Chapter 4: The Kings Return

Two months passed since the incident.

Bruise stayed inside the training room day and night, swinging his sword over and over smashing many into wooden chunks over the metal training dummy

Exhausted after one day, he layed flat on the floor, reminded of the man in the dragon mask, reminded of the sudden flames that caught ahold of that girl's house.

Standing back up, he swung his sword once more. Days pass as Bruise stands at the side of Raven, his adoptive father, watching the marketplace for any crimes.

"Do I really have to do this Dad?" Asked the annoyed Bruise.

"Part of being a knight is patience and rational thought. Plus it gets boring with just the other guards." Raven replied, giving a scoff towards the guards.

After hours go by, a scream fills the halls of the markets as a person dressed poorly runs off from a lady picking fruits off the ground.

As the guards help the lady, Bruise runs towards where the person went.

"Bruise don't!" Shouted a muffled raven, his voice barely heard as the boy ran as fast as he could.

Turn corner after corner, he stands in front of the thief crouched down checking his loot. Taking off Bruise follows.

After a long chase, the two stand at a dead end, Bruise now standing in the way of the exit. 

"Come quietly and nobody will get hurt." Said Bruise, slowly pushing forward.

An apple slams directly onto the back of Bruise's helmet, him turning around as the thief takes off.

Grabbing the ankle of the thief, Bruise mounts him, ripping off the cloth that shielded their face.

It was a boy, around the same age as him, with malnourished pale skin and restless. 


An apple that just hit Bruise on the back of the head rolled away, the culprit being a small girl surrounded by other children.

"Leave our brother alone!" shouted the girl, her voice raspy and sore.

Confused by his emotions Bruise paused. Noticing Bruise's hesitation, the thief blinded Bruise, throwing dirt into his eyes.

Clearing up the dirt, it was already too late and the children were gone. Regrouping with his dad, he explained the situation as it was leaving no details out.

Raven gave off a smile, ruffling Bruise's hair and praising him.

"It was a good thing they got away. I wouldn't want to deal with more prisoners at the jail." Raven said.

"People already have a hard enough time anyways. Now get some sleep, tomorrow we're heading towards Blemen.

Entering his room, Bruise took off his leather armor and helmet, flopping onto his bed. Looking towards his window, he noticed a glowing light outside the window flying back and forth. Confused he stood up and opened the window.

The glowing light shot towards him, piercing into his skin, his body bursting into flames and collapsing.

Bruise stood in an unknown area, not even realizing he was awake, searching his body for burns, only to notice himself being translucent.

In front of him was a blond-haired man, his face showing no emotion. He sat inside an extremely large throne room that could hold thousands. 

 He wore robes that looked dashing and paired well with his handsome face and golden eyes. 

 Turning towards Bruise and back towards the two doors at the entrance that bursted open.

"My king! The spirits have rebelled.!" shouted a bald man on his knee.

"E-Everyone has pointed their blade at us! Even...Sir Tammuz."

The man spoke franticly, as the man on the throne stood.

He placed his hand on his shoulder and whispered words Bruise couldn't hear.

He unsheathed a blade made of golden rays and walked outside. Bruises body unwillingly followed. 

The blinding sun blinded Bruise temporarily, then revealed an army consisting of hundreds of thousands lined up.

Pointing his blade at the army, he looked back at Bruise smirking as a bolt of energy shot from the tip of his blade causing an explosion like no other consuming everyone, Bruise included.

Vision fading, he saw the man cutting through those who survived the blast with ease before passing out.

Waking up in a sweat, Bruise rubbed his face and body checking for wounds.

Relieved, he walks towards his bed only to see the same blond boy who looked the like man from the dream naked standing in the center of his room, staring at his hands before turning around.

"Who in the damned are you?" Asked the naked boy.


A scream shouted into the night, his door quickly bursting open by Raven wielded his long sword.

"Are you ok!? What's wrong?!" 

Bruise on the floor now pointed towards the man.

Raven looked towards and back at Bruise, placing his hand on his forehead. 

"Your as hot as a tea kettle Bruise. Here, get back in bed." Raven said, picking Bruise up and tucking him into bed.

After Raven left the room, Bruise sprung back up, looking at the boy who gave him a blank stare.

"You're the only one that can see me. Which is a good thing because I'm feeling a breeze for some reason." Said the boy looking into a mirror, disappointed that he didn't have a reflection.

"H-How did you get into my room!? And why are you naked!" 

Grabbing a sword off his wall, he pointed it at the boy. 

He shrugged Bruise off and rummaged through his closet and drawers to his dismay, putting on a shirt and pants.

 Looking outside the window, the man stared at the city filled with people and lights, giving a small smile. 

"So who are you, or what are you?" Said Bruise, voice slightly shaky.

The boy turned around giving a grin, raising his arm into the air and the other covering his mouth.

 After the chaos, Bruise laid down his head and slept through the night.

The crunches of bones filled an alleyway in the city, dead bodies scattered all over the place as a giant beast looked at the building where Bruise layed gaining a grin.

Days passed as Bruse and King wandered the town market, Bruise explaining what things were and how people acted.

Staring down at the ground, King's eyes wandered only to come back to reality.

Looking at him for a bit, a sudden scream filled the market as yet again there was a robbery. Going after the thief, he noticed the familiar clothing and slowed down, taking a detour and ambushing him.

Clearly startled, the kid ran only to be grabbed by the arm and pinned to the floor with it behind his back by Bruise.

"Kill him," King said, giving the kid an empty stare towards the thief.

"We can't kill him. It's not right." Bruise replied looking at him who stood tall above the two. 

"He stole from the people, but that doesn't mean he deserves to die."

"Wrong! If he is not put down now, he will only grow to be a nuisance. I know from first hand!" King shouted.

Annoyed by what Bruise said he started arguing with him, explaining that all thieves deserve to die, and that's just how it works.

Noticing Bruise talking to himself, the thief felt the force from his arm lessen and pulled away pushing off Bruise, running away as fast as he possibly without the stuff stolen. Following the boy again, he found a small tent in the slums of the city, the boy quickly coming out with a knife.

"Go away you crazy kid! Leave us alone!" He shouted, flailing the knife around.

Quickly disarming the boy, Bruise looked within the tent. A group of small kids hurdled up shaking from either the cold or fear.

"I get it, I really do, but stealing is not the safest way to do things," Bruise said reaching out towards the boy, only for his hand to be slapped away.

"Don't try to lecture me! I've already had enough adults try and talk down to me! Don't act like you know me!"

"They are rich anyways, so why can't they just spare some for us!? It's unfair!"

"Stop being unreasonable and think about the kids behind you. They can't survive on their own. What do you think will happen to them if you get arrested." Bruise said, giving back the boy his knife.

"There's the nuns from Selen who recently moved in and are offering help to the poor. Why don't you ask them for help?"

The boy stood quiet with his head down as Bruise and King left, leaving the boy and the kids alone. 

"Are you alright King?" Bruise asked, noticing King's abnormal silence.

"Why did you try and reason with him? He's most likely not going to listen and steal again."

"Because it felt like the right thing to do... And if he steals again I know where he lives." 

Silence filled the air once again, as the two made it back home. 

Picking up a sword and heading down to the training hall, he spent the rest of his day training like usual.

His wooden sword bounced off the metal dummy's head, followed by a jab onto his chest. Going for another swing, he's suddenly stopped by King standing in the way.

"Your forms awful. Your movements are too wide to the point where a blind grandma could kill you."

"What do you know about swordsmanship?"

"Well if you MUST know, I was the greatest swordsman long ago," King said, having a small grin as Bruise went back to swinging his sword.

"What I'm trying to say is that I could teach you a thing or two."

Pausing for a moment, he stared at his sword.

"What do you want in return?" 

"All I want is some books, if I am to be stuck to you then I want to learn more about this world," King said, reaching out his hand. Staring for a moment, Bruise took a deep breath and shook his hand.

Weeks went on as Bruise continued to help his father with his guard work, also teaching King about the history of the world in the local library.

In the training hall, Bruise did push-ups, while King sat on his back reading a book about elven traditions.

Later, King lectured about forms and necessary strength in swordsmanship.

"No matter how strong you are, the weakest person in the world could beat you if they had a perfect form in swordsmanship." King lectured, as he demonstrated using his finger. In the blink of an eye, an uncountable amount of strikes flew in the air leaving a golden trail for Bruise's eyes to follow. 

"Was that aura!?" Bruise exclaimed, astonished at what he had just witnessed. 

"No, if it was aura, this entire city would have disappeared." 

"Woah, that's amazing."

After the explanation, Bruise swung his sword with King watching, calling out every mistake made.

Crashing his sword downwards, he goes for another slash. 

Noticing that something felt different, Bruse put his all into the swing causing a dent into the head of the dummy.

"Woooooh baby! That felt awesome!" exclaimed Bruise, trying to replicate the same move over and move.

The sun fell, along with the dummy, its head caved in and body deformed. Bruise layed on the ground happy with the progress.

"Hey king, why am I able to dent the dummy now?"

"It's probably me. Whenever I entered your body it must have caused the slightest bit of my power to seep in your aura core. " 

"Does that mean I can use aura!" Exclaimed Bruise, sitting up as fast as he could.

"Calm down before you pop a blood vessel. It doesn't mean you can use aura yet. Think of it as a helping hand until your body can handle actual aura." Said King.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna read my book."

Going back to lazing around, the two spent days helping each other when needed.

"Bruise! Get in here!" Shouted Raven in the dining room. 

Entering, Bruise saw paper scattered all over the table, his dad holding some brimming with excitement. 

"Your pops pulled a few strings with some friends from long ago, and managed to get you a Calling for a scholarship for one of the most prestige academies!"

"Really!? No way!" Bruise yelled, hugging Raven.

"The Calling's gonna take place in Aljeni in a week, so start packing because we have to leave tonight," Raven said.

For a week, the two rode a carriage going through plains, forests, and rocky terrain. 

Awoken from his sleep, Bruise rose, seeing a giant city looming over the massive walls defending it.

Passing through the main gates, the two rented an inn.

"I'll be back soon, I got to meet a few friends. I left some silver on the counter so explore the town while you can." Raven said taking his leave.

Taking the silver that was left, Bruise and King talked outside, wandering the street to find something to do.

"Why do you even want to go to some school when you have me?" Said King.

"Because going to a school like this will grant me the title of Knight."


"It's a status that can grant me knowledge from the Archives, a good source of money, and I can even become a lord if I work hard enough." Explained Bruise as he bought sweets from a nearby stand.

Hours went by, and Bruise returned to his room as his father led him through the city for the Calling.

A humongous crowd formed near a building as screens made of magic showed fights between students and teachers, showing off their skills and prowess.

Holding A letter with a sigil, the men blocking the entrance let in Raven and Bruise.

Tons of people wearing white masks stood on the second and third floors, watching the fights go on, most likely looking for a child to invest in.

"There are plenty of strong people here compared to you," said King as he floated towards the other floors and explored, leaving Bruise behind.

A man spoke out of a magical gem that floated all around the building, one floating towards Bruise.

"State your name." The gem spoke

"B-Bruise Arman" 

"Your fight is scheduled today at 4:00 PM, understood?"


The orb floated off as Bruise took a breath of relief shortly after noticing Raven's disappearance.

Searching frantically, he bumps into a boy, hair bright red, as drinks he was holding splashed all over his clothing.

"I'm so sorry!" Said Bruise frantically taking out some cloth in his pocket, and wiping down the boy.

"It's alright, really. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I was just looking for my dad and didn't see you."

"Ah I see, well I hope you find him." The Red-headed boy said as he walked away into the crowds.

Hours afterward, many fights went on screens showing the high potential or shitty performance of the candidates. 

Bruise eventually found his father sitting down with a woman around a garden filled with beautiful and elegant flowers that he and most would never see in their life. 

Looking from afar, his eyes wandered towards more of the garden before noticing two men dressed in suits, looming over a corner. 

Interested in what they were observing, Carefully looked over the men's shoulders, seeing a black haired kid with pointy ears that had a short stature tending to some of the plants inside the garden.

Carefully walking away, Bruise was slammed into a wall with one of the men placing his forearm onto his throat, applying a bit of pressure.

"Who are you?" Said the other man behind him coldly.

"I-Im a candidate! I was just curious about what yall were looking at! Swear!"

Bruise said wheezing as the two other men looked at each other before letting him go. 

"We apologize for our rash actions, please forgive us." said the two in sync as the Black haired boy stood behind them, furious.

"I'm very sorry about these two. They're my personal bodyguards so please don't take this personally."

After clearing up the situation, the boy bursted out laughing, inviting Bruise for a short walk around the Garden.

Looking back at his father still talking to the woman, he accepted, accompanying the boy for the time being.

"So are you a candidate or the son of a noble."

"Im canidate Bruise. Came from Liurnida."

"Ah, so you must be the special guest coming then."


"My Mother told me that one of her friends was coming from Liurnida. She's the Queen of Elthe."(The biggest Elven Capital.)

Stopping in his tracks, Bruise stared in shock. 

His father told him long ago he knew an elf that was an important person, but he didn't expect for that person to be the Queen of Elves. 

"O-oh. That's really cool..." Bruise uttered, as a glowing orb floated towards him, telling that his fight was about to begin. 

Apologizing for leaving, Bruise dashed off from that uncomfortable situation, entering the building where the ring was.

Taking off the fancy attire in a dressing room right near the testing area, Bruise put on some leather armor that King recommended the day before.

Exiting with his sword attached to his waist, Bruise saw his dad and king, one floating around the second floor and the other standing near a few nobles giving him a thumbs up. 

Entering the testing hall, white walls suddenly rose as a hologram appeared in front of him showing a man with a long silver beard, also wearing clothing that of a mage.

"Welcome to the test candidate, you may choose from three tests available at the moment. The first, A fight with one of the instructors, a duel with a monster from the same grade level as yourself, or lately a fight with my personal bodyguard." The man said wearing a slight grin.

Looking over the options over and over, Bruise spoke as the walls fell as a test instructor stood.

He had picked a fight with an instructor.

Knowing little to nothing about monsters aside from the rabid wolves and Granch's, and thinking it odd to fight a bodyguard, he took his chances.

(Granch's are living trees that prey on the livestock of farmers.)

Unsheathing his blade, Bruise pointed it at the Man standing in front of him. 

He wore a giant shoulder piece that consisted of spikes and arrows and had a weirdly colored leather armor that smelled of blood and flowers.

Dashing forward, he swung his sword aiming for the man's wrist and gutt. 

"No time for introduction I see." Said the man, dodging all the swings and jabs, as the man positioned himself, swinging his arm full force as it connected with Bruise's gut sending him upward into the air.

"A kid who can't use aura at a basic level has no right at our academy."

Catching the boy and slamming him downward into the ground as spit and vomit exited Bruise's mouth.

Stumbling around holding his gut, Bruise once more pointed his sword towards the instructor. 

"You've got courage in the face of defeat. But that's all you've got." Said the instructor, walking towards Bruise with a serious look on his face.

"What are you doing!? Get up and take your stance!" Shouted King inside of Bruise's head.

Following his words, he stood raising his sword towards the man.

Taking a swing towards Bruise, the man was surprised as the sword that Bruise held was still intact when his fist had stuck it.

Blocking as many swings as he could, Bruise took a stab at an opening towards the instructor's leg. 

"Not bad kid." Said the instructor, looking at the tip of the sword which had broken off on contact of the strike.

"Show me your all now! Show me what you're worth Bruise Arman!" Shouted the man in a frenzy as he charged forward towards him.

Taking the stance taught to him, glints of gold flew in the air as the man fell backwards onto his ass. 

Everyone paused for a moment, Bruise himself staring at his sword's slight glow slowly fading.

Blood dripped down the instructor's forehead into his eye.

Murderous intent filled the room as a fist unexpectedly flew towards Bruise. Blood flew through the air as a man jumped between the two, redirecting the instructor's fist.

The man's leg gleamed a bright orange as he spun kicking backwards into the Instructors chest sending him flying as blood spouted from his mouth.

Multiple people dressed in black suits showed, surrounded the enraged instructor with swords drawn and pointed at him. 

Apologizing for the situation, the people in suits disposed of the man as they all flashed away except one, announcing Bruise as the winner of the duel and then taking his leave.

Falling over after the man took his leave the medical team showed patching Bruise up.

After the fight inside the medical center, Raven praised him for his courage and skill towards the end.

As the sun rose the injured instructor sat in a chair in front of their fellow instructors.

(The men and women in black suits.)

"You lost control to a kid without Aura." said one with darkish green hair eating a Garbar.

(Garbar is a chocolate bar invented by a man named Garland. Very popular.)

"Bullshit. You saw the trails in the air. There was no way he didn't have aura." replied the instructor, slamming his fist into a table.

Staring at him, the group left him to his own thoughts. 

Outside of the room, the other instructors spoke of the events of the battle.

"He had a point. He had no aura and yet after he lost his cool... we all felt his bloodlust towards Instructor Yunn." Said one of the female Instructors, biting her nail.

They all stood in silence before walking off deeper into the building, as behind the door where Instructor Yunn was, mumbling could be heard.

Talking plans to himself to restore his pride, the window nearby opens.

Beasts entered bearing a large toad-like throat, shaking bones inside like a rattle.

Another had the body of a serpent yet its head missing replaced with a magical orb that gave a soothing feeling that made your bones quake.

 Lastly, the beast bore hundreds of human eyes within its chest, having fingers stick out of its skin at random, and a gaping mouth replacing its entire face.

"You feel embarrassed, don't you? You feel useless. Consume my power and you shall gain unmatched strength." said the toad-like monster spitting out a red gem towards the man, as its body released a purple pheromone.

Doing late-night training, Bruise stared at the palms of his hands and stood back up trying to replicate the move to no avail.

"Your body must have done it in panic whenever you felt that dread of losing," King said floating above Bruise.

"I guess. By the way, during my fight with the instructor. When I was about to get hit, my body suddenly moved on its own and I couldn't do anything about it."

"For a split second, I took control."

"You can do that???"

"For even a minute in your body would mean your death, so to guarantee your survival, I--"

A deafening explosion ruptured near, the training room wall collapsing.

Screams of panic and fear could be heard throughout the city, as multiple explosions go off laying waste to all buildings.

Running inside, Bruise searched every room to find his father to no avail. 

"We need to leave now! We only have a small amount of time before they find us." King said.

"We need to find my dad! He'll know what to do!" 

Bruise ran towards his inn room, grabbing his steel sword and putting on his armor. 

"We can't search the entire city for your dad. They'll find us before that."

"Who are you even talking about? Do you know who's attacking the city?"

"There's not a lot of time to explain, but the thing outside looking at us is most likely a very powerful demonic beast. They most likely smelt you when we first met and tracked us all the way here." Explained King looking back outside as a dark figure jumped into the sky and breathed flames down onto the people.

"Your dad is probably helping people outside, so WE need to help ourselves and leave the city."

"Alright, alright, where would we go?"

"Just somewhere far enough to hide our presence for some time. Like a cave or forest."

Packing up some food and medical equipment, the two set off running through the city helping some of those who were crushed under rubble and children who were lost. A boy crying for his mother who layed dead right next to him, rubble crushing her skull, sat down tugging on his mothers corpse. Stopping for a moment, Bruise looked towards the City's exit and back towards the boy.

"There's no time for detours! We need to leave now if we have any chance at escaping!" King shouted

Gritting his teeth, Bruise ran backwards grabbing the boy and running with him.

Moving through ally way through allyway, Bruise forced a door open, the home owners rightfully scared hurdled in a corner.

"Take this boy for now!" Bruise demanded, ushing the kid inside before slamming the door.

Taking off once again, Bruise went back towards the exit as a shockwave crashing through a building sent Bruise backwards into a wall as a creature bearing eyes all over its body exited through the smoke.

"We need to run! He's too strong for you!" Exclaimed King, as the monster smacked Bruise, destroying his armor sent Bruise through the air.

 Landing in a room, bruise stood feeling multiple things inside him broken.

Unsheathing his blade, Bruise ran across roofs as bones protruded from the beast's eye shooting out and penetrating Bruises leg.

Feeling a liquid seep in, he quickly ripped the bone out, only to scream in pain seeing the bone have serrations.

Grabbed by the throat, the beast opened its mouth as rows of sharp-edged teeth went deep within the creature's throat.

A slash broke the air for a moment as one of the instructors who had pink hair, with a buff figure holding a scimitar had sliced off the beast's arm in an instant.

Released, Bruise falls back as the monster focuses on the instructor moving its fingers.

Dashing towards the monster, the instructor dodges multiple bone stakes that broke through the ground.

Using his speed, the instructor appeared behind Bruise throwing him up in the air as the green-haired man from before caught him, soaring through the air.

"Good luck Friem!" Shouted the green-haired man.

"What's going on!" Shouted Bruise as the instructor swiftly knocks him out.

Watching the two people leave from afar, Friem focuses back towards the beast as it jumps upwards towards the green-haired man.

Quickly grabbing its leg, he threw it onto the roof of the building pircing downward with his blade driving it deep into its chest.

Noticing the fingers once again move, Friem dashed backwards ripping out his sword. Multiple bone stakes broke through the ground encasing the creature as blood splurted through the gaps of the bones.

Holding his place close, he raised it upward in a fencing-like stance, as his scimitar glew a bright yellow. 

Thrusting forward extremely fast, sand grains flew around suddenly turning into glass shards as they broke through the bone cage revealing the beasts, mutating into a chunky blob of flesh as the miniature eyes combined into multiple eyes with Polycoria-like irises.

Spraying both blood and bone rapidly out of its body, the blood and bone suddenly froze into the air.

The blood grew solid as the bones extended shooting them rapidly toward Friem.

Slamming his blade deep into the ground, glass protruded from the roof making a barrier. Looking back towards the beast, Friem noticed the fingers that remained within the blood shaking.

Turning around as quickly as he could, a bone stake struck deep into his chest, extending into multiple branches within his body, raising him upwards as the glass barrier broke.

Coughing up blood, the blob slowly walked towards Frien, opening the folds of flesh revealing a giant eyeball within the center with a pitch black iris as it created a mouth, crunching down onto the man ripping him in half as blood gushed from the body left. 

Crashing down into the roof, a bright red beast gigantic in muscle, having one eye in the center of its head, wielding a giant war hammer looked at the scene caused.

"W-Who did this?" Said the beast, barely able to form the sentence.

The creature's fingers moved rapidly, as the red monster smashed his hammer into the beast sending it flying into the air.

Opening its mouth, a deep red Rock protruded shooting outwards, exploding the beast into multiple chunks that scattered across the city. 

A giant roar could be heard throughout, sending minor shockwaves.

"M-My hunt." It spoke, consuming what was left of the man and walking off into the town eating anything it saw.

Waking up in a daze, bruise found himself being carried with townspeople hurdled together.

"We're inside the city's bunker." Said the green-haired instructor, placing down Bruise.

"Thanks for helping me, sir."

"It's no problem for now. Now stay put while the other instructors find your dad ok." 

"Ok, mister... Vars." Bruise said reading the nametag on the man's suit.

Shaking could be felt even down in the bunker as people continued to panic. King looked around giving an empty look.

"These people are going to die" 

"What? What are you talking about this time?" Asked Bruise, sitting down on a bench nearby.

"We aren't far enough from the things hunting us. They'll find out where we are eventually and kill everyone inside here."

"Then what do we do..."

"Nothing as of yet." 

Rescuing as many people as they could, the instructions ran towards the city center, finding a snake-like beast, its skin covered in scales and its head missing replaced by an orb glowing a deep red.

"Is that one of the targets?" Said Tria, A low yellow in aura, wielding a great spear.

"Indeed." Said Instructor Yinalla, her hair a flowing silver, holding a staff in her right hand and a dagger in the other.

Two other instructors suddenly appear behind the create on top of roofs, awaiting a signal to attack from the other two.

 Charging towards the beast, its gazing orb shined a deep red color onto them as multiple fireballs formed into the sky. 

Slamming her staff onto the ground, Yinalla quickly chanted words as a bright yellow barrier formed, absorbing the flames as Tria threw her spear cracking the Orb incapacitating the beast shortly. 

"NOW!" shouted Tria, signaling the other two.

A crunching noise filled the silence as a giant red beast's back could be seen on the roof, throwing arms and legs over as they splattered onto the ground.