Chapter-- 16

Alastor was walking around when he saw Bibi sitting at the window stool looking very angry which wasn't normal for because she doesn't show negative emotions much.

Alastor called out to Bibi but she didn't hear, and because Alastor had an extra lolipop so he threw it towards Bibi, and when it hit Bibi's forehead, she got hit by the lolipop a little to hard that she fell back. She got back up only to see Alastor outside her window

"You rascal...! what are you doing here?"

"Walking around, couldn't you see? I was calling you multiple times, did you suddenly go deaf or something?"

Alastor shrugged, as he kept his hands in his pocket.

He asked Bibi if she wanted to go to the park because she was feeling annoyed which he didn't mention.

"Alright man, I'm coming."

Bibi said as she closed her window, and after sometime she opened the door. Alastor noticed a women inside which he had never seen which made Alastor curious more because of the fact that Bibi suddenly looked annoyed when she saw the women but still smiled at her.

Alastor extanded his hand, and Bibi gave him a ciggerate and a lighter because she knew that's what he was asking.

"Say, who's that women, I didn't see her the last time we came."

"She's an ugly bitch ass bastard that doesn't even deserve to be in my home or even live and breathe the same air as me"

Bibi said as she lit the cigarette and smocked, before she said that the women was her mother.

"Hah? She looks like she's in her twenties or just became thirty."

"Not my biological mother, my mother died when I was in second or third grade I think."

Alastor couldn't think of anything to say, so it was quite some awkward silence because they're mostly fighting with eachother and not keeping quiet.

"Don't get suprised..."

Alastor was curious on what Bibi was about to say because she said 'don't get suprised'

"What is it? is it that the women is actually you aunt and your father is-"

"She's my fourth stepmother."

"Sucks to be you"

Alastor than said and looked away, like what type of fucking father or man has four wifes but he couldn't care less. I mean, Alastor couldn't really relate because he doesn't have parents...

Soon both of them reached the park, and saw Topaz and her elder sister talking.

Bibi suddenly changed her mood and smiled, she was going to go to Topaz when she was stopped by Alastor grabbing her shirt, Alastor kept quiet before he opened his mouth to speak.

"I don't have any fucking idea why you told me this, but."



Alastor let go of Bibi's shirt as he walked towards Topaz, Bibi was just thinking why the hell he did that.

"Bro could've just called my name, why grab my shirt. Weirdo."

Bibi thought before she ran past Alastor and have a high five to Topaz.

"Wassup big sister."

"You're already comfortable with me? That's good to know."

Amelia smiled at Bibi.

"I'm here too."

Alastor said as he came from behind Bibi.

"Yo, Bibi-! you're here too."


"Looks like we distributed you two, we'll take our leave."

Alastor cut Bibi off and started walking away while dragging Bibi with him and those two left the park, leaving Topaz and her sister confused, but Topaz said it's normal so they continued discussing.

"Dude, you can't just drag me away."

Bibi said as she yanked Alastor's hand away, those two gets along but also doesn't get along.

"Hah? Can't you tell by the atmosphere? it's not for people like me and you to interfere the conversation."

Alastor scoffed as he put some money that Enzo gave him in the vending machine, two cans of soda came out as he took one and tossed the other one to Bibi.

"So I'm a burden? Is that what you're saying?"


Bibi was just staring at Alastor giving him a look that said 'How dare you'

"But ay, don't tell the rest about it, but it's not like I care anyways."

Bibi shrugged as he kneeled down and drank her soda.

"You're not even going to say thank you? That's fucking rude."

"Yea yea, Thank youuu"






"I don't want to be like mother... I don't want to stay home either."

Topaz told her sister, feeling gloomy.

"It's alright Topaz, I can understand being nagger, but Topaz, you gotta suck it up until the right time comes..."

Topaz nodded as her sister patted her back for some time.

"But ay, I saw how your friend looked at you, the boy with blue hair and looks like a fox."

Amelia teaser as she wrapped her arms around Topaz's neck giving her a chill...

"You mean Vinter?"

"Yes that one! You should really accept his feelings, he looks so in love with you, but I'm not forcing you."

"No. I mean I do feel bad but I'm not interested, dunno why he always bothering me."

"Than how about the the black hair one? Although he looks scary, he still is cute and handsome."

"Alastor? nah, neither of us are interested in romantic relationship with eachother it anyone else"

"But your friend that called me 'big sister' I think you called her Bibi, she looks close wlith Alastor, don't you think."

"I did notice that they're close but who knows, likely not because they're more of bestfriend's."

Topaz stayed quiet for sometime before she remembered something.

"Don't tell this to anyone, but it seems that Bibi actually met Alastor once when they were kids, but it seems Alastor doesn't remember."

"Damn. That's unfortunate, they could've been the 'Childhood friends to lovers' "

"You're reading too much Wattpad stories..."

Amelia sighed before she smiled.

"I feel like I'll get along with that girl, the Bibi one."

"Really? but don't"

"haha! I'm not going to steal her from your friend group, I was just saying that I'll ask her about advices, she looks like she knows."

"What advices? If it's in studies she can't help you."

"No no, it's dating experience."

Amelia winked, which made Topaz kind of disgusted.

"Damn, I don't know about that..."

Topaz shrugged as she got up and walked towards the swing, and started swinging while thinking of something.

"She has grown."

Amelia thought as she smiled, and she too joined Topaz by sitting in the swing next to her, and soon they started a competition on who can swing the highest, and Topaz was swinging so high she started flying to space...

and was never ever seen again!!! Which made her sister terrified and stop swinging, and soon she used her magical power to bring Topaz back down to earth!!