chapter 37

"Bibi, I didn't notice earlier but your hair become more brownish."

Enzo said which attracted Topaz and Vinter's attention but not Alastor because he was listening to music.

"Hm... yea! Enzo is right"

Topaz said as she tried to touch Bibi's hair but Bibi stepped back immediately.

"Ahahahah, I think you guys forgot that I have a little cousin back at home, she painted my hair when I was asleep."

Bibi said as she scratched the back of her neck before running to the washroom saying she'll go and try washing it off.

"Well, that might as well be the case because she doesn't has a little cousin."

Topaz said as she finished eating her lunch, she got up, holding the lunch tray going to keep it when Vinter started sweet talking her and chased her while telling her how much he likes her, but yea Topaz is not accepting his feelings...

Meanwhile, in the Girls Washroom where Bibi is.

"Jun really should come back fast."

Bibi told herself as she looked at her hair from the mirror in front of her.

"So ugly."

Bibi thought with a smile, ignoring the bell that just rang, and in the end she ended up skipping classes as usual, staying on the rooftop while eating her home Lunch which she secretly bought from home which is actually made by Jun and got sent by Lili to her.

Eating, scrolling through Instagram reels, back to eating, scrolling through YouTube shorts, and than it started raining.

Bibi ran to the door that leads back inside the school and tried to open it but it was jammed...

"For chickens sake...!" Bibi mumbled as she tried to open the door but in the end she ended up unable to open the door.

Bibi sat down next to do door because it had a roof(?) or something... anyways she sat there because at least it didn't make her more protection from the rain. She took out two cigarettes but kept one inside her skirt's pocket and she also took out a lighter.

Bibi lit the cigarette and smoked, she does know it's bad for health but she still does it, not trying to be cool but it's just something...

The next period already passed, she was getting bored because her phone battery ran out, after a while she got so frustrated she swore she could just cry and jump down to unstuck herself from the roof...

and lo' and behold, Alastor the saviour came and kicked the door down. Bibi being delusional thought he came to rescue her but right when he saw her he picked the door up and tried to jam it again so that Bibi will be stuck...

"Hey! You can't do that!"

Bibi said annoyed as she ran to the door as pulled it away and got inside.

"Ew, move away from me."

Alastor made a disgusted face.

"Blame the you sheethead."

Bibi scoffed before she went down to who knows where... but she met a dead end.

"Am I so bad in directions?"




"Enzo, do you want to come with us?"

Vinter asked Enzo with sparking eyes, not only his eyes but everything around him was sparkling! Due to Vinter's handsomeness! is what they say.


Enzo looked behind Vinter, and saw, not the sparkles but saw Alastor who is wearing sunglasses with banana leaves in his collar to act as a necklace, Bibi who is wearing a robber's mask with sunglasses, and Topaz who is covering her mouth like those ninja's, also wearing sunglasses while her Zanpaku-to attached to her back and also holding a knife.

Let's not forget to mention... Vinter has sunglasses up in his head, two of them to be exact.


Enzo gave a thumbs up, no thinking just did it.

"Good choice homie."

Bibi said in a deep voice as she shook her head, and Topaz nodded too

"Yeh..." In a deep voice said Topaz too, as she grabbed on Bibi's hand and made a star?? How? I don't know.


Enzo said again before Vinter and Alastor led the way with the other's following behind them.

Up they go the stairs, no Jumpscares, nor murderers! it's a peaceful day? (Yeeaa) it's a peaceful day? (Yeeaa...) Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeaa, Up we go the stairs! no bodies, will be on the ground! (Really?) No, no bodies, will be on the ground! (I see one!) It's a peaceful day, mom! (Mom dead!) It's a peaceful day, dad! (Went to buy, buy milk!) It's a peaceful day rightt!?!

Bibi and Topaz sang, while Vinter did added the extra words...

[ this song is originally made by me and my three cousin sisters for fun... In our language but in English it's very weird...? ]

"Please shut up, my ears are rotting over here."

"I agree with Alastor."

Enzo added as those three shut up, although Enzo tagged along he didn't know where they were going, and in the end out of curiosity he asked...

And lo' and behold they were going to investigate the 'Mysterious Stairs'

"But it's not evening..."

Enzo looked out the window and it was almost dark? Time really went by fast...


"Why'd you think we called you when the school ended."

Bibi said, although she was giving a confidential smirk, it couldn't be seen because half her face was covered by the mask...

"Right- but is it ok to do this?"

"You're not fun Enzo...! we are finally getting to enjoy some thriller"

Bibi said as she walked up in front of Enzo, she walked backwards because she was facing Enzo.

"And boom she tripped and fell."

Topaz said as a joke, but right after she said that Bibi stepped on Vinter's shoe, making him lose balance and fall and so did Bibi.

Bibi gasped as she pointed at Topaz with her left hand.

"You... you witch! you used your spells and made me trip!"

Topaz stared at Bibi for a while before she gripped on her knife and slowly walked towards Bibi with a annoyed smile on her face.

Enzo and Vinter held Topaz back while Alastor didn't care to help Bibi up or even stop Topaz so he just stood there waiting for the drama to finsih.

Few minutes later the conflict finished and they continued their journey to the third floor. Soon after they reached the third floor as they suddenly got the chills...

"O-oh sheet... I think it was a bad i-idea coming here...? right Topaz...?"

"I don't know..."

Said Topaz who was hiding behind Bibi who was also hiding behind Enzo, grabbing his butt cheeks- I mean his pants while peeking out to see the way.

"You two are such scaredy cats, come on, you two agreed to come."

Alastor said as he gave a mocking smirk to

Bibi and Topaz as he kept his hands in his pocket.