Chapter 3: The Purple Flames.

In the dead of night within the royal house Shiba, northwest of Selen, a fairy waited flying back and forth as a woman dressed in holy attire appeared angrily.

"What do you mean the elves are refusing to help!?"

"I-am very sorry ma'am, the elves are dealing with the Leviathan who reemerged only 2 months ago and have their hands full." Said the fairy following the woman as she moved down the hall.

"At this rate, we'll have to get the Dwarves out of their caves before the elves realize how deep in we already are." Said the woman

"Jalle, status report on the nearing cities and capital near the colossus."

"The land was severely devastated, scorched beyond non-magic help, regarding the message of assistance, we have yet to receive word from General Anyal, ma'am."

" Sigh Alright, hire any mercs who wield aura or mana, and start looking into schools for enlistments. Warn Selen that the colossus is humanoid, we don't have much time before that bastard claws his way through the depths."

Somewhere far away deep within the lost lands

The air stenched with blood and rot, the grounds filled with warriors and weapons only adding up as time went on. 

The current battle fiercely consumed the mind of Goliath, 15 and a half, as he swiftly beheaded a man and ran deeper into the fray.

 Weaving and ducking in between blades, Goliath was slammed into the mudded ground by a man mounting a horse.

 Swiftly followed with a roll, the hooves of the steed slammed into the dirt, nearly crushing the young man's skull. 

Goliath reached for his dagger throwing it into the skull of the rider, his body falling over into the ground, his horse running off into the chaos.

A roaring chant exploded within the troops of those who opposed the mercs and Goliath, pushing him and his crew back. 

Their eyes blurring and minds numb charged forward swinging their blades with intense force, crushing and slicing off the limbs of those who were merely in their way, friend and foe alike. Somewhere deep into the fray of battle, a girl no older than 14 stood face to face with a hoard of men in her way.

Smashing her fists multiple times into the ground, broken chunks of the earth were thrown into the air.

Jumping upward into the sky using the broken chunks she created as stepping stones, she slammed herself downward into the enemy lines as a bright purple flame followed behind.

A Man with a white wolf pelt, the "Leader" followed the girl setting the rocky terrain ablaze.

The men once pushed back now flooded with confidence raise their voices and tighten their grip, slamming into the enemy taking back the land they lost.

Goliath, noticing the roar of confidence, followed the movement, adding aid to the line, stabbing those who nearly broke through. 

Blinded by the feeling of his heated heart pounding within his chest, an arrow shot from afar into his arm knocks him down.

Ears filled with the thumping of his heart, he grips the arrow, pushing it through, and stood up, only to be knocked back down as a man's foot connects with his jaw.

The sky which was deep blue, didn't compliment the glooming dark grey battle that was taking place below such a beautiful veil.

Standing up as quick as he could, Goliath barely raised his short sword in time, redirecting the man's swing which nearly beheaded him.

Goliath threw a dagger into the man's foot followed by a swift slash onto the man's face. Ripping out the dagger out of his foot, he closed the ground Goliath made between the two.

The man grabbed the boy and slammed him into the ground, before getting stabbed from behind by one of his blinded allies, falling over.

A horn blew loudly(The enemy fleeing back now) letting the survivors from the other side screech in victory as they collected the remains from their allies and foes. 

Taking the injured to the nearby camp where both the enemy and the mercs grouped up, laughing could be heard many hours after the battle echoing into the forest in the late night now as men from both sides gave toasts to the dead.

Smacked on the back of his head, Goliath swiftly turned to see a white-haired girl staring at him with a devious smile before sitting down next to him.

Helping the boy wrap his wounds from his encounter, herself not holding any wounds to her body, discussed the grouping encampments.

Slamming a spoon and metal sheet together gathering the attention of all, A man shoulders wide stood high, raising a glass into the air.

"For the brothers and sisters we lost during the grouping, let us pray that they reincarnate stronger for their pride out on the battlefield was shattered with their death." The man shouted, laughing maniacally regrouping with the other men in his group.

"Rations might be thin these next few months if no work gets called." Said the girl, poking her shoulder into the back of Goliath.

"If you're saying that I need to eat less then fuck off, I'll be in my quarters."Quickly standing and walking off only to be pestered by the girl.

She claimed that even though he's been here for a few years, he's talking a lot more than usual asking if anything or "Anyone" is on his mind. 

Shut down nearly instantaneously, he enters his quarters(A tent given to those who have turned to teen years.).

Months pass as Goliath, whose heart never quelled the flames emboldened as he held his sword, grew in swordsmanship from the clan head who grew fond of the child he found long ago. 

As time went the girl's words held, as any work done by the clan was few and far between.

Smacked hard on the back of the head, Goliath snapped out of his trance, as the clan head quickly pointed at a Horn Bear entangled by vines from a magician hiding in foliage nearby.

 Swiftly unsheathing his blade, the boy dashed out of the woods grappling on top of the Horn bear's back as he positioned his sword between the cracks of the scales which covered nearly its whole body.

Driving his blade deep into its neck, the beast swiftly dropped to the ground as the clan's head shouted with glee praising Goliath.

"Warren, are you sure this will be enough to last the next few weeks, I say we lure more in the vicinity." The mage asked the clan head with concern, only to be shot down.

Warren insisted that any more attention in the area would draw demonic beasts.

Picking the bear up on his back, Warren ushered Goliath and the mage back to camp.

"Drawing more over would also draw in hunters from enemy clans, or even worse, Demonic beasts could show. None of our people are ready." Said Warren, walking with the dead beast on his shoulders. 

The camp joyed with the return of Warren and food, and the dead beast disappeared into the chef's tent as the mage reinforced the perimeter's shield.

Back towards his tent, Goliath is stopped by the girl from before.

"I gathered a bunch of kids around our age to see who's the strongest. Wanna join?" The girl asked while holding a dagger.

Nodding in agreement, the two walk into the horse pens, now empty due to most riders searching for quests to do. 

Inside were a few kids Goliath saw from time to time, holding wooden weapons.

 Handed one himself, the kids look around before one of the kids instantly smacks the blunt side of his sword on the back of one, sending him into the mud. 

Looking at Goliath now, he charged forward, the hilt of Goliaths sword slamming onto his forehead sending him on his ass.

 Goliath stared at him picking back up his sword, now staring at the girl.

"He's done for now! Valkyrae is gonna cream him!" Shouted one of the kids. 

The fight starting instantaneously, the two clashed their swords. As minutes went on, Goliath slowly realized he was pushing Valkyrae back.

Breaking her guard sending her sword upwards, Goliath went for a stab. Goliath fell on his knees, Valk now behind him sword pointed at the back of his head.

"How the fuck?!" Exclaimed Goliath. 

"That's called Aura, plain and simple. It's exhausting to use, but grants immense power for a time." Valk explained helping up Goliath, dusting him off.

After the duel and the sun fell, a dinner bell rang out into the camp signaling all that dinner was ready. 

One Week Later

Goliath waited near the chiefs, pondering the reason for his summon. Many minutes went by when suddenly footsteps could be heard walking towards him.

"Goliath, follow," Warren said.

Following the words of Warren, the two enter the forest. 

While wandering, Warren asked the young man many questions relating to his loyalty towards the people residing within the camp and how he felt.

"They are sacks of flesh that wield iron, how else would I think of them?" Coldly said by Goliath as Warren shook his head, explaining his view on the world and people was flawed yet his own.

"When I look at those bumbling idiots, I don't see just flesh and bone, I see people living their own lives that can intertwine with my life through emotions."

 He preached, as the two entered ruins, moldy white pillars and crumbled down buildings remaining with time.

Deeper within the ruins lied a sword sticking inside a tree placed directly in the center, with purple flames coating it.

"Now that you have reached the age, you may try your might with "Alistar", the sword which carves its future." Warren chanted, as the flames rose, reacting to his words.

"With this, we shall----"

His body heated, heart pounding, eyes a blur, Goliath staring at the blade, the purple flames soothing the boy's body almost as if it could understand what his body was saying.

He took a step towards the blade, only to be halted by Warrens's hand holding him back giving Goliath a serious look as he snapped him out of his trance.

"Goliath, look around." said quietly yet firmly.

Unveiling the area,  he showed hundreds of bodies surrounding the blade, charred bodies, and ash left within its wake.

Chanting once more the blade's flames grew, exploding with force as Goliath was shot back grabbed onto a pillar grasping for dear life.

Warren on the other hand stood firm in his tracks staring at the blade.

"Stop this charade and let the boy take your tests Alistar."

After a few seconds passed the burning force listened, ceasing as Goliath rose from the ground, and quickly returned, Warren giving him a assured look as he ushered him towards the sword.

 Its handle dug into his skin like needles, spreading throughout his entire body piercing everything within.

The boy fell coughing a black liquid out of his body, hands still hanging on for life, as the landscape quickly changed.

The sky instead of being in the dead of night, was now a dead red, the grass now withered as an ocean which was surrounding the tiny little island Goliath was on was filled with blood.

 A mountain, the biggest ever seen by the boy arose from the depths of the ocean of blood, made of hundreds of thousands of bodies.

A man sat at the top of the corpse mountain, his attention focused on the sun which lowered before turning his eyes filled with a deep purple flame at the boy.

Hours passed as warren stared at the unconscious body of Goliath, worried as the crunch of twigs was heard from behind him.

Turning around, Warren took hold of his axe and faced the man cloaked in black.

"You knew the rules Warren. There was to be no successor to Blade of Death." Said the men taking the lead.

"Balam, when have I ever been one to speak the truth," Warren said, dashing forward.

Dashing backwards, Balam jumped upwards into the air throwing balls of smoke dying the air a misty grey.

Consumed within the smoke, purple flames emitted from Warrens's axe releasing a wave of power destroying the smoke.

Dashing towards the man, Warren froze in place.

"Your actions won't go unpunished. "He" wants to see you," Balam said staring at the smoke rising in the distance near the direction of the camp.

"This is a warning. The next time we meet, your whole camp, including your daughter, will be dead."

The man walked into the woods, disappearing into the darkness. Dashing toward the camp, everyone surrounded the chef's tent which caught aflame.

"How the hell did you manage to catch your tent on fire again!?" shouted one of the mercs, laughing his ass off as the chef put out the flames.

One year has passed ever since Goliath claimed the blade as the clan grew more feeble by the day.

More and more left in attempts to gain wealth knowing that once gone, they would never meet again.

Goliath sat atop a giant pillar that remained in the ruins, watching carriages leave in groups. 

Climbing down after some time, he grabbed a pack filled with his belongings and walked towards the chief's tent.

Standing alongside him was Valkierae, also wearing a pack.

"Sorry about the wait you two. Things are getting a bit hectic around a nearby town." Said Warren.

He explained that there was a school taking in young talents and that they would pay for their enrollment.

It was obvious that Valkyrae was chosen, being his daughter, but why himself, Goliath wondered.

Grabbing his daughter and lifting her, he gave her one last hug for a while, slightly teary-eyed.

After a moment, Warren put focus on Goliath, giving him a look of confirmation with a nod.

Loading their bag onto the carriage and hopping on, the two wave goodbye to the camp they have known for nearly their whole life. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Warren? They won't be in our reach now." Said the mage.

"They have excellent security, and with our compliance to help them when needed, we will not have to worry." 

Warren spoke ushering the mage towards his tent, pulling out a map marked with many sigils.

"Now that they know where we are, nobody here is safe."

(If your reading this then thank you. My pc broke and I lost my email, so unfortunately I was unable to post more chapters until now. As an apology I will be making the next 15 chapter much longer and enjoyable. A release will happen soon so please be patient a little while longer. Thank you so much for reading.)