Chapter 115: Loot the fossil pokemon!!!

Coming to Grampa Canyon many fossil enthusiasts have heard about the Excavation of ancient Pokémon fossils so they came here to dig.

"Ash let's take action too."

Brock looked at everyone's enthusiastic expressions and immediately suggested.

"Wait don't rush yet"

Ash stopped brock then he used his aura to spread out penetrating the underground Rock as much as possible.

Sure enough a few dozen meters below a rock a place similar to a cavity cave was discovered.

Inside there are more than a dozen aura that are different from any living organism he has experienced before.

One of them is particularly powerful!

It should be Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, kabutops and Aerodactyl living inside.

After finding the location ash immediately took his wives and brock there.

And then the gang release all the Pokémon to help and prepare to dig up the ground.

Of course sabrina used her psychic alongside ash to help him while brock being busy preparing food and water and providing logistical support.

With the efforts of everyone, they dug a hole several dozen meters deep and finally saw a trace of hollow cavity there.

so the gang collected all their Pokémon except Charizard and Pikachu into the pokeball.

Ash , sabrina, misty and Pikachu, three people and one mouse ride on Charizard's back.

while brock was being lifted in mid air by sabrina who felt him like it was second nature to lift brock using psychic.

Charizard then flapped his wings and flew finding the right direction and angle in the air and diving straight into the underground cave.


With a loud noise the thin rock wall was directly shattered by Charizard's Dragon Breath.

Then he roared through the cave entrance entered the underground cave, and landed inside.

Ash and his party got off Charizard's back and carefully looked at this dusty cave.

Brock was kissing the floor after sabrina put him on the ground.

The cave is large enough to accommodate Charizard flying around in it.

In addition the feeling is that it is dark and gloomy with a slight dampness.

The flames at Charizard's tail and some sunlight coming from the hole above barely made it possible to see the cave clearly.

As he walked deeper into the cave the light from the outside world disappeared.

Only Charizard's tail flame can provide some light but it can only illuminate the surrounding area for about 10 meters.

There was darkness further ahead.

Misty and sabrina couldn't help but move closer to Ash's position then ash took out his world class powerful torchlight pikalight he commanded pikachu to use flash.


(Ash did you see me as your partner or as a electricity appliance )

" sorry sorry pika don't get angry i will give you 5 ketchup bottles as compensation for your hard work" ash tried to9 bribe pikachu.


(10 bottles then its a deal)

Then pikachu used his flash move to illumunate the dark cave.

The field of vision suddenly became wider.

Of course whether there is a pikalight or not it has little effect on Ash and sabrina.

After entering the underground cave he used his aura to perceive everything around him which was clearer than what he could see visually.

sabrina did it with her psychic powers and misty can also vagulely use her psychic powers.

When they were almost reaching the end of the cave a few red lights lit up in the darkness in the distance.

Misty couldn't help but exert a little force on ash's arm and got little frightened.

Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops!

Four types of Pokémon that had been declared extinct in kanto pokedex appeared before them alive.

Although the number is not large there are only a few of each type.

But they is indeed alive!

At this time they seemed very irritable when their sleep was disturbed by outsiders and they wanted to attack these people.

At Ash's signal brock took out the delicious food that had been prepared in advance which was suitable for water and Rock Type Pokémon.

The aroma of food suddenly made these fossil Pokémon relax their vigilance.

They have been sleeping in the cave for countless years and have long forgotten what food tastes like.

Now they couldn't care less about outsiders and happily started to eat the Pokémon food handed over by brock and started to make happy sounds from time to time.

"Guys if there is anyone you like please catch it!"

"I plan to collect the rest and send them back to Professor Oak's Laboratory so that Professor Oak can prepare a suitable environment for them to live in the backyard of the Laboratory.

In this way while studying these fossil Pokémon.

Let's him research if it can allow these pokemon to breed within themselves and create a new batch of these fossil pokemon " Ash said to the gang.

"Ash do you want to Breed them? This is an extinct fossil Pokémon!"

Brock asked him with astonishment then looked at ash.

After that misty caught a kabuto and omanyte respectively.

Brock caught a kabutops and sabrina caught a omastar.

After capturing these two fossil Pokémon Misty's planned to sent them to professor oak laboratory.

The currently carried Pokémon are Seaking, staryu,Starmie, Horsea, Psyduck, pikachu, Magikarp, Omanyte, and Kabuto.

After thinking about it Misty teleported Seaking and staryu leaving the other Pokémon behind.

Ash nodded then took out the pokeballs and packed up the remaining ones and sent them all back to Professor Oak's Laboratory.

"let's go!"

The matter has ended "satisfactorily" and Misty wants to leave.

Somehow she always felt that the cave was eerie and scary.

"No there's another big guy here."

other fossil pokemon are just an appetizer for ash what he really wants to catch is yet to come.

"big guy?"

Misty tilted her head looking confused.

Then a domineering scream that seemed to come from the ancient wilderness resounded throughout the cave.

Misty was trembling with fright and her eyes looked deeper into the cave in confusion.


Pokemon in hands of gang:-

Ash: pikachu,dratini,dragonite,zapdos,jigglypuff,gyarados,gengar,primape and charizard.

misty:psyduck,pikachu,horsea,omanyte,kabuto and Magikarp.

sabrina: eeveeX2,hypno,omastar, dragonair and mr.mime.

brock:onix,graveller,zubat,cubone,kabutops and magnamite.

Tomorrow chapter i will announce the ash's final harem and no more harem poll will be conducted now i want you guys to tell me 6 pokemon's from kanto without mega evolution for my story

kanto pokemon which i choose to give mega are lapras,nidoking,Arcanine,Arbok,kabutops and dragonite now give another six kanto pokemon from kanto for mega evolution.