

Bibi was playing rank match, mobile legends, on her phone so she didn't notice Alastor who everyone from her group was staring at because his injuries were kinda worse today...

"Alastor, you look more awful than before"

Topaz said to Alastor who was half asleep with the kitten he saved yesterday

"Did you get in a fight again...?"

Enzo asked, he quite worried that the injuries were worse but also kinda reliefed that the injuries were treated by Doctor Callx.

Vinter was stared at the cat after he asked Alastor about it he won or lost.

"So you got in a fight for this kitten? it's very cute just like Topaz!"

Vinter looked at Topaz to see her reaction but his face went from excitement to 'Bro, you being for real now?' because Topaz was watching Bibi play Rank Match with guess who... it was with Lil Jimmy... and Lil Jimmy was winning against Bibi and Topaz was cheering for Lil Jimmy, but then! Bibi pulled the ultimate technique, it is called

'Free food if you stop playing for 20 seconds'

Lil Jimmy froze and Bibi won,

"Hah! See that Topaz? I wo-! DAMN THE FART!?"

Bibi notices Alastor staring at her, like bro didn't even see him or hear him.

"Oh shit, You got beat up? or you beat them up?"


"50/50? Like in Honkai Im-"


"I won but also got hurt so it's 50/50 dumass."

"Oh, oh yea! that's what I was saying"

Bibi said proudly as she flipped her hair but instead her fake upper teeth flew away! no it did not happen...

*Ringgg Ringggg*

The bell rang as Bibi gave Topaz a flying kiss as joke which she acted like she catched the kiss. but anyways, Topaz, Alastor and Enzo went back to their classrooms.




Bibi usually sits with Vinter so that they can discuss about how to let Topaz get feelings for Vinter.

"Oi, try telling this..."

Bibi whispered at Vinter's ear and he was like 'Yo legit!'

"I was thinking the same too man"

Meanwhile this was happing with Vinter and Bibi let's read what was happening with Alastor and Enzo.

"Alastor... wake up, Sir. Atlas is staring at you..."

Enzo covered his mouth and whispered to Alastor who was behind him sleeping while they were having a test...

" Well Well... Sir Alastor, show me your test paper because I think you are done and that's the reason you're sleeping"

The History teacher, Sir Atlas smiling, took Alastor's paper and when he looked at the paper it shined! Atlas suddenly bought a bed and let Alastor sleep. while the teacher was walking around the class he smelled something burning,

"I smell something burning..." he asked the class, "Sir... it's me... please don't mind me..."

Topaz said, as her head is burning and started smoking, and suddenly her head exploded!

The teacher was startled, but after seeing that the head exploding actually made Topaz, she became more smarter because her stupid braincells died and now her smart braincells have awakened!!

"...anyways, continue with your tests students..."

Since Enzo finished his test first he had nothing to do except lpooking outside the window when it started raining.

"Rain... I wonder how mother is doing... hope she doesn't get a cold by the rain..."

Enzo kept on thinking about that sentence repeatedly that by the time he snapped out it already the next class, and the same thing continued, the teacher came in, took class, in middle asked questions, continued talking class, and so on, and suddenly it was lunch time...

Topaz, Enzo and Alastor went to the cafeteria where Vinter was there except Bibi.

"Where's Bibi? She's always the first to be in the cafeteria with her lunch already prepared."

Enzo asked curiously as he sat down along with Alastor who was just looking at the kitten that he hid in his bag and Topaz who was re-thinking her life because she knows she will fail her test.

"Bibi said that she got a horrible stomachache, so she dashed to the bathroom, I think it was genuine that she was having a horrifying stomachache because she didn't too well"

Vinter said as he took sips of his milkshake.

"but hey pretty princess"

Vinter smiled at Topaz obviously his simping side came out

"Are you talking to me?"

"hehe, of course, are there any pretty princess around?"

Vinter smiled wider waiting for Topaz to go 'Kyaaa, that was so nice!!' but instead of that she was like 'Bro...' and pulled out her knife.

"Did Bibi tell you that?"

"Nuh huh pretty princess"

"obviously Bibi was the one who told you that, cuz there's no one in the world with the worst and trashy pickup line that doesn't even sound like a pickup line but random words"

Alastor replyed insuling Bibi's pickup line

"Damn bro... who hurt you today"

Bibi popped up from no where and was standing behind Alastor smiling while being extremely irritated, Alastor just sticked his tongue out—sliding off the bench and running away like a cartoon character

"Come back you rascal! respect your elders!"

"You're only older than me by 5 months"

Bibi started running after Alastor like the Ghibli characters, around the cafeteria, even Enzo didn't bother to stop them because the Cafeteria lady stormed in between them smacking both of them with the spoon in their ass.

"The hell-! Angry bird lady...! why did you hit me too! Alastor was the one who started it!"

Bibi started running away with Alastor as they were chased by the cafeteria lady

"You should be the one respecting your elders you brat! Calling me angry bird lady!! not your friends who are just months younger than you, and come back here both of you!"

The cafeteria lady chased them away from the cafeteria, and Enzo immediately rushed to the cafeteria lady and apologized for Bibi and Alastor's rude behaviour...