Chapter 25

"What's that emo dude doing there, does he want to be that mysterious emo one or what, fucking cringe."

Bibi thought as she walked towards Alastor, but from behind as she wanted to scare Alastor, but instead when she got close Alastor didn't know it was Bibi so he just flipped her... Bibi was re thinking her life, wondering what happened and no Alastor wasn't guilty of what he did...

"The fuck man... it hurt..."

Bibi said as she stood up, stretching her back, and with a tear (Like when we yawn there's a tear right, just like that one...!)

"What made you think you could scare me."

Alastor scoffed.

"You're so full of yourself, give me one too."

Bibi said as she extanded her hand to Alastor asking for one.

Alastor just stared at her, not giving her which made Bibi kind of embarrassed because that she held her hand and Alastor didn't give.

"You asshole."

Bibi said as she snatched the packet, getting one for herself and tossing it to Alastor. She did take the lighter tho, she climbed the monkey bar than light her cigarette.

Let's go back to present time...

"I wonder, are even a girl or what, so arrogant and annoying."

"Shut the fuck up, are you saying I'm supposed to be 'aw~!! I'm so pretty...~! I just hope I don't slip, fall and a guy catches mee~!! kyaa!' I'm not saying I'm not pretty but I ain't doing that, like dude who says 'Kya' shit anymore."

"Whoever said that you're pretty deserves to be in hell because they lied."

Alastor scoffed as he threw the cigarette away...

"At least hide that thing with sand, you know security roams and if they find it, they'll force us to pay fine, and neither of us have money."

"Yea? and? how will the security know it's us?"

"Right right... Yea who cares"

Bibi shrugged, as she sat upside down on the monkey bar, but got down as she walked towards the trashcan and threw hers.

"That parrot is your pet now right."

Bibi said as she came back and sat on the spring rider.

"Yea and why do you ask, it's Rubix by the way."

"I don't see him though, did you leave it back home?"

Bibi asked and Alastor answered by saying that Rubix and his pet kitten were together to he didn't bring them.

"I really wanna see hot men right now."

Bibi asked as she sighed... and badly no hot man passed by...

After sometime Bibi got up.

"I'm going to Topaz's house."

"Alright, hope you get hit by a car on the way"

Alastor said as Bibi walked away... and got irritated when she ignored so he flipped at her behind her back he went back to his home.




Bibi and Amelia was sitting, beside Topaz as she sat infront of the mirror...

"w-wow... You... you l-look sOoO pretiee... (pretty)"

Amelia said as she held back her laughter and so did Bibi...

Topaz stared at herself in the mirror... her hair was tied in three braids with two thin ropes not hair bands... a very small high pony tail on her left... her front hair clipped with a pink barbie clip, extremely red lipstick, horrible lines from the eyeliner, and with a very bright pink blush...

Topaz sighed... mumbling that violence in not the answer repeatedly... but she thought it was stupid so she pulled out two pistols, and pointed at Bibi and Amelia as they both stopped laughing...

"Y'all gonna regret it, God says revenge is bad but sorry God."

Topaz said as she started laughing instead, sounding like a total phychopath...


Topaz said as she pulled the trigger...!


'eugh... it's so hard to get it off...!'

Bibi said as she tried wiping something off her forehead... the place where Topaz shot... Amelia wasn't there as she had to go somewhere...


Topaz said proudly crossing her arms as she sat in her bed.

"Oh right, you're not wearing your Hijab"

Bibi said as she just realised...

"Bruh, did you just notice...? even after you were making my hair a mess?"

"Haha... I'm not good at pointing out things or anything alright..."

"Yea yea, and did you really think I'll wear my hijab everyday and every single time?"

Bibi nodded at Topaz and sbe sighed.

"Ha... you really are stupid... but I can take the Hijab off if I'm with girls or family members, not outside where there are males."

"...ohhh... I never mentioned it but, this is actually my first time seeing you within your Hijab."

Bibi smiled confused... why confused? I don't know either, she's just confused.

"Wait really? Oh right right."

Topaz shrugged it off.

"Haa! Alina... she's the current president of the art club and she said she'll make the art club's president because she said I'm more talented than her and better... I'm not saying I didn't want to be a president, I do but still."

Topaz said, flopping on her bed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Topaz, open the door"

Topaz's father asked, as Topaz went and opened the door for him.

"Hello uncle!"

Bibi said as she waved at Topaz's father.

"Haha, hello to you to."

Topaz's father, Ali, said as he smiled.

"So, your friend can eat here tonight, because like, you're (Bibi) home alone right."

Ali said as he turned to Topaz and Topaz turned to Bibi.

"I'm alright with it"

"Alright than, you two can stay here for some time, I'll call you when dinner or ready."

Ali said before he closed the door and left.

"I won't lie Topaz, you and your father look alike."

Bibi said as she layed on the floor.

"What to do, we're biological after all."

"Of course of course."

Bibi said as she took her phone out.

"Topaz, do you find this guy hot?"

She showed Topaz a picture of a guy.

"Don't know but, yea, who's he?"

"Don't know, I just found his picture in Pinterest."


Topaz sighed, she than walked to her bed and sat down.

"About the cup-size one..."


Bibi turned to Topaz...


"It was my sister who asked alright, I'm not interested in these type of things."

"Heh? your sister? Didn't know she was interested in those things."


Anyways... they were called to eat food, and after eating, they said their goodbyes and Bibi went back home.

She unlocked the door, and Effe came running to her.

"Aw! my little pookie bear...! you missed me right?!"

Bibi said as she went inside and closed the door behind her.

Effe barked, as jumped and ran around Bibi who was kneeling down.




"Your friend is really funny and weird."

Ali said as he laughed and washed the dishes, Topaz who was besides him, helping him laughed.

"I'm really glad that you have friends, friends that will be with you."

"Yea, they can be annoying-"

"Haha, saying as if you're not eh?"

Ali said as he splashed some tap water on Topaz playfully as Topaz did the same to him laughing.