
"Hey guys, should we beg the principal to let us be in the same class?"

Topaz said as she sat on top of a chair made by Vinter because there was no seat to sit on in the back of the school, of course all four of them except Vinter thought 'What a Simp' but Vinter was extremely happy.

"he'll say no."

Alastor took the opportunity and said what Bibi was about to say.

"Hey you stole my line!"

Bibi turned to Alastor who was now sipping on his apple juice while having a cat in his head.

"You piece of fart! I will-!"

"Nigga, Nigga~"

Lil Jimmy flew down from the tree onto Alastor's head and sat there comfortablely.


Bibi grabbed the parrot from Alastor's and started giving it kisses...?


Topaz said looking disgusted because she thought that the parrot might have eaten something from the sewer.

"Bro the hell..."

Vinter too stared at Bibi.

"Wow, so funny, are you bunking classes?."


Alastor paused after realising that no one from his group will ever say that, and soon everyone noticed..

"Hm? what happened?"


Bibi, Vinter and Topaz screamed, Alastor was staring at the School vice-president, and Enzo almost died due to heartattack.

All of them started running away, Alastor bring in the first, Bibi holding Topaz's wrist running in the second and Enzo and Vinter together in the third, Vinter's reason is because by chance if Topaz trips he will catch her in a heroic way while for Enzo it was because he didn't want his friends to be caught first.


Noah yelled while chasing after them.

"East! West!"

Noah said right before two more members of the student council appeared behind him and went to the directions he said.


Soon the student council were able to surround them.

"Caught you little BRATS! now... Rover, take them to the detention room and guard all the doors and windows, I'll bring the student-president soon."

"Hohooo, yessirr"

Another dude came who's name was Rover.

"Helloo ladies and gentlemen, Did you miss me?"

Rover said as held his bat in his shoulder and smiled and for some reason his teeth is extremely sharp.

The group knew running away was no use even if the school vice-president wasn't there because three members of the student council were there, and they were those three were the backbone of the student council, now, let me introduce you to them!

* *

First! Rover Katz, he is tan skinned and has sharp teeth as you already know, he has dark brown hair and dark green iris colour, he carries a bat with him because he is in charge of dealing with bullies and bringing the students to the school president's office or the detention room.

Second! Hana Akane, she is quite fair with dirty blonde hair and blue iris colour, she is also one of the member of student council, she is the one in charge of the school properties, what I mean is that she will go around the whole school, and if she sees a broken school property her hunt begins... oh and she is the one who went East when Noah directed.

Third..! Baek Hyeon, he has light pink hair with magenta iris colour, although he always keeps his eyes closed, but who knows why he closes his eyes, oh and he also wears glasses? who knows why- nevermind, he uses glasses when he is taking classes, anyways he and Rover has the same incharge, going around catching bullies.

He's the one who went West by the way.

— Bibiran

* *

"Come on, follow me."

Rover said as he swung his bat, keeping his smile.

Of course they followed him because detention is detention... Rover led the way but of course he still had his eyes on them, especially Alastor because he's the biggest troublemaker and the one who taught the bullies how to bully, Baek and Hana also had a close eye on him but also the rest.

when Rover was observing the other's aside Alastor he noticed Bibi

"Hey hey, aren't you that girl who punched me when you were in eight grade?"

When Rover said that sentence Bibi just smiled and gulped.

"Hahaa...? what do you mean? I don't punch people..."

Bibi said asking Topaz for help but Topaz avoided eye contact.

'...eugghhh...! Topaz that's so rude...'

Bibi told Topaz as they were communicating through their eyes before she turned to Enzo and he too looked away...


"Hah, deserved."

Alastor whispered to Bibi

Soon they reached the detention room and when they entered they were greeted by the student president... Aulia.

"good afternoon, come here and sit down."

Aulia said pointing at the five chairs in front of her.

"Rover, Baek and Hana, please go back and do your job."

The three of them nodded and left the room.


The door closed... and they lectured the whole school day, and when they were finally allowed to go they rushed outside, pulling Enzo because he's quite exhausted...




"Waaaaa!!! Brocolli is literally the rudest vegitable!"

Bibi said as she fake cried, Topaz nodded too as she grabbed on her Zankapu-to...

"Bibi, you shouldn't call the student president a brocolli. They have ears and eyes everywhere you know."

Enzo sighed, they all went to the children's park because it's the nearest and the best place to hang out or stay after school.

Bibi and Topaz sat on the swing trying to go higher and higher, Enzo sat at the slides stairs, Vinter and Alastor in the seesaw.

They talked about what they usually talk about like talking shit about the teachers they hate except for Enzo who didn't talk shit but just listened.