Chapter 24

Days passed, and so did two weeks, and winter break had already started as the climate became colder and colder.

Everyone was inside their houses probably sleeping and not doing their winter assignment like us...




Bibi sat down next to Effe as he layed down next to Bibi, resting his head on her lap as Bibi watched T.V but nothing caught her interest...

She thought for sometime before she decided to call Vinter because she needed to ask him something.




Vinter was laying down in his bed, resting his eyes when suddenly he got a call from Bibi, and lo and behold, he saved her number as 'The problem'

*Good new Halloween.*

Bibi said from the other line...

"Yes, you're correct, so you have some business with me?"

*Yep, I was wondering, that shop that's next to your house, is it open or closed?*

"hmm... if you're talking about the person shop, it's closed."

*No no, not that one, that one where uh... uhhm... that one with purple heading...*

"...bro... it's a cafe, but no it's closed."

*ah damn...! alright alright, Thanks, and good luck on getting Topaz to be your girlfriend.*

"No problem, but thanks don't forget to do your winter assignment"

*yea yea whatever, bye than.*


Bibi cut the call, Vinter than kept his phone away as he turned to his window, before he fell asleep.

"It's so boring tight Effe?"

Bibi said as she patted Effe's head and Effe barked.

"aaw!! how are you so cute boy! who's the good boy?!"

Bibi laughed as she ruffled Effe's fur.

"Effe, I'm thinking of going to the lakeside, wanna come with me?"

Effe immediately got up, wagging his tail and barked and Bibi knew it was a yes.

"Hehe, you're the cutie that deserves the world."

Bibi smiled before she got up, she wore some warm clothes because it's cold and also have Effe a shirt to wear! and the two of them headed out, as Effe tied to a leash that's very soft and doesn't hurt the pet.

"h-hoo...! it's cold isn't it Effe?"

Bibi said as she smiled at Effe, who was very excited.

Bibi looked at the sign that said 'heim' and in German it means 'Home' on the house's wall, she noticed that it was quite dusty so she went back inside her house, grabbed a cloth and cleaned it and she kept the cloth back.

after walking for sometime, they reached the lakeside, the sun was already setting as they left home late.

"I don't wanna miss this moment..."

Bibi said as she took out her phone, walked a little closer to the edge and took a beautiful picture of the lake and the sunset, she thought that it was pethatic so she called Effe over and told him to sit, she took stop steps back and clicked a picture, now she was satisfied as she called Effe back.

"Effe! You're just the best are you not?!"

Bibi smiled at Effe and kissed his forehead before she put the leash back on Effe and walked back home...




"Haa... I managed to reach in time..."

Enzo said to himself as he left the hospital, before stopping...


"Please please, visiting time don't be over yet...!"

Enzo thought as he ran to the hospital at full speed, hoping to see his mother.

He reached the hospital, the nurses told him that visiting will be over in a very few minutes so he must hurry, as Enzo rushed to his mother's hospital room and entered after knocking.

"Good afternoon madam..."

Enzo smiled as he closed the door and sat next to her, in the chair next to the bed, Dahlia smiled softly looking at Enzo.

Enzo saw the apples that his mother was holding, he knew she was wanting to eat it so he asked for the apples and started cutting it, peeling the skin off so that it will be easier to chew.

"You're very kind Enzo, except the nurses, you're the only one who visits me everyday."

"Thank you madam... I'm very grateful..."

Enzo smiled as he placed the apples in a plate and Dahlia took it.


The door was opened by a nurse which cut Dahlia off.

"Sir Enzo, visiting time is over, please come this way."

The nurse said as Enzo bowed his head and left.


Enzo turned back and headed back home, he still could've get the feeling of sadness out of him whenever he visits his mother, who has lost all memory of him... but she was still his mother and Enzo knew it.











'...lastor... listen.... ....'

'...o! no... don't go! don't go mommy...!!'

'...listen... there... no such thing... God...'

' no no...! Mommy don't g-'


Alastor immediately opened his eyes, looking around his room before he covered his eyes breathing heavily and sweating...

"...haha... it was not true, right right... it's just a nightmare nothing else..."

Alastor said to himself as he got up from his bed, going to the washroom and washing his face before he left the bathroom... going outside his house and sitting in the stair case.

after sometime there were lots of animals from cats to dogs, the animals just loved Alastor and so did Alastor love animals.

Alastor picked up his kitten which was quite grown, slightly bigger now.

"You're so far and cubby, I wonder if you will float if I throw you in the river."

The kitten meowed before Alastor let go of the cat and lean backwards. It was already dark, the moon and the stars were in the sky.

"It's fucking cold"

Alastor said to himself as he left the animals in his house, he didn't adopt them but he just feeds and gives them attention.


Alastor paused as he noticed that his pet kitten was already asleep. He gave food to the animals before he went to his bedroom and layed down scrolling through this albums because he had nothing to do.

"Right, I need to sleep."

Alastor thought as he kept his phone away, and turned his stomach to the bed, but than changed it because he couldn't breathe and after some time before fell asleep.

Well, let us skip to... two more weeks later. It is snowing lightly but the weather is still cold, Bibi's grandmother and Jun has not returned yet, only after another week.

The park is empty as some part of the park is covered with snow, Alastor could be seen sitting in the bench, and he was smoking obviously, Bibi was also there, but she was sitting on top of a monkey bar as she took was smoking with Alastor.

Let's see what happened few minutes ago, in the park.

"Fuck it's cold..."

Bibi shiverd as she walked around only to find Alastor sitting all alone.