Chapter 38

[ Another small change, The Quintet met when they were in eight grade, Alastor, Enzo and Topaz knew eachother since childhood. ]

~Also a change I wanted to make is that since I have Bibiran (Bibi) a nickname, I thought of giving the other's a nickname too, the nicknames are not be that good but please bear with it... Topaz — Paz. Alastor — Toro. Vinter — Vivi. Enzo is Enzo { I know Vinter's name is a females but I have no other nickname in mind...! }


Bibi and Paz screamed as the group all ran down the stars, Bibi running the fastest because she's terrified, Paz right behind Bibi grabbing on her sweater to make herself faster, Vivi also looking scared but with a smile on his face, running too, with Toro flying behind him because Vivi was grabbing on Toro's shirt collar and running And as always Enzo behind the rest.

"Stop pulling my shirt you baldie!"

Bibi screamed at Paz with a terrified look on her face as she burst out crying because she ran into a spider web, Paz screamed because Bibi started crying...

Let's just go back to 10 minutes ago and see why they were all running away...

"We... we didn't reach yet...?"

Paz said as she crawled up the stairs while she grabbed on Enzo's pants, trying to get up and walk properly but she was just too tired.

"ahah, I think Paz should hold into me instead, I'd really like that"

Vivi said as he smiled while climbing up the stairs, holding a flashlight to brighten the area.

Vivi was walking normally until Paz threw her knife at Vivi, thankfully he wasn't stabbed by the blade and was instead hit by the handle.

" hurts Paz."

"Bi, how long..."

Paz asked Bibi to which she answered by saying that—

"6 more stairs, 6 steps, approximately 3 seconds normally but for you it will take 11 seconds."

Paz just sighed in reply as she continued crawling up the stairs like a lizard.

After 12 seconds, Paz finnally reached the top.

After 4 minutes 37 seconds 58.5 milliseconds, Paz regained her stamina and was back to normal as if she wasn't out of breath just 4 minutes ago.

"I can't see!"

Bibi panicked as she looked around, she couldn't see anything...

"Oooonoooooonono...! My sight...! I can't see-"

"That's cuz you're wearing sunglasses you stupid roach."

Toro said as he started walking first, Enzo and Vivi caught up with him leaving Bibi and Paz behind.

"Wow... such a gentleman you three are!"

Bibi said as she held Paz's hands and tried catching up with the guys.

"Just because you three are handsome doesn't mean you can treat girls badly, and bla bla bla! blaaa!!"

Bibi kept on talking which kind of annoyed Paz so she pulled her knife out and pointed at Bibi's forehead, it was looking kind of rusty which will not be good for someone if they get scratched by accident...

"Keep it to yourself my dearest besite, this isn't the time for you to be talking about handsome boys, and to be honest they just walked earlier than us."

"u-uh, yes ma'am..."

Bibi sighed as she moved her head away so that she isn't accidentally scratched by the knife.

"You two are just slow."

Toro said with a smirk while walking with his hands in his pocket.


Both Bibi and Paz said as those two suddenly came behind Alastor and stared at him, but somehow they still kept walking.

Anyways, after a while of walking straight they saw a dead end.

"Hm? where's the stairs? isn't it supposed to be in that area over there?"

Paz asked as she pointed, to which Bibi replied by saying that the stairs got scared of her wonderful and pure heart.

"yeah yeah, wOnDherPhUll and pUrE HeArtH."

Paz miciced Bibi.

Vivi suddenly told the two to keep quiet, which kind of made Bibi and Paz scared.

"what happened Vi..."

Bibi asked as she tried to act as if she wasn't feeling scared, Paz was already sweating...

"I thought I heard footsteps."

"Don't j-joke right now Vivi."

"You heard it to?"

Toro asked Vivi, Bibi turned to Toro asking him if they were being serious because no one is supposed to be here right now, and Vivi nodded in reply.

"musaeidat ya allah..."

[ According to Google it means 'Help, God/Allah ]

"You two are such cowards, no need to say that Paz"

Toro scoffed as he looked around the area while flashing his flash light everywhere.

"O-oh sheet... no one's there..."

Bibi says as she grabs on Paz, what made it more scarier for them is that they heard footsteps although no one was even there.

"I think we should go back."

"Don't be like that Enzo! I'm sure nothing will happen."

Says Vivi as he pulled his flashlight from his pants backpocket and turned it on, for fun he was about to scare Paz by saying that someone is behind her, so when he was about to do it, he froze, like a literal statue putting up a smile.

"What's wrong with Vivi now."

Bibi asks as she walks towards Vivi, she waved infront of his face, and so did Toro, but because he didn't pay attention, Bibi and Toro looked at the direction Vivi was looking at...

Alastor didn't put uo any expression except a slight sweatdrop and a smile, like a 'Huh...?'

Bibi paused as she rubbed her eyes to see it clearly... and when she saw it clearly, she stepped back a little, pointing behind Paz and she nudged on Vivi's arm to make him 'Unfrozen'

"what's wrong... Bibi, Toro and Vivi."

Paz asked, she sighed as she thought they were overreacting so she crossed her arms.

"P-paz... behind you..."

Bibi said as he turned to Enzo, he was just closing his eyes sweating because he feels as if someone is right behind him and Paz, which was actually true...

A dark figure shood behind Paz and Enzo as that figure moved closer and closer with each second, the figure moved his face closer, the face was clear as a flash of light came from underneath...

[ How our face looks when we flash our face from under! ]

Paz took a glance at the face of the figure standing behind her... Bibi shouted as she soon as she saw the face so she just started running, Paz didn't yell because she was too scared and chased after Bibi and grabbed on her jacket, Vivi grabbed on Toro by the back of his shirt's collar and ran too, and Enzo didn't want to get left behind so he ran.

"Did I scare them?"

A security guard with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes asked himself with a confused expression as he held a broom...