
[[Author's Note~ All the characters name are random, like extremely random, ones name can be a chinese names, Korean names, English names, random words or just a Greek name♥️ because I have no taste in names... and yes the names are thanks to Google, thank you very much Google!!]

Please don't imagine them as real life people, more like cartoon-ish or anime-ish cuz you see... their hair colour and eye colour is extraordinary... on top of that it's natural😭

If you see a character named 'Taoqi' just now it's 'Bibi' ,It was supposed to be her name but decided to change it

It is because of— WEE!![Webtoon!!] that I got the idea to write this.

Although the main character is actually Bibiran, I'll focus on Topaz, Alastor, Enzo and Vinter too as they are also somewhat the main characters too, but the others like the sides will also get time too. And I might add new main characters, like if they are the Quintet's partner or something, but the novel name 'Quintet' will not change (Too lazy to change)


the classroom was filled with silence, we don't include the sound the fan made as it spins, and a person trying not to laugh...

Five students present in the class.


A boy with short black hair sat in the middle, with a short black haired girl in his left, and another boy with light blue hair in his right, dyeing the black hair boy's hair while he was blindfolded.

"I'll really kill you rats if you dyed my hair pink."

The black haired boy- no the pink haired boy said, and of course his friends dyed his hair pink, and he knew it as they both stopped when he said that.


The girl laughed nervously, before answering she stared at the light blue haired boy asking for help— talking through their scared eyes...

"Alass...~ don't you think killing your friends also means you'll be lonely as fu-"

The pink haired boy who was black haired before took his blindfold off and grabbed the girl's neck, it was pretty normal for their friend group of five...


Enzo, a red haired boy came in between and stopped the other boy who is actually named Alastor and not black haired boy or pink haired boy, same goes for the other two! they're not black haired girl and light blue haired boy, they're Bibiran and Vinter.

"Alastor, you shouldn't choke your friend."

Enoz said while Bibi was beating Vinter in the background along with a girl named Topaz, the other friend in the group, and the shortest of them all as Alastor is the second tallest, Bibi being the third tallest, Vinter being the second tallest and Enzo, the father and the mother [parent] of the group, being the tallest.

"Tooopaz....~! why're you bullying me too~?"

Vinter said looking at Topaz with puppy eyes, he's obviously in love with her...


Topaz made a 'Geez...' face and looked outside from the open door,

"Hey, is that Lil Ji-"

Before Topaz could even finish her sentence Bibi was already gone and that left Vinter and Topaz in the background as Enzo scolded Alastor... guess where Topaz went.

You guessed it wrong! she went to Lil Jimmy, He's a parrot... a very cute, green and blue coloured parrot that is!

"Wassup Jimmy!"

Bibi picked the parrot up

"Wassup nig-"

[The parrot is the Racist!]

Topaz came out of the room with Vinter clingy to her,

"By the way, can I copy your homework Vinter? Ma'am gave us the same homework."

"Oh shit! I didn't know there was homework!"

Vinter exclamated.

Topaz was already dead, Vinter was begging Enzo to help him even if they are in different class, Enzo can still help him, and when Topaz realised that Enzo is in her class so she also started begging Enzo, and Enzo couldn't help but accept their begging and help them in their maths homework,

"Bibi, you can go to class, I'll send Vinter after sometime so if he's late just tell the teacher that he has motion sickness" Enzo told Bibi and she nodded.

"Yessirrr, but aye, if he's extremely late I don't know what to say so I'm actually saying that he didn't do his homework. anyways bye"

[[ Bibi and Vinter are in classmates, while Topaz, Alastor, and Enzo are classmates!!]]

" I'll help with the homework... you too Topaz, but let's go it fast, class will start soon for all of us, ah and Vinter, I already told Bibi to tell the teacher you have motion sickness as an excuse so if the teacher asks why you were late say you had motion sickness, don't add anything extra..."

Enzo warned Vinter.

" Enzo is an angel...! "

Topaz exclamated and so did Vinter, Vinter's and Topaz mood changed immediately, of course they went back to their usual personalities,

Alastor sleeping on the rooftop to bunk classes and who knows how he got up there, Enzo trying to teach Topaz and Vinter maths, except the fact that Vinter kept on simping for Topaz and flirting with her which was making Enoz lose his patiences and yes he pulled out a AK47 and aimed it at Vinter

"Keep quiet, I already said that the class will start soon, if don't want to lose your life listen nicely, when I'm teaching you, concentrate don't lose focus."

His face darkened as he stared at Vinter, and Topaz in the background wondering how Enzo became scary in a short period of time, as she munched on her sandwich with extra meat and cheese, which who knows how and where she got it from, it was just like 'boom' sandwich appeared.