Chapter 36


Rahlie laughed as she watched those two eat.

"Excuse me, we want three bowls of noodles please." Enzo raised two fingers although he said he wanted three bowls, one for him, one for Vinter and the other for Alastor.

"Ohh, Rahlie thought you guys weren't coming. Your friends came earlier than you guys and is eating."

Rahlie said happily.

"Which friends?"

"Eh? Those two over there"

Rahlie pointed her whole hand and also turned her head to Bibi and Topaz who is slurping on the noodles agressively.

Enzo had a confused, disgusted, disappointed look before he said "Primitive." in his mind about Bibi and Topaz because of the way they are.

"Bye Sista Rahlie! the noodles is as good as always!"

Topaz told Rahlie, and to which Rahlie was touched after hearing such compliment about the noodles she made. Well, they all paid, except Bibi who only paid half because she didn't have enough money, Enzo doesn't pay for Bibi unless he owns her something.

"Haha, make sure to pay back alright? Rahlie will be waiting."

Rahlie said before she went back inside her stall because other customers came.

"You aren't the type to pay back money, so I'm suprised you're paying the money after a while."

"I'm so hurt Topaz!! But anyways, the only reason I pay back is because Rahlie told me if I don't pay her back she'll never allow me to eat in her stall!"

Bibi said in a manly tone, pointing at the sun with a dramatic pose...

"Haha, that's what happens when you have money."

Alastor mocked Bibi as he shook his head.



Bibi and Alastor glared at eachother, Bibi slightly keeping her head up and glaring down at Alastor, while Alastor turned his head slightly to the right, keeping his head slightly up too as he glared at Bibi.

But those two were pulled away by Enzo, who was holding them by one hand each like how people pick kittens up by their neck (or something...)




[ next day... ]

"Hey, did you guys hear about the new rumour??"

"What rumour?"

Topaz asked, she was eating her breakfast, why you ask? well that's because she didn't get time to eat back at home.

"What's it about? I'm curious."

Vinter asked with his cat-like smile as he leaned in,

"The rumour about the staircase that lead to nowhere in the third floor."

"You're stupid Bibi, the first floor, the second floor and the third floor is all our school has, and that staircase probably leads to the roof."

Alastor shook his head as she shrugged at the same time at Bibi's stupidity...l

"no no! that's what I thought at first too but that staircase, some have seen it and some has not.

It's mostly seen in the evening, when the school is ending."

"Than those people are hullcinating."

"I agree with Alastor."

Topaz nodded with mouth in her food, but she did finish eating after a while.

"now that you mentioned that, I remember some of the girls coming to me and saying that saw the mysterious stairs."

Vinter said leaning towards the table with one hand on the table.

"I also heard some people talking about it."

Enzo added, he was drinking juice along with Alastor all of a sudden.

"That rumour, how does it go?"

"well than... listen carefully Topaz, it's long! but, the rumour goes like...

'That mysteries staircase that leads to nowhere in the third floor, many believe it just leads to the roof but no... they are wrong!

Let me tell you the story...

Some of my friends and I decided to go back to school because one of my friend forgot her lunch box, when we were heading back out, my third friend pulled my shirt, telling us to look, and that's when we saw the mysterious stairs...

let's go and explore it! my second friend ran to the stairs so we came with her too. My first and second friend doesn't believe is ghost or any supernatural stories so they made a bet with eachother, Let's walk up the stairs and count them, we will count them loudly so we we know you aren't lying. There were six of us, me and my third friend said that we will count how long we take, my fourth and my fifth friend said they will count the total steps my first and second friend takes...

My first friend came back with a total of 49 steps counted, but my second friend came back with a total of 51 steps counted... my fourth and fifth friend said that they weren't lying, and it seems that my second friend had some extra steps waiting for her... It sent chills down my spine because they only had two second difference... My first and second friend also said that they found a door, which was locked, unable to open they came back down. Me, being the third one to not believe in supernatural walked up the stairs, I came back terrified... I counted loudly, and everyone heared it, I took 54 steps, and there was no door... The next day, in the end of school again, we came back, only to see that the staircase wasn't there anymore... but it was the old storage room where we keep the broken things like tables and chairs that can't be fixed, along with torn vollyballs and footballs.

We ran back out terrified... when my first friend looked back, she shouted my second friend's name, when we looked, she was gone... she wasn't there, she was completely gone, that's when I remembered that she was the one who said she wanted to explore the stairs yesterday... maybe she's trapped in the stars...?! '

Topaz gulped, and was kind of scared and nervous she was told that one girl from the 9th grade suddenly disappeared...

"Oh man..."

Vinter said, still having his cat-like smile in his face, he too was slightly scared same went for Enzo because those two also heard that a girl suddenly disappeared...

"Than, want to go and check it out?"

Alastor asked with a smirk which made all of them stare at Alastor, like didn't you just hear the story?

"Mother fathe-!"


"Did they change the school bell? it sounds creepy..."

Topaz said as she shivered.

"hahaha, don't worry Topaz, since I'm here there's nothing for you to fear."

Vinter told Topaz as he smiled with slightly pink cheeks.

"eugh, stay away from me."

Topaz said before she ran out, to her class.

Vinter laughed slightly before going to class with Bibi as Alastor and Enzo went to class too.

I'll skip to the lunch break once again...