It has been 5 days since Emery had come to Shahi City and also completely locked herself out from society. And did anyone else mention that it had also, also been exactly 5 days since the world had been put to chaos? No? Well I did just now.
For some background story, since 3 days ago news started speculating around all over the world about and you guessed it, of people having memories of their past life. More specifically speaking about the future. And how did they all confirm whether or not these so called regressors were lying or not? Simple. All of their stories were the exact same. More like the context of them.
Same battles, same occurrences, same deaths, same stock exchange,which couple got married,who got divorced, who won the Soccer ball tournament, yada yada. Everything was the same no other who told the story so it was not that hard to connect the dots. And how did the world react? Well of course they went completely bonkers over the news. Now I am sure that some of you are curious about what actually the news was and are dying to know. So fear not, I, your lovely author, am here to spill the tea.
And the story/memories went as follows-
A tower will appear within ten days from now and people will be randomly selected on the spot to go in. Portals will appear and people will be teleported to the inside of the tower. Only those who can survive the first five floors can come out of the tower. Everyone else will be trapped inside the tower forever.
So does that mean that those who came out will be saved and will never have to risk their life again? Absolutely not! If that was the case then we wouldn't have this story. So what's the catch? Those who can come out can only come out for a short amount of time and will again soon be teleported back into the tower whether they wish it or not
At first the people were hesitant to clear any more of the floors but there just had to be some nut job that just had too much boredom in life and up and went to clear the upper floors of the tower. And boy was that a brilliant decision! Why? Because the tower turned out to be full of precious materials and resources.
Elements that scientists had never seen started to pop up on the market and a whole new field of research on how to put them to use was made. Climbers became one of the richest occupations to take on. Along with also being the most risky but we are not talking about that. And so now that you are all caught up, back to the story!
In the small apartment the smell of cooking filled the air and soft fluffy music played in the background. Emery was humming to the lyrics while eating a bowl of ramen. The tv was turned on and some random channel was playing in the background.
She had not for once gone out in the last 5 days and had spent her entire time either reading or cooking in the apartment. She did not even need to go out to get groceries since she was originally here for a getaway and knew herself well enough to know that once she got here she would be way too lazy to go out. So not to starve herself she had the sense to completely stock up the kitchen and even over stock it in case of a case of 'Late night Foodie Syndrome. '
So here she was busy wolfing down a bowl of ramen and listening to music, idling her time away while the whole world was in chaos. And funnily she had originally planned it exactly this way. Well at least the 'staying in' part. The world actually going to chaos was a complete coincidence. (U ❛ ᴗ ❛)
Anyway back to Emery's side she had finished eating her bowl of ramen and stayed sitting while scrolling through NewTube, busy watching cat videos. After she had scrolled through about 5 and a half videos of just cats acting cute something different caught her eye. Well more like her ears because from the news playing in the background she became aware of a terrorist attack happening.
A live video was being broadcasted straight from the capital city, Jeili. A group of terrorists had attacked the city and were threatening everyone with bombs. Looking at the location of the happenings, Emery couldn't help but be interested. Closing her phone she started to pay her full attention towards the TV.
The anchor there continued and Emery quickly became informed that two bombs had already been set off in the main city area and huge amounts of damages and destruction of government owned property had been caused. Hearing the news and seeing the extent of the damage Emery was completely livid.
In her mind she simply could not understand. "How could anyone do this!?" It was simply inhumane. Gritting her teeth Emery turned off the TV and started to look for more information about the situation on a search engine.
It did not take long for her to find a trustable article and what she saw made her blood boil. She almost cracked the screen of her phone from the pressure of her hands holding onto it too hard. Till now she still had some doubts about whether or not what she was thinking about was correct or not but now she could not be any more sure about the situation. In her mind their labels changed. Those people attacking weren't mere terrorists. They were monsters.
Clearly upset about the situation Emery couldn't help but shout. " How could anyone bring themselves to destroy a Barnhouse and Novels!??!?! "
Mini Theater:-
Emery: " How could anyone bring themselves to destroy a Barnhouse and Novels!??!?!! "
Me: Yupe. She is a reader alright.