Chapter 35

Topaz was peacefully eating her sandwich, in the second floor looking at the beautiful view which was unfortunately blocked by trees, when suddenly Bibi joined Topaz as she looked at Topaz with her squidward face.

"sup Bi, I'm enjoying my life... eating is surely the best."

"I just saw Ma'am Mitochondria and Sir Hendsuome, they were sweet talking eachother!"

Bibi said as she leaned back slightly.

"So what, let me eat peacefully."

Topaz said before munching on her sandwich.

Suddenly Alastor came from behind, startling Bibi making her hit Topaz's stomach, and also Topaz dropped her sandwich.

" fell on someone"

Bibi told Topaz with a worried look, Topaz was in deep grief because her sandwich fell but she looked down to see who it fell on

Unfortunately it fell on the massive simp, The Vinter.

Vinter took the sandwich and threw it before looking up, he saw Topaz, Bibi and Alastor looking down at him from the second floor of the school building.

"Who threw the sandwich"

Vinter asked in a loud voice. Alastor told Vinter that it was Topaz who dropped the sandwich which made her hide behind the railing (?)

[ I have no idea what those things are called... they're like walls but way shorter...! So for now I'll call them cement railing...]

"It was Topaz"

"oh poop he's running this way!"

Bibi told Topaz that Vinter was coming to get her.

"Go and hide somewhere Senorita!"

"Why the heck did you tell him Alasstor!"

Topaz panicked, when she saw Vinter running towards her she took started running away

"Allahoma Sa'dnee!!"

Topaz mumbled running at full speed.

[ I'm not sure if that is the correct word or not but according to Google Translate it is 'Help me God ' ]

"caaaught you"

Vinter said as he caught Topaz by her jacket and pulled her up like how they hold Kitten by the scruff.

"I just had my hair done you know."

Vinter asked with a smile which was not happy.

While behind them, Bibi and Alastor did a fist bumb saying 'Plan worked'

and also Alastor disappearing in thin air as Bibi asked him to help her do her assignment.

[ Meaning like to help her to her classwork, BECAUSE she has another lesson/period of that same subject and she needs to show that classwork to that subject's teacher in the second lesson/period. ]




"I will announce the student council members..."

The vice principal said, he wasn't young but instead an old man...

"Please step forward, student President Uzama and the vice president Halrad. The other members too, Malshae, Sasha, Benedikt, Polina and Mikhail."

Uzama, a hijab girl. Halrad, a guy with glasses. Malshae, copy of Rover. Sasha, a girl with sunglasses. Benedikt, a guy with brown hair. Polina, Pollen. Mikhail, Misha.

"naww... Ain't no way...! Lord help me..."

Bibi told herself as she remembered who that Halrad dude was... that guy with glasses... that dark bluish hair....

"I thought dude quit school..."

"Bibi, you're being too loud..."

Topaz who was just next to Bibi, but in another line whispered to Bibi

"Oh sheet, really? mean yea but"

"Shhh...! that guy is starting right at you, you should consider yourself lucky he isn't the student president..."

'Today bla bla bla, and blaaaa, I hope bla this and bla that ---' —Vice principal.

"But he's the freaking vice president...!"

Bibi looked straight, only to see Halrad smiling at Bibi which send chills down her spine before she immediately bend down and sneaked to Topaz's row.

"That guy with Uzazaza is totally not good for me... I'm surely at their 'Must Kill List...'

"Sucks to be you."

Alastor said, standing behind Bibi with Enzo right behind Alastor.

"Shut the heck up... it's not like you're not in trouble either...! You were there that time too"

Bibi yell whispered to Alastor with a slightly annoyed look.

"And it's also not like you're an innocent and angelic guy"

"picking a fight with me? Hah."

Alastor crossed his arms and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Wanna fight? I'll like to see your short body trying to reach my my."

Bibi replied back as she bend down slightly to reach Alastor's height which was kind of funny but annoying to Alastor.

"Saying that as if you won't burst out crying after a kick in the face."

Right when Bibi was about to reply back she was pulled down by Topaz. Her face, Topaz's face was just... wide ahh eyes that says keep quiet or shut your gwad dang mouth with that creepy smile.

"Yess ma'am."

Bibi said as she did the saluting to Topaz with an anime face.

"By the way what are you two doing here? aren't you supposed to be in the front, you'll get in trouble."

Alastor and Topaz shook their heads as Topaz said that no one will notice that she and Alastor went back and is not in the front.

"But I know."

Vinter said as he slowly creeped out from behind Topaz, which was not a good idea because he was smacked in the face by Topaz who was startled.

"Waah! sorry"

Topaz yell whispered to Vinter.

That same day, during the lunch break In Rahlie's stall, or let's just say 'Food Stall '

"two Noodle please."

Bibi said in a manly tone as she did a jojo pose (giorno's pose ) and also raising her index and middle fingers showing the number two.

"No meat as always"

Topaz said as she did a jojo pose too (Jotaro's pose )

"No Tabasco, don't forget sista"

Bibi said to which Topaz nodded.

[ Tabasco is a type of Chili sauce ]

"Coming right up."

Rahlie said as she smiled and went in to prepare the noodles for those two. After a while Rahlie came back with the noodles and kept them on the counter for Bibi and Topaz. Well those two prayed.

"I suddenly forgot which is my right hand-"

"What an old man you are Topaz, we use the right hand to write, and the left hand to scratch our ass."

When Bibi was about to blow on the noodles to make him slightly less hot, her lips here shut by Topaz.

"No no Bi, you shouldn't blow on your food"

"what? why tho?"

Bibi asked right after Topaz let go of her lips.

"people say if you blow on your food or drink, it makes the them unhealthy."


"Because our breath will be mixed in with the food or drink"

"And the sour compounds will be formed, if consumed often it can be bad for your body"

"Oho, a startass I see"

Bibi said as she raised one eyebrow and with a smile.

The first rule, pray before eating no matter what. Second rule, eat with your right hand or hold spoons with your right hand. The third rule, never blow on your food or drinks. The last but not least, the fourth rule, eat with politeness and proper.

but Bibi and Topaz were just to hungry so they forgot the fourth rule, and ate aggressively...


Rahlie laughed as she watched those two eat the noodles she made.