Chapter-- 18

Enzo, Alastor, Bibi, and Topaz whispered with eachother as Vinter was copying notes from Enzo, as they got the same homework.

"...Bibi, you bring this and that."

"... Enzo, you know what to bring..."

"...Alastor, you bring this and that..."

Topaz whispered to them making sure Vinter doesn't hear, the three of them nodded as they went back to their usual selfs.

"I don't wanna take a class... I'll bunk it."

Topaz said as she rocked on her bench, scratching her head. Don't forget that she's a muslim, so she always wears her hijab in school!

"I'll come with you."

When Alastor said that he would go bunk classes with Topaz, Vinter immediately got up

"I'm bunki-!"

"No you're not Vinter, we have project to do"

Bibi said as she sighed, she would've bunked too if it weren't for the project carring 15 marks extra for the finals.

"What Bibi..."

Vinter said as he turned to Bibi, who was avoiding eye contact.

"Shush shush! We're not smart so atleast getting the pass mark is enough"

Bibi said proudly, but still avoided eye contact with Vinter.

"Enzo, what about you, will you join us?"

Alastor asked as she turned to Enzo.

"Me... I don't think I will, you two can go together."

Enzo sighed, as Topaz and Alastor ran away.

Bibi than turned to Vinter.

"Looks like your crush ran away."

Bibi said as she shook her head.

"Vinter, you'll come to practice right?"

Enzo asked Vinter if he would come to music practice.

"Oh right! you guys are going to do a concert, when was the school festival again?"

Bibi asked.

"It's in January 10th, so, are you coming Vinter?"

"Yea I'm coming to practice, I hope Topaz watches the concert."

"I'll make her watch it with me, it's better because she won't leave, AS, Alastor will be there too after the drama clubs show and because both me and Alastor would be there, she would feel like not going because it's always boring and lonely without having someone to talk to, especially when they share the same humor as you."

"Wooah Bibi... you already planned it... didn't know your brain could work like that!."

Vinter said..

"Uh huh, that's not all, as when the concert is over, I'll make you two meet, and than me, Alastor and Enzo will take our leave, leaving you two alone."


Enzo said as he sighed.

"You should really use your brain in studies and not this type of things..."

"oh come on, at least I'm using my brain"

Bibi smriked as she shrugged her shoulders, soon after that the bell rang so Enzo headed back to his class.




"Alastor, what role are you playing?"

Topaz asked they are on top of the school, the roof.

"The main villian."

"Damn, it suits you- but anyways who's the protagonist than?"

"It's that guy from next class, the one with dark blue hair and blue eye colour."

"Oh! you mean Kyong?"

"Yea whatever his name was, I don't like him, and why am I supposed to die in the ending when he gets the literal happy ending"

"I mean, you are playing as the villian are you not, not everyone gets a happy ending."

"I wonder if that's true."

Alastor said his mood kind of became more gloomy than he already was.


Topaz was confused so she tried to change the subject.

"S-say... you don't look normal, I mean you don't look well, you should really go to the therapist"

"I don't have the money."

"Hm... than say I'm the therapist! And you're the patient."

Topaz said as she picked up the cat next to Alastor.

Alastor thought for sometime before he started saying...

bla bla bla that and then later this bla bla bla

Topaz suddenly had popcorn in her hand as she ate it listening to Alastor.

"Damn, he needs a real real therapist for this"

she thought as she munched on the popcorn.




Later that day, it is now Gym class, everyone is wearing their gym clothes except for Topaz because she made up and excuse, saying that she's on her periods which the teacher's believed and told her to sit by the conner and watch the other students.

'Team one, the leader is Bibiran. Step forward!'

The gym teacher shouted as he whistled. Bibi stepped forward very confidently as the lower graders shouted her name as they watch, standing in the connors.

'Team two, the leader is Alastor. Step forward!'

The gym teacher shouted again, and Alastor stepped forward with his hands in his pocket which obviously meant he was confident that his team will win the match. He stood infront of Bibi, their glares at eachother could be heard blickering...

The lower graders shouted Alastor's name, some girls even shouted that she loves him, like who wouldn't, he one of the most handsome dude in the school.

"Hah, my team will win no matter what shortie."

Bibi said as she mocked him.

"Yea as if, it's my team that will win and you know that to. And Stop Calling Me A Shortie."

Alastor said annoyed.

"Yea! You should've drank more milk when you were a kid-!"

"Bibiran! Alastor! keep it down!"

The gym teacher sighed...

"Team one members! Enzo, Kyung, Dewi and Hwa, stand behind Bibiran!"

"Team two members! Vinter, Suyoung, Sorbet and Levian!"

"The game begins now!!"

The gym teacher whistled as the game began, Bibi and her team on the left and Alastor and his team on the right.

"Bibi and Alastor seems fired up."

A girl came and sat next to Topaz, they were quite familiar with each other as they often go to the liabery together.

"Oh! hello Ei, are you here to cheer for our brother?"

Topaz asked as she leaned back on the wall.

"Yeh, you can say that."

"suyoung is your older brother right?"

"Yea, but I'm kind of suprised you knew who my brother was, we look completely different from each other."

"Haha, it's because you two are close, and I knew that you weren't a couple cuz you already like someone."

Topaz said as she softly smacked Eilse's (Ei) back as she blushed and laughed.

"You're very lucky to have them as your friends"

Eilse said as she hugged her knee.

"Yea but they're very loud, I'm not saying I'm not loud either, but still you know"

Topaz smiled as she turned back and continued watching the match, somehow it was already 2–2.

The whole gym room was filled with shouting of the lower classes cheered for the two teams. Both Alastor and Bibiran are hot topics in the school, for have very good looks, more like being handsome, for their athletic talents and let us not forget, because of the trouble they make too. They are known as the best Duo, although Bibi or Alastor doesn't get along well they don't mind being called that because it's not that they care... as they have ways in communicating, Alastor will mostly keep quiet, or glare at the other's, while Bibiran will be the extroverted popular kid, rizzing up others.