- no, he practically made it impossible. He tempted me in the sweetest ways, with a glance, a grin, a word. "Hey, Baby Bird?" Hawks asks and I hum, watching the TV. "Can I ask you something?" He asks softly and I turn, looking up at him. He chuckles, leaning down and placing a lingering kiss on my lips. What is it? I ask and he hums, staring in my eyes for a second before sighing.

"I've been given another case- not that I gave yours up. Being a pro hero, I can handle more than one case, you know?" He says and I nod, turning to face him. "This case has been tickling my brain." He admits, leaning against the couch and draping his arm over the back. Oh? "Well, I've been thinking it's one of those cases where I know you probably would've snatched it." He sighs, stroking his chin and staring quietly at the TV. "It's messed up. It's a case of a divorced couple and their kids, they both remarried and mom got custody. Dad and stepmother want nothing to do with the kids, but mom… it's bad. I don't really know how far it goes." He admits quietly and I hum, stroking my fingers through his feathers. "I can't seem to get anything out of them and I haven't gotten the chance to observe them yet, but I feel like I don't have enough time to go the right way." He admits quietly and I pause, debating it in my mind for a second. What if I come with you? He seems startled, glancing down at me as he looks uncertain. No weapons. I like to scope out the situation, first- just bring them in for more questioning. I'll get your answers.

"Please, take a seat." Hawks says softly, letting the little girl step in the room first, watching her patiently as she climbs onto the chair. The little girl spares a glance over to me, seeming anxious as I lean against the wall. I offer her a sweet smile, trying to help her relax as she turns her attention back to Hawks. "Who's that?" She asks, seeming anxious as Hawks shuts the door, walking over and taking a seat across from the girl. "She's a friend of mine. I promise she won't hurt you, she's just trying to help." Hawks says, setting his paperwork down and offering her a sweet smile. He had pulled a lot of strings to bring me in here, especially on the down low. After all, if anyone knew my quirk or identity, it would threaten my entire lifestyle. It seemed like Hawks had connections in high places- good and bad. Being #2 hero came with its perks, I guess- even a blind eye and trust. Hawks waves me over and I walk over, taking a seat next to him. I slide my fingers into his, meeting the girl's gaze, feeling the connection snap into place. She shifts, glancing between me and Hawks as her thoughts flood my mind. Where's Mommy? Will she be mad at me?

"Is everything alright?" Hawks asks softly and the girl nods, looking at him. "Are you comfortable?" He asks again and she nods, so he relaxes a bit, leaning back in his chair. "Alright. Just like last time, okay? I have some questions to ask you and I'd like you to draw me a picture." Hawks says, one of his feathers fluttering over and pushing a paper and crayons towards her. "Okay." She says, plucking a crayon out of the bunch and beginning to scribble. "How are things at home?" Hawks asks, watching as the girl draws, though I wait quietly. "It's good." She chimes, occupied with her drawing as I delve into her mind. She seems none the wiser as my eyes flutter shut, focusing on sifting through her mind. Just like mommy taught me- say everything's fine, draw a pretty picture with the sun and flowers. Make sure to draw mommy and daddy smiling, too. I control my expression, making sure not to frown in case she notices my reaction as I dig deeper. I could feel it- her leg hurt, but she didn't say anything about it. I brought that feeling forward and she flinched, grimacing a bit. "Did something happen?" Hawks asks softly and the girl shakes her head-

It was too late. The memories come, her mom and dad screaming at each other at the top of their lungs- she just wanted water, she was so thirsty, her mouth parched as she tried sneaking into the kitchen. She knew she shouldn't, that they didn't like it when she left her room, but she was so thirsty. Her dad spotted her, grabbing her arm roughly and making her shriek. I shudder as the memories come with the pain, biting my tongue as I squeeze Hawks hand. This poor girl- her mother did nothing to defend her, instead shifting the blame on the little thing, assaulting her mentally and verbally, slapping her around and refusing to fulfill her basic needs. Hawks strokes his thumb over my finger, glancing over at me as I open my eyes. Ask if she'd like some water then leave. Give me some time. "Would you like some water?" Hawks asks, the girl perking up and glancing at him. "Yes please!" She says, seeming delighted as he nods, stepping out of the room. I wait for him to leave before I turn back to the girl, offering her a smile. She seems curious, staring at me as I stand, calmly walking over and moving my chair closer to her.

I sit beside her, offering her my hand- she glances at it, seeming confused as I wait patiently. She grabs a crayon, dropping it in my hand, earning a soft giggle from me. I take a piece of paper, beginning to write. Hello, what's your name? "I'm Sakura." She says and I nod, writing down my next question. It's nice to meet you, Sakura. I show her the note and she seems curious, glancing up at me. I pull the paper back, beginning to write more. Do you have any questions for me? I ask and she hums, kicking her feet a bit. "Who are you? You weren't here last time." She chimes and I nod, pulling the paper back. I'm not one of these guys. I'm a friend of Hawks. Don't tell him I told you, but he thinks we'd be great friends, too. He wants me to help you. I show her the note and she takes her time reading it, glancing up at me. "Is that true? You're not one of them?" She asks and I nod, offering her a smile. Hawks snuck me in here. Don't tell anyone, okay? We'll get in trouble if anyone finds out. I hate getting in trouble. She giggles, nodding her head, a smile tugging her at her lips. "Okay! It'll be our secret, then." She chimes and I smile, nodding my head enthusiastically.

"Um, is it okay if I ask you more questions?" She asks and I nod, making a show of setting the crayon down and giving her my full attention. "Why don't you talk?" She asks and I point to my throat, shaking my head. "You can't talk?" She asks and I nod, seeming to make her curious. "Why not?" She asks and I hesitate for a second before putting a finger over my lips, as if to keep a secret. Once she nods I lift the hem of my shirt, showing her the scar on my back. She gasps, her face falling once she catches sight of it. "Ow! Are you okay?" She asks and I drop my shirt down, nodding my head. She hesitates, her lips in a tight frown as she glances at me. "Did it hurt?" She asks and I nod, dropping my gaze down. "Oh… I'm sorry." She mumbles and I shake my head, slowly reaching over. She cringes, squeezing her eyes shut- I wait for her to open her eyes, peeking out at me before I gently stroke her hair, giving her a smile. She seems to relax, her cheeks turning pink as she stares at me curiously. "Um… what happened?" She asks softly and I hesitate before I sigh, picking the crayon back up. Something bad happened when I was your age.

She seems curious, glancing up at me as I continue writing. Someone hurt me. I leave it at that and she hesitates, pursing her lips. She glances at the door before turning to me, waving me over. I lean over and she cups her hands over my ear, leaning in. "Sometimes, daddy hurts me too." She whispers and I slowly pull back, taking the crayon. Why don't you tell Hawks? I ask and she hesitates, picking the crayon up and starting to draw. "I can't. Mommy said not to." She mumbles, seeming hesitant as I reach over, gently covering her hand with mine. She looks up at me, seeming reluctant as I offer her a smile. Did mommy tell you what to say? She quietly nods and I frown, shaking my head. That's bad. "It is?" She says, glancing up at me as I nod. You should always tell the truth, especially to good guys like Hawks. They'll help you so you don't get hurt like me. She hesitates, glancing up at me with Bambi eyes. "Really?" She asks and I nod, taking a moment before continuing to write. I know someone like you. Their daddy hurt them a lot when they were your age, too. She looks at the note, quietly watching as I continue writing.

Their daddy wasn't happy, so he hurt them a lot. Their mommy couldn't do anything cause their dad would hurt their mom too. They weren't allowed to go outside, either. "Really?" She asks, seeming astonished as I nod, glancing at her as she hesitates. "Does that happen to a lot of people?" She asks softly, seeming reluctant but I quickly shake my head, offering her a smile. My mommy was really good. She was always their for me, she took real good care of me, even though I didn't have a daddy. She seems curious, but she doesn't say anything, just watching quietly. My daddy died before I was born, so I never met him. Mommy told me he was the sweetest guy, though. "What about your mommy now?" She asks and I hesitate, offering her a sad smile. I lost her when I was your age, when I get hurt. "Oh… I'm sorry." She mumbles, sounding sad as she drops her gaze down. I cover her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She glances up at me, hesitating for a second before mustering her courage. "Don't you get lonely?" She asks and I giggle, fiddling with my crayon as I debate how to answer. I take a second before I turn back to the paper, starting to write.

I used to get lonely a lot, but then I met Hawks. I glanced at her, seeing she seemed curious. I smile, continuing to write. He's really nice and sweet. He helps me a lot and makes sure I'm always healthy and happy, he never hurts me and never makes me lie, either. She hums, seeming to debate it over as I continue writing. Whenever I'm really sad or I remember painful things, he holds me really tight and makes me feel better. "How?" She asks, glancing up at me as I smile at her. I set the crayon down, scooting my chair back before waving her over. She seems surprised, hesitating for a second before sliding off her chair and walking over. I gently pick her up, setting her in my lap, curling my arms around her. I hold her close, gently rocking her side to side, humming softly as I stroke my fingers through her hair. It takes a second, but she slowly relaxed, curling her arms around me. "This is nice." She admits quietly, closing her eyes and clinging onto me as I smile. I nod, placing a gentle kiss on her head as she tucks her head into my chest. I lean over, writing one last thing on the paper. I bet Hawks can help you feel better, too. He's way better than me.

"I can't believe you actually managed to do it." Hawks mumbles, cradling the small girl in his arms, having put her fast to sleep. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, but we managed to get it all out of her. I gently stroke my fingers through her hair, staring quietly at her- she had been through so much. Hawks was staring at the paper absent-mindedly- he heard her responses from the feather that hung around my neck. The girl shifts, grunting softly before scrunching her nose up. Let's go lay her down and bring the mom in. Hawks nods, standing up, holding the girl as he steps out. I wait a while before he comes back with a woman, a bunch of his feathers missing. The woman was eye-banging him, a familiar sight as I leaned against the wall. "You sure know how to get a woman's ovaries working, Hawks." She purrs, dragging out Hawks name as he pulls out a chair for her. "Hai, hai." He says as she takes a seat, though he wastes no time standing by the glass, putting as much distance as he could between them. "Who's this?" The woman says, her voice turning spunky as she looks me up and down. I walk over, taking Hawks' seat.

We lock gazes and I offer her a confident smile, twining my fingers together. "She's my partner." Hawks says simply, seeming amused as the woman scowls, giving me a glare. "I didn't hear anything about you having a partner." She mutters and I snort, staring her right in the eyes. She finally meets my gaze and the connection clicks, giving me full access- the first thing I do is place a thick fog in her mind, making her incoherent and making her open to questioning and diving. "Uh… huh?" The woman says as she stares at me, seeming confused as I hold her right where I wanted her, diving into her mind. I choke up, my nose scrunching up as I recognize the gross, sticky feeling in her mind, the way her memories blanked in and out. She had an addiction of some sort, causing her to black out and leaving her in a bad state of mind. I groan, dragging on, searching as quickly as I could, not caring what I went through. My lips sour, my nose scrunching the deeper I get, seeing all the things this woman put her daughter through- I don't even want to know what she did during her black outs. Seems like this addiction started around the time her daughter was born.

I wince when my head starts hurting, a usual occurrence when I deep dive in a damaged mind like this one. I put my palm to my temple, dragging all the dirty things to the front of her mind as I yank out. What did you do to your daughter? "Huh?" The woman says, seeming confused and out of it as I start shaking, panting heavily. What did you do to your daughter? The thought was a demand now, piercing through her mind to her very core. "What about that brat?" She snaps through her bleary state, her face twisting in disgust. "She's the worst thing that could ever happen to me! I had it all before I gave birth to that disgusting thing, she came and ruined it all! You know how badly I wanted to abort her? Only for that dick to give me some sob story and force me to keep her." She spits, growling under her breath as I feel sick to my stomach. Is that why you let your husband hit her? "So what if he hits her? That brat deserves it! She doesn't know all that I gave up for her!" The woman snaps and I heave, feeling rage burst through my veins. What if she died? "Good riddance! That bitch deserves to die!" The woman says, but something inside me snaps, my vision turning red.

When I come too I'm far away, heaving for air and flying high in the sky. "You back?" Hawks asks, seeming winded as I groan, putting my palm to my pounding temple. What happened? "You leaped across the table. It took me a second to pull you off." Hawks says, seeming amused as I blow out a breath, squeezing my eyes shut. How bad was it? "She's probably gonna have a black eye and some sore spots for a while." He says before he starts floating down, though I shake my head. What happened after the fight? "I put her under arrest. I may or may not have told them that she was under the influence and picked a fight with you. After all, it did get pretty heated back there." He says and I frown, relieved and appalled that he'd do that for me. What about Sakura? "She's fine. One of the best social workers will be taking her in under emergency housing. I trust them." He says and I fall quiet as we land on his balcony, though he stays behind me. "You really know how to fight." He mumbles, setting his head in the crevice of my neck as I glance at him. I suck in a sharp breath, seeing a subtle grin on his face as I get a close look at the number I did on him.

He had a split lip, a nicked eyebrow and a few nasty scratches from what I could see. "Did I mention it was hot? I mean, I was halfly debating on just letting you go at it before I remembered that you could actually kill her." He teases, making my cheeks burn as I gawk at him. "What? I mean, I had to let you get a few licks in. That woman was a monster." He says, making me burst out in laughter as I shove him away. You are such an idiot. I walk away, amused as he chuckles, following hot on my tail. "By the way, how did you manage to dodge me like that? I couldn't even touch you, you were dipping around my feathers like you were dancing. It was sexy as fuck up until you kicked me in the crotch." He teases and I flip to look at him, my face dropping. You're kidding. "Nope. I had to pin you in the corner with my entire wingspan before I could catch you." He says, his lip twitching before I drop down to my knees, flicking his pants open without a second thought. I am so, so sorry. I gently cup his cock, placing soft kisses along it as he hums. "That's one way to apologize." He murmurs, reaching down and pulling the hair from my face, his gaze burning with desire.

I gag softly, slurping on his cock as I bob my head along his length. "Fuck." Hawks whispers, his voice sounding breathy as a delighted sigh slips from his lips, his head falling back. I hum, sliding down and lodging his cock in my throat, earning a throaty groan from him. "Just like that, baby bird." He gasps as I roll my tongue along his length, sucking and milking his cock gently with my mouth. I giggle, earning a husky growl from him as he drops his head down, biting his lip. "What are you giggling about, huh?" He asks, raising his brow at me as he gently tugs my hair. I pull off his cock with a pop, looking up at him and licking my lips. Nothing. "Nothing. Right." He mumbles before he swoops down, making me gasp as he walks over to the wall, pinning me against it. "Because you totally aren't louder than me when you're riding my cock." He teases, making me fall silent as my cheeks burn. "Well, I got news for you, Baby Bird." He chuckles, bringing his lips down to my ear. "You're always the one on top- not this time." He purrs, making me burn up all over when I realize he was right- not once had Hawks taken over and been on top of me.

Fuck, he was reaching so deep. I moan, my head leaning against the wall as he sucked my nipple, his tongue rolling over the stiff bud. "That's it, Baby Bird." He groans softly, his thumb circling my clit in lazy circles, making me tremble. He was stroking so slow, so deep, but fuck it drove me crazy. Hawks. I whimper, curling my arms around his neck as he chuckles, bringing his lips to mine. "What is it, baby?" He teases me as I look in his eyes, seeing the mischief held within. "You like it?" He muses, his free hand sliding down to my ass and grabbing a handful. I shiver as he pulls me to rock into his thrusts, my pussy clenching on his cock. "Are you getting close?" He asks as I bite my bottom lip, my eyes fluttering shut. He chuckles, grabbing my other leg and pulling it up. I whine as he pulls me away from the wall, taking me over to the dining room table. "Don't worry, you'll get your orgasm." He teases as he lays me down, my lips forming a pout as he hooks his arms under my legs. "I'll make sure of it." He chimes, one of his arms curling around, finding my clit as he leans down, sliding his other arm under me. He bites the swell of my breast, making me gasp.

Oh, fuck. A symphony of moans flow as he pounds into me, my head spinning from bliss. It's amazing how the pace changed with a simple motion, his thumb flicking my clit and keeping me on my toes. His arm hooked around my waist, holding my writhing body still as his tongue lapped at his teeth marks. Hawks! I shudder, tears in my eyes as he rumbles, his entire body humming with desire. He was watching me the entire time as I heaved for air, unable to keep up. His feathers swirl around us as if they were alive, shrouding me in their crimson waves, a few caressing the most sensitive parts of my body in enticing strokes. It wasn't fair, he was stimulating me from every angle, keeping me on cloud nine. I whine, arching my back as his teeth bury into me again, making me cry out in arousal. He hums in delight, giving me an eager thrust that had me flying all over again. Fuck! I shudder, clawing at his back, my tongue feeling thick as I squeeze my eyes shut- his breathing picks up, his tongue hot on my skin as his thrusts get sloppy. With a grunt he slams in, making me cry out as his wings spread, a delighted sigh slipping from him as he pumps into me.

Hawks gently stroked my back, our legs tangled together with my face buried in his chest, taking deep breaths. It was relaxing, my skin tingling wherever he touched, leaving a pleasant warmth behind. "Hey, Baby Bird?" He asks softly and I hum, not budging from the comfort of his arms. "Are you ever going to tell me your real name?" He asks and I pause, not even breathing. "I won't tell anyone. I mean, if I really wanted to, I could probably look up the fire and find out, but I want you to tell me." He admits quietly and I hum, debating it in my mind. Even if he looked up the fire, there would be plenty of casualties to pick from, all of them bearing young missing girls. Endeavor hadn't exactly been the best in his youth, leaving plenty to rescue crews in his efforts to fight evil. He may be the number 1 hero now, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was only because no one was as strong as he was. "Does he know?" He asks and I hesitate before I nod, tucking my head into his neck at the thought of Dabi. I hadn't seen him in forever, I was by Hawk's side the entire time, his feather constantly around my neck. The thought made my chest ache, wondering if he was searching for me.

Hawks was quiet, seeming to drink this in as I curled my arm around him. "I'll wait, you know." He mumbles, giving me a gentle squeeze as he tucks his nose into my hair. "I'll wait as long as it takes for you to love me, too." He whispers softly, making my heart flutter as I feel a frog in my throat. How much easier would it be for me to just give in and love Hawks? He would love me. I knew he would, I would never doubt him. He already did- he loved me and accepted me for who I was, regardless of my past. It would be so much easier to give in, to let go of Dabi and move on to Hawks- I wouldn't admit it, but he already had a piece of my heart. It was difficult though, I had always been too stubborn for my own good. A part of me constantly craved Dabi, as if he was an addiction, wanting that peace he gave me with his presence, the sanity and comfort he gave me. He was the one to save me, to give me purpose- I would never forget that. Hawks sighs, running his fingers through my hair. "I've got another mission I need your help with." He says and I hum, pushing the thoughts away. "It might be difficult, but I can't do it without you." He admits, shifting lightly.

"I'm sure you've heard of the villain liberation squad." Hawks starts, making me tense as my eyes snap open, wondering if it was gonna be a repeat. My breathing picks up, a sense of anxiety and suffocation setting in as I think about Hawks and Dabi meeting, how they would react. What if Hawks realized? What if Dabi killed him? What if he wanted me to join, too? I couldn't. I just couldn't- "There's a guy in the squad called twice. His name is Jin Bubaigawara, he's a man with a quirk allowing him to clone himself, but in reality, he's mentally unstable and has multiple personality disorder, causing him to act out as a villain." Hawks continues, gently stroking me and soothing my anxiety. "I need your help to fix him, to make things right. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you use your quirk to help him?" He asks softly and I hesitate, slowly letting out a sigh. When I dive into broken minds, it affects me, just like you saw earlier. If I dive into his mind, I might end up acting out or getting hurt. It was a small admission, but Hawks sags, seeming disappointed. "Okay." He mumbles, making me hesitate as I pull back, looking him in the eyes.

I can try, but not now. I need to prepare myself for his mental fracture- until then, let's help Sakura. I offer him a smile and he relaxes, seeming relieved. "Thanks." He whispers, leaning down and giving me a sweet, gentle kiss. My heart flutters as I return the kiss, enjoying the soft warmth of his lips. He hums, his lip twitching as he kisses me deeper, making me feel flustered. Hawks… I warn and he chuckles, slowly climbing over me and offering me a mischievous grin. "Yes?" He says as I give him a stern look, raising an eyebrow. "If you don't think you can stand another round, then you better get on top." He teases and I groan, covering my face- but I can't help but feel a little giddy, my entire body burning up at the thought. I huff before I push him onto his back, earning a chuckle from him as he relaxes, watching as I climb on top of him. I spare him a half hearted glare, even though he couldn't seem to care any less as I mount him, straddling his waist. "It's so hot when you're on top of me." He chimes and I scoff, brushing the hair off my shoulders before I lean back, putting my hands behind me on his knees and sliding him in.

Hawks went to the trial alone- I waited outside, my shoulders hunched as I glanced around, waiting for the father to arrive. He had been summoned to court, so I knew he would be here soon. I spot him walking along the sidewalk, brooding to himself with a nasty scowl on his lips. I walked past, bumping shoulders with him- "Watch it!" He snapped, shoving me away, but it was too late. I'm gonna kill that brat if it's the last thing I do. I watch as he walks away, quiet as he jogs up the steps, thinking of strangling the girl. Once he's in I walk away, my grip tight on my suitcase as I walk to the nearest building with a view, a parking garage next to the courthouse. I walked up the stairs, blowing out a breath as I grimaced. Usually I would be doing this from my building, but I couldn't afford to go there right now. I find the emptiest lot before I make my way over to the viewpoint, glancing down. I could see into the courtroom, spotting Hawks holding the girl in his arms, encouraging her. A small smile tugs on my lips before I remember why I was here, my face falling as I drop my case. I pull my hair into a ponytail before I pull my hood up, kneeling down.

I watch through my scope, keeping it constantly aimed at the father, knowing it was a matter of time before the verdict was given. A dark cloud hung over me as his face grew more and more frustrated, especially when Sakura was on the stand. She looked so frightened under his glare, constantly glancing at Hawks for reassurance. Hawks offered her comforting smiles, having given her one of his feathers to hold for confidence. Her poor fingers were trembling the entire time she gripped onto it. I felt tense, knowing he was getting closer to his breaking point, the anger suffocating me. He was close, I knew it. He suddenly slammed his hands down on the table, yelling angrily as I sent a thought to Hawks. Cover Sakura's eyes. Hawks feather flew out, blinding Sakura as her father leaped over the desk, Hawks jumping into action- My bullet reacted faster than he ever could. The room was deadly quiet, Hawks watching, his eyes wide as the father fell with a thump, dead in less than a second. I pulled away from the scope, meeting Hawks' gaze as he snapped to look over. I turn away, dismantling my scope and starting to pack it up.

"What the hell was that?" Hawks snaps as he appears behind me, seeming frustrated as I shut the case, snapping it closed. What did it look like? "I had it handled!" Hawks says, sounding frustrated as I turn to look him in the eyes. He was going to kill her, Hawks. His face sours, looking even more frustrated as he shakes his head. "I wouldn't let him." He spits though I turn to face him, staring him dead on. No, Hawks. You couldn't stop him- it might've been today, it might've been tomorrow, it could be years for now. I slowly walk over, putting a hand to his chest as he grimaces, still not seeming happy- but I show him what I mean. I close my eyes, the memories fluttering from my mind to his- It wasn't the first time he killed a little girl. If I had known before, I would've killed him before he even got to the courtroom. He got off on making girls feel weak and pathetic until he pushed it too far, ending with them dead. Hawks is silent, his face falling as he presses his lips in a thin line. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tight as he buries his head into my neck- his entire body was trembling, his eyes filled with tears as he held me close.