Chapter-- 17

"Oi, leave fast."

Bibi said as she stood infront of Areum who was in the living room, with wine bottles everywhere. Areum smirked as she said no.

"why are you here anyways, did the old man finally kick you out too?."

Bibi said she grabbed all the wine bottles keeping it in one place so that she could clean them up and use it or just store it.

"Yea yea... *hic* don't you wanna... wanna come back now...?"

Areum said as she looked around.

"...Yea and... I can't see the white shit anywhere...-! Ah!"

Areum shouted as Bibi grabbed her hair and shook her head very roughly, Jun came downstairs running as he pulled Bibi back.

"Ran...! stop it Ran...! If Lili or grandma comes and sees this, what will they think!"

"Than tell this women to get the Fuck out! I don't want to this Fucking Bitch in my home!"

Bibi said as she tried breaking free, but failed because Jun is just stronger than her.

Not saying Bibi's not strong but you know, the older and bigger ones are stronger.

Areum got up and took a few steps back before she ran out the house angry.

"...Ran, Ran, she left, calm down...!"

Jun said as he tried calming Bibi down, it was only after a long period of being alone that calmed Bibi down, but she decided to stay locked in her room, because she didn't want to distribute Jun and Lili more... right, Lili came back from school just few minutes after Bibi locked herself in her room, and as for the grandmother, she was still outside, in the marketplace, buying things for the house, and she had no idea about the incident that happened with Bibi and her stepmother...




"This ugly fuckface dared to-"

Bibi said as she stared at the ceiling, laying down in the bed.

"Sister! Sister!"

Lili knocked on Bibi's room as the door opened slightly.

"What is it Lili."

"Grandma came back with Effe!"

The name of her dog immediately lit her mood as she slammed the door open and ran down the stairs to reunite with her dog.


Bibi said happily as she sat on the floor hugging with Effe, even Effe was happy to meet his owner again.


Bibi laughed as the dog licked her face.

"Ran, dinner is already ready, have dinner I have to go."

The grandmother said as she smiled warmly as her heart melted by the twos reuniontion.

The grandmother needed to go because she had her house she needed to look after, She goes back home after preparing breakfast and comes back to prepare dinner for Bibi and goes back again. As for Jun, he comes whenever he's free or after his classes and helps Bibi in her homework and housework, Lili tags along with her brother sometimes.

"Alright grandma, goodnight."

The grandmother nodded as she left, Jun told Lili to go back with the grandmother.

"Ran, if anything happens to Effe, call me immediately since he just came back from the vet if it's serious you know what to do, but I'll be leaving too."

Jun gave a head pat to Bibi before he left too, closing the door behind him.

Bibi waited few minutes, before she started tearing up and hugged Effe closer, even a week without Effe to Bibi was like the death of Effe... Bibi loves Effe very dearly, she could never let him go...

"You're the only one that loves me for who I am."

Bibi said as she layed on the floor because Effe was laying too and fell asleep...




The next day at school, Topaz and Enzo was trying to comb Bibi's hair but instead of her hair becoming smooth, the comb broke in half...

"Damn bro... your hair might be short but it sure is hard to comb... your hair is like a nest and on top of that, your eyes are red... Did you cry or what?"

Topaz said, it wasn't a lie tho, her hair was a mess and she was crying because of Effe.

"You all know she's a crybaby, let the crybaby cry, who cares."

Alastor said as he shrugged.

"Hey! That's not true!"

"Yea really? than what about that time when your ice cream fell and you started tearing up"

"But that's because I didn't have ice cream for such a long time and it fell!"

"But you were saying 'wa wa wa'"

Alastor said as he mocked Bibi.

"Just keep it to yourself"

Bibi told Alastor as she crossed her arms.

Enzo and Topaz both gave up of trying to comb Bibi's hair.

"Oh Bibi, I just realised that you have white hair, can I pull it out?"

Vinter asked which startled Bibi

"I'm having white hair!? I'm not even that old!! Please take them out!"

"yea yea"

Vinter said as he walked towards Bibi only to realise it wasn't white hair, but white fur.

"Huh... it's not white hair, but fur."

He said as he pulled the fur out and gave it to Bibi for no reason...

"Ah! gimme it!"

Bibi said as she suddenly started smiling which creeped Topaz and Enzo out...

"you're crazy... but here you go"

"I'm not crazy or shit, but whatever."

soon the bell rang so they went back to their classes.

"Goodmorning students. I don't want to waste time so tell me who is absent."

The class teacher said as he waited for the students reply.

'Goku is absent!'

'And Candrella is absent to!'

"Only those two right?"

The students nodded at the teacher's question, and the worst fear of students...

"Take out a sheet of paper, we are having a suprise test."

The teacher said as he picked up his wooden sword that he probably made, he also painted it... he is another history teacher after all...

"Sir, I forgot to bring my bag!"

Vinter said as he hid his bag under his desk.

"*Aish...* Did you imaginary little brother eat that too? If he did, he must go to the hospital."

The teacher said in a sad tone, he was obviously mocking...

"Than come here, take this marker and stand infront of the board."

Vinter hesitated but did as the teacher said.

"Yes, now the questions.—

first, Where did Prophet Mohammad deliver his first sermon?

Second question, Who was the greatest God of the Roman people?

Third question, How many rooms are there in Zimri-Lim Mahal,

Fourth question, What is the scientific name of modern man

and the last question, Who was the author of On the Origin of Species? No options will be given, it's for children only."

The teacher could sense the heat coming from the students head, it was obvious they didn't study, he turned to the board to check on Vinter, and it appears he only answered the second question...

When he turned back, the students in the front were helping eachother and giving answers to, the teacher heard some talking so when he looked behind him, nothing... he than started walking forward, and behind his back the students in the back did the same, they started giving out answers.