
"I wonder what Topaz is doing..." Vinter thought while standing in his hands, outside the class as he was punished to stand in his hand by Enzo for not paying attention.


And look who we have here... it's Lil Jimmy with his high pitch voice and...with a cigarette in his mouth?

Vinter noticed the cigarette in Lil Jimmy's mouth,

"Haha, Alastor gave you that?"

Vinter asked with a confused smile because how can a parrot smoke...

somehow Lil Jimmy said 'Yep' and flew to Vinter sitting at his 'no-no' place and started poking it with the cigarette.

"H-hey! Lil Jimmyy-!!!"

meanwhile this was happening with Vinter, Alastor was still asleep on the rooftop, Enzo outside in the school ground looking around for something he lost, Topaz is in her art club's room painting, and Bibi being depressed while smoking because she said that she needs to find a way to get Topaz and Vinter together because Topaz keeps rejection him.

"Topaz and Vinter together equals to me happy and also equals to me being single...-"

Bibi choked from the smoke of the cigarette when she realised she'll be single.

"I have to find a boyfriend!"

She immediately got up throwing her cigarette in the ground, she started looking for Enzo and when she found him she ran to Enzo.


Bibi yelled, before she intensely started staring at him


Enzo didn't know what to do so he stared at Bibi.

"Enoz, I doubt that you have anyone in mind right now, and BE MY BOYFRIEND, I'M THE PRETTIEST AND THE PERFECT GIRL"

Bibi's face suddenly changed to that if handsome squidward as she said that sentence.

"Bibi, sorry but I'm not interested..."

Enzo said and before he could say anything further on Bibi was already gone, she did know Enzo was going to reject so she didn't care much, but anyways she took out her notepad that said—

'Handsome boys list'

1) Enzo—rejected!!


3)Doc Callx


5)History Sir. Atlas




Etc Etc

"Now that Enzo said no, it's time to ask doctor Callx... even if he's a phychopath he's still hot."

Bibi sighed as she made her way to the nurse office as she jumped inside through the window, she was like 'what?' when she saw doctor Callx holding a snake collecting venom for who knows why...

" That's hella creepy man."

" My my, what does this mannerless troublemaker want from me?

"Be my-"

"I have a girlfriend, she's better than you"

Bibi just stared at him like bro didn't even let her finish her sentence...

" Dude, you didn't ev-"


And Bibi left as she cut his name from her 'Handsome boys list'

"Sir Atlas has a wife and two children, let's skip him... but who the fuck did I get rejected by two guys in just 21 minutes? that's so unfair, is it my hair or something, I mean boys or men do perfer females with long hair."

Bibi just turned gloomy as she went to Topaz who is in the art club's room, and sat on the chair next to Topaz.

" Topaz..! my pride is sooo hurt, my beautiful self! I got rejected by two people, should I just rizz girls up instead??"

"GIRLS?! Oh please don't, you know it's a Sin."

Topaz sighed, she did take it quite seriously because Bibi is weird...

"I know, it was just a joke smartass..."

Bibi stood up straight as she looked at Topaz's drawing.

"Anyways, Topaz, why don't you accept Vinter's feelings, don't you feel sad rejecting such a cute and husband material boy?"

"Neh, I'm not interested, I wanna be the single rich auntie that rides a bike and goes to the children's park to play, and you smell like cigarettes, did you smoke again? "

" no-"


"The fuck...?"

Topaz smacked Bibi's head while feeling proud of what she did as Bibi is underage to smoke and well Bibi told Topaz that she will stop but didn't...

and yes both of them went for eachothers throat as they started a fight, not the one that will kill anyone but the one where you just fight with your friend as you guys share the same Braincell...




Bibi and Topaz stopped fighting as they stared at Alastor who was in Bibi's arm staring at Bibi and Topaz, they had a staring contest for a while.

What happened earlier is that Alastor woke up from his nap because he was skipping classes, roof broke, fell from the hole, Bibi was holding her arms up, Alastor landed in her arms, and that's what happened.

"Ew the fuck?"

Bibi threw Alastor on the table, Lil Jimmy flew inside the art room while all muddy to Bibi and pulled her hair strands for fun.

"You wanna die?"

Alastor glared at Bibi , but she was too busy trying to get Lil Jimmy stop pluging her hair.

Topaz stared at Alastor, suddenly her view was covered by a book and when she looked back she was jumpscared by Vinter who was smiling yet jealous.

"Topaz~ what were you looking att~??"

Topaz just stared at him like 'What's wrong with this dude?'

Topaz flipped him off and dashed away at full speed, but if course Vinter chased her and reached her speed at no time.