
Both Bibi and Alastor stared at the broken glass window and the football outside, let's see what happened five minutes ago...

"Yo catch"

Bibi said as she kicked the ball made of papers and taped together at Alastor, both of them were getting detention because of the incident that happened before, the cafeteria incident.

"Don't tell me what to do,I know" Alastor quickly kept his phone away and caught the ball and kicked it back to Bibi, they both did this simple passing of the ball, but of course they were both arrogant so they started kicking faster and in the end Alastor missed and it ended up hitting the window and breaking it.

The door slammed open, some members of the student council and the president came in as they were walking in the hallway before they heard something shatter.

"hm hmm, mind explaining what happened here?"

The school's student president has dark green hair and olive eye colour technically a brocolli in Bibi and Alastor's eyes, but anyways her name is Aulia.

Bibi and Alastor got lecture for 2 hours by both the student council and the teachers nagging them about needing to pay fine for the broken window, the teachers and the student council left, and Bibi and Alastor's detention became longer but they weren't patient at all, and Topaz being their other patner in crime she opened the locked door freeing Bibi and Alastor.

"Guys, come out quickly but quietly! I might get caught..!" Topaz whispered, their other friends Enzo and Vinter were distracting the teachers by coming even though Enzo thought it might be a bad idea Topaz said 'so you're not going to save your own friends? that's not good not good' as she did the 'tsk tsk' and that's how Enzo joined...

Just like the school days passed, and it was already Monday... and this weekend is the day that the chaotic group will out hang out.




"I made cookies, want to try?"

Enzo asked as he stood infront of them which was obviously his group.

[[Although Enzo might just have a simple and dull expression almost all the time he's quite handsome]]


"I'll have one."


Topaz, Alastor and Vinter said—Bibi made herself a way as she moved the others away

"It is I who will eat them all, move you little rascals, let the older one eat first"


Of course Enzo was the one who distributed the cookies knowing Bibi wasn't going to share it.

Bibi didn't feel angry or anything even with that because she was happy she had good friends and same goes for the other four.

Laughter of the five of them filled the empty classroom except for Enzo and Alastor who was happy but didn't laugh and just smiled, and the laughter was especially Bibi and Topaz's




"I'm... I'm drunk from cookies..."

Topaz said as he sat on her bench with her other foot at her benchmates lap.

"Riri... I want Ice creamm..."

Topaz said as she looked at her benchmate, her name is Rifah, but Riri is a nickname given to her by her classmate, Rifah has amber coloured eyes and she wears a hijab, she's Muslim by the way.

"Hmm, I don't know how you got drunk from cookies but I think you clinging to me and get me killed."

Rifah said smiling at Topaz, but also terrified because she could feel the glare of Vinter from outside the door.

"Nah... like I'm legit full from eating."


Vinter was cut off by the teacher walking behind him, wrapping his arm on Vinter's neck and staring at him like 'Bro, what are you doing here?' with his eyes wide open.

"Are you stalking my student?"

The teacher smiled wider and started laughing slowly in Vinter's ear.

Vinter immediately ran away "I was not SIR!"

"*sigh...* Kids..."

The teacher entered the classroom, "Students pay attention, I'll be doing attendance."

"Roll number one"

"Present..." Alastor said all sleepy.

The teacher continued calling out names...

meanwhile this was happing in Topaz, Alastor and Enzo's classroom, let's see what's happening in Bibi's and Vinter's classroom.

*Yaaa! Fight! fight!*

The student yelled, Vinter and another guy that was quite beat up stood in the middle in their fighting stance. Vinter was smiling but it's just that his smile hostile.

*Vinterrrr! Vinter! Vinter!*

The student cheered for Vinter as Bibi took the video from above, making a tower from tables and chair stacked together and 4 or 5 students making sure it doesn't fall.


a student yelled and immediately everyone went back to their own places.

"Good morning Students..."

The teacher stopped midway after seeing the tables and chairs stacked together and the boy quite beat up.

"what's this?"

everyone looked at the ceiling because if they look at Bibi or Vinter they are dead meat.

"Silas, come here"

The teacher called out the beat up boy, "Now tell me, who was involved in this fight and that thing" the teacher pointed at the tables and chairs stacked together.

"Well... everyone in the class was involved, Vinter was fighting too, Bibi was involved...that's it."

"I see, everyone go in the middle of the ground and start singing the school anthem, you too Silas, you were fighting too, victim or not, you'll have to go"

The teacher gestured them to leave and because the students knew that he's serious they went, except for Bibi, Vinter and some other students who went out from the window.

"*sigh...* brats, how I wish I was murderer so I could kill them..."

The students who were also about to jump stopped and immediately ran out from the door and now the classroom was empty.

"Oh right, what will I do now?All th students are gone"

The teacher thought before we sat down in his seat and stared at the students not singing but instead playing.



The teacher shouted and it echoed through the whole school building to the ground and the student immediately stood in a straight line and started singing.