Chapter-- 19

The bell rang, which means the gym class is over, and also the school But those who are taking club activities or have practices stays back for few more hours.

"It's a 44!"

A student shouted, and the the game was a draw.

Bibi is just laying on the ground as Enzo and Topaz is trying to wake her up, Alastor and Vinter are also taking rest, the other members too are taking a rest too and some went to the washroom.

The gym teacher called Vinter.

"I'm handing you the gym keys, lock it when you and your friends are going."

The gym teacher tossed the kye to Vinter and the gym teacher left.

"Augh!!! my legs aren't working...!!!"

Bibi said as she rolled in the ground, rolling towards Topaz.

"Topaz...!! carry me to the washroom..."

Bibi said as she clinged to Topaz's leg...

"Eugh... no no, I'm not that strong and you're heavy, let Enzo or someone carry you."

Bibi turned to Enzo with sparking eyes... Enzo just sighed and gave up. He piggybacked Bibi as they walked towards the other's

"Alastor, Vinter, me and Bibi will be going alright."

Enzo told Alastor and Vinter... Hyeon stared at them... not actually them but Enzo and Bibi before he left from the other side.

"Alright, what about Topaz? are you not going with her?"

Alastor asked Enzo, but Topaz replied instead.

"Well! I I'm taking art club, did you forget- eugh!"

Topaz said...

"Topaz... help me too please!! I don't think I'll be able to walk till the washroom, or even half way the corridor.!"

Vinter said as he begged Topaz to help him, Topaz just decided to help cuz he's her friend afterall, and when Topaz grabbed Vinter's arm, Bibi smiled before she fell asleep... Alastor was also staring, but stoped.

"Bye you guys. Good luck on playing the Villian Alastor."

Topaz said as she left with Vinter...

Enzo nodded as he too left.

Than Alastor got up and picked up his bottle.

"I'm going for practice."

Alastor told to Kyung as he nodded and got up to, but Kyung first met his sister and talked for a while.

Oh right, the key was handed to Kyung as he will be the last to leave.




"Hope you can walk to the toilet at least... I can't come in the girl's washroom hope you remember that."

"Alright... buy you'll have to carry me home."

Bibi said as she took the help of the wall and entered the washroom, Enzo sighed as he sat on the ground and leaned on the wall, before he saw Hyeon walking towards him.

Hyeon still had his eyes closed... and just started talking, which was not problem for any of them, and after some talking Hyeon asked Enzo what his relationship with Bibi was.

Is this what we think it is? {*wink wink*}

"Hm... you can say I'm the parent figure, as in the group I'm the parent..."

"I see."

Hyeon just smiled and stared at Enzo, he did feel quite the chill even if Hyeon had his eyes closed... Oh right, Hyeon is older than Enzo.

Enzo did kind of figure out that Hyeon had something for Bibi but couldn't be sure exactly... and he was more sure that he was right as Hyeon asked who the man was that came to pick Bibi up. Enzo knew that it was Jun because Bibi told them that it was him who came to pick her up

"From what I remember, it was her cousin brother."

Hyeon raised an eyebrow before he got up, thanked Enzo for the answers and left...

"Hope that Hyeon isn't like Vinter... Hyeon is a member of the student council after all..."

Enzo thought but snapped out of it as he heard Bibi calling him. Enoz sighed again as he walked towards her, piggybacked her again and left.




"You're God damn heavy!"

Topaz said as she put all her strength in moving... she wasn't even carrying Vinter, she was just helping him walk...

"Come on Topaz, I won't lie but you look very cute."

Vinter smiled as he said that... Topaz slowly turned to Vinter with a look that said 'ew...'

Topaz quickly let go of Vinter... Vinter did expect this to happen so he laughed and took the help of the wall and walked towards the washroom as it was near.

"I'm leaving, and you sound like a creep'

Topaz said as she dashed to the art club's room kind of weirded out...

"I'm here!"

Topaz said as she opened the door.

"Ahh! You're here Sis Topaz"

A junior that's maybe grade six(?) said as he kept his drawing book down, greeting Topaz.

"Hello Elijah, Ume, Alina and Charlotte!'

Topaz said as she waved at them, they were the other members of the art club.

"So, what're we gonna do today?"

Topaz asked Charlotte.

"How about we sketch something realistic."

Charlotte said as she sat in her seat.

"But what? something realistic as in people?"

Alina asked, and she turned to Topaz.

"Anything, anything's alright."

Topaz said as she took went to her seat.




"Thank you very much Enzo!"

Bibi said as she's grabbing Jun's shoulder, for support standing up.

"It's alright."

Enzo said as he bowed his head and left, he did kind of feel chills when he turned back... and it was Jun's glare towards Enzo...

"Effe is waiting for you Ran, shall we go inside?"

Jun said and Bibi nodded.

Effe barked and ran to Bib hugging her knee excited.

"Aww!! My pookie bear Effe!! Who's the good boy!? who's the good boy!?"

Bibi said as she hugged Effe.

Jun smiled, he didn't want to interrupt the moment so he went back to his room upstairs, where Lili was.

"I really missed you Effe!! Did you miss me to?!"

The dog barked, it was yes.

"Hehe! I knew it."

Bibi said as Effe licked her cheeks, NOT BUTTCHEEKS!! THE CHEEKS IN THE FACE!!

Effe has white fur and is very fluffy, he is the same height as Bibi's knee, maybe bigger, but let it be. The dog is very cheerful.

"I wish I could just stay home with you"

"Ran, go and take bath first, Effe just took bath, your sweat might affect him to."

The grandmother said as she held a spoon in her hands.


Bibi said as she gave Effe a smooch (kiss) in his head before she went upstairs and to her room, to take bath IN the bathroom.

Soon after, Bibi ran out her room going downstairs, her towel dropping on the ground, as she sat and cuddled with Effe.

"Ran, did you dry your hair properly?"

The grandmother asked and Bibi shouted by saying yes.

well, as for the towel, it's feeling very betrayed and heart broken!! As he was left on the ground all wet and now dirty!! But Jun came to the rescue!! The towel thought 'ah! my saviour~!!' as Jun picked it up and left it outside to dry.