The present

"Ding - Everyone traveling to Shahi a requested to go to Section B, platform 8"

The announcement rang out as Emery made her way towards platform 8, train 5, seat A 21. It had been a long time since she had traveled to Shahi. The last time she happened to be there she was only 5 years old. Even now she could still smell the sweet fresh air and taste the light sour taste of a homemade mango bar at the tip of her tongue. The same one she had stolen from her grandmother's pantry. She could still remember the smile her grandmother had given her when she had been found out.

Emery could not help but smile at the memory. Shaking her head she hurried her pace to quickly get on the train and walked towards the seat written on the ticket in her hand. ' Maybe this trip will help me clear out my mind. '

Reaching her seat she let out a breath and made herself comfortable. The train had already started moving by the time she had found her seat. The plains outside of the city took no time to come into view the minute she sat down. Looking out, Emery couldn't help but admire them. ' They impress me no matter how many times I see them. '

She took her time looking out the window before she finally paid attention to her surroundings. The compartment she was in was relatively peaceful. A woman with a child that looked about 4 years of age was sitting in the seat at an angle from her while the seat right in front of her was occupied by a person who looked barely out of his teens. A few others were also in the car. They all were busy doing their own things.

Emery felt at peace. ' Perhaps it was truly a good idea. ' She could not help but think. With a small smile she took out a notebook and pencil from inside of her back and started to sketch something from memory. She had air pods in her ears as music flowed in from them. Like that the time passed by.

The train ride was one of several hours. By the time she had finished her very detailed drawing the train had almost reached her station and was entering the last tunnel needed to cross before reaching Shahi Station. There was only one tunnel on the way there. Seeing the tunnel approaching Emery could help but mumble to herself. "Almost there I see."

With a smile Emery hurried to finish the final touches needed for the sketch. She wanted to finish it before the journey was over. Putting down the final stroke with a soft smile Emery was about to close the notebook when right at that instant the train started to shake. The next second the lights inside the train were turned off and the train started to slowly come to a stop.

Pin drop silence filled the air as not even the sound of breathing could be heard. Inside her mind Emery started to count. After exactly 5 seconds the lights were turned back on again. Emery was quite surprised by the turn of events. She couldn't help but frown. This was exactly why she did not like traveling by train. Everytime she was on one, something always seemed to happen. The only reason she was even on this one this time was because the train was the only method of traveling available for Shahi and as such she had no other choice but to take the train.

With a sigh Emery closed her notebook and put it inside her bag. Yet right as she was about to close the chain something flew past her cheek. Emery's eyes widened as her senses started to go on overdrive. On her lightly cool skin she could feel a warm liquid flowing down. Her eyes involuntarily looked towards the ground as a small knife hanging onto a safety key chain came into her view. Her eyeballs shook. 'What the-'

Emery wasn't even done processing the entire situation when suddenly something moved in her peripheral vision. The next thing she knew, a tightness unexpectedly attacked her throat as her feet were left hanging a few inches above the ground. Emery could barely breathe. Her lungs screamed for air. Someone was choking her.

Her blood started to flower fast and went straight to her head. Looking forward she saw that the same teenager who had been busy fiddling with his phone since the beginning of the train ride and had not for once looked up now had a fanatical look in his eyes. Something about the way he looked at her made her shudder.

Emery gasped for breath. ' At this rate, it might leave a bruise. ' She thought as with each passing second her breathing grew shorter and shorter. Not wanting to die today with one of her hands she grabbed onto the boy's hand that was choking her and using her other hand she took something out from her pocket.

The next second a scream filled the air as the boy cried in pain as he held onto his now bleeding hand. A pocket knife had slashed directly through his hand. On the other hand Emery was now half sitting on the ground holding on to her neck as she struggled to breath. But even then she made sure not to let her guard down. 'No way this is over.'

Without hesitation nor wasting a single second she reached into her bag and took out a teaser and promptly stood up and took a stance. Her eyes shifted as she observed her surroundings before they widened for a fraction of a second before going back to normal. ' Something's wrong. ' The thought rang loud and clear in her mind.

It was only now that Emery realized that everyone else on the train was acting strange. ' Quiet. It's too quiet. ' No one was panicking. Even when the calm and quiet atmosphere from before was gone and was replaced by someone suddenly being attacked and later the blood curdling screams filled with pain and the sight of blood no one in the entire car seemed to be afraid. Instead they were all vigilant.

' What the-' The shock was overwhelming yet she had no time to dwell on it.

The sound of groans by now had ceased. Focusing to the front the boy had already recovered from the pain and was breathing heavily while looking at her with blood shot eyes. Emery couldn't help but twitch. For a second she had the strange urge to just just out the window and avoid this whole situation of being stared at. Emery was sure of it.

She absolutely hated traveling by train.