Chapter 34

The feeling when you realise it's school day... Frustrating because you need to wake up early.

'first to reach, and is already sleeping.'

"like an ox."

Bibi said as she and Vinter stared at Topaz sleeping on the desk, like sleeping on the desk by joining two desks together.

"I wondered if her past life was an Ox."

Vinter asked to Bibi and himself.


"Ok class, turn the page to 122. Read the whole paragraph, I'll ask some questions."

The English teacher said before she sat down on her chair and waited for the the class to finish reading.

"But teacher, this is in Chinese, how will we read it."

Enzo asked as he raised his hand.

"Shh! Read it."

The teacher told to Enzo before she turned to Topaz.

"Topaz, you can draw later so keep your book down."

"ack- haha... yes ma'am."

Topaz grumbled as she put her drawing book aside.

"Hey Enzo, what does Ching Chong Ying Ling mean?"

Topaz asked Enzo by whispering, she couldn't ask Alastor because he was bunking classes so he wasn't there.

"Hm... I think it means ' the flowers are black ' "

Enzo whispered back to Topaz as she made an 'O' face and nodded at Enzo.

After a while the teacher got up and told the student to close their books.

"Now tell me, in America Language, who started world war 1."

Topaz raised her hand and the teacher looked at her.

"Alright Topaz, stand up and tell"

"Doctor Jawaharkal Gandi-"

famous last words before the teacher threw the chalk in her face at the speed of light...

"Now, How about you, Alastor, the second sleeping beauty of the class."

The teacher looked at Alastor, if curse he wasn't waking up so the student behind him had to wake Alastor up.

"Now that you're awake, tell me, this man started the world war 1 on January 62, 1607."

"World war 1 didn't start on January 62 1607, it was started by Austria Hungary, on July 28, 1914"

Alastor said without even standing up, the teacher nodded and looked pleased, we can all see who the teacher's favourite is now.

'Kyaa...! Alastor is so smart!'

'I wish I was closer to him!'

'He's so handsome too~!'

'I know I know! he's also cute!'

The girls in the class whispered with eachother, such comments makes Alastor annoyed so he gave a angry glare at the girls.




'Did you hear about that? Glucose?'

'Hear what? Did you start a new rumour?'

'No no! Hear that Miss- ma'am Mitochondria and Sir hendsuome is going to get married!'

That caught the ears of Topaz, who knew she will hear that news when walking towards her friends at the canteen!

Topaz acted like she dropped something on the ground so she could hear more.


'sh! sh! too loud!'

'But didn't they break up?'

'They did but... Ma'am Mitochondria got pregnant by Sir hendsuome so they need to get married... that's the thing.'

'Woaaah... She got pregnant...?'

Topaz, hearing the most interesting part of the news she ran to her friends, sat down and immediately started telling her friends about it.

"You know Miss Mitochondria and Sir Hendsuome right? right?"

"Hm? Oh! that rhyming sir! I really hate him.'

Bibi said as she turned to Topaz.

[ The Sir Hendsuome is called the rhyming Sir by many because he always rhymes his words which they find annoying... ]

"Bibi, you should say like that..."

Enzo rold Bibi as he sighed.

"hmm... I know them, they were dating but broke up after two 7 months right?"

Vinter said as he leaned closer, Bibi and Alastor also leaned closer because it seemed like something interesting was about to happen or to be told.

"Yeah! those two! They're getting married!"


Bibi's mouth was immediately closed by Alastor shoving paper in her mouth.

"Continue continue"

Alastor said, he too was interested in the news.

"But didn't they already break up?"

Enzo asked, leaning in too as Vinter nodded.

"Miss Mitochondria got pregnant by Sir Hendsuome that's why they're getting married!"

"for real?!"

Vinter yell-whispered to Topaz, even the rest of them were surprised.

"What if it's just a lie?"

Enzo said as he did a slight head tilt even if he knew it will spoil the fun.

"Now that I think about it, Ma'am Mitochondria's belly is getting bigger"

Bibi said with a proud look because she was sure she is right.

"You know her belly was always big"

Alastor told to Bibi, meaning that she is wrong about that.

"But Ma'am Mitochondria is 32 year old, and Sir Hendsuome is 43"

Topaz said with a serious look while sweating, the 11 years gap between those two.

"You know what they say~ Age is just a number-"

Another famous last word, the last word of Vinter before he was punched and thrown away by the Annoyed Topaz.

"Wait they are 11 years apart? I thought they were only 4 or 5 years apart... and Ma'am Mitochondria is older?"

"Bibi, what you mean to say is Ma'am Mitochondria is so old, right?"

Enzo asked as he looked at Bibi, that face with no expression and the red eyes scared the shit out of Bibi in the dark.


Bibi said with a wink and Enzo looking at her like ' Disgusting... ' but when he took a closer look, he noticed that Bibi was wearing the gloves(?) but just ignored it.

[ I actually don't know what they are called... all I know is that, the cloth/glove (?) covers the wrist area , Oh and, Bibi is not wearing long sleeved shirt but short sleeve ]

"Oh and did you guys hear about the new student council members?"

"Nah, who are they, do you know Topaz?"

Bibi shrugged as she leaned back and stretched her back.

"You know Uzama right?"

"Ah... that scary senior..."

Bibi shiverd at the thought of Uzama... a girl in 11th grade, looks beautiful and like an angel who is wearing is a Hijab because she is muslim, is a devil inside...

"Unlucky us she's the student president..."

"I wonder why all the scary girls are the student president, on top of that she's way more evil than brocolli!"

Bibi sobbed and wiped her face using Topaz Hijab which made Topaz kind of annoyed because even if she is stupid she knows people shouldn't wipe their face on other people's clothes and in the end Bibi was sent to outer space...

"Anyways, the vice president is... I don't know, the other members are Polina, Benedikt, Mikhail, Sasha and Malshae."

"Ugh... too much members."

Alastor grumbled before he realised something.

"Malshae is Rovers brother isn't he?'

Alastor just has a grudge against those two because they are similar in looks and personality.

Bibi arised from the death using Micheal Jackson move and sitting back down.