Chapter 4 Part 2

A crunching noise filled the silence as a giant red beast's back could be seen on the roof, throwing arms and legs over as they splattered onto the ground.

The two instructors stood there in shock as the red beast jumped down.

Blood and guts dripped down its mouth as it walked towards the snake monster picking it up and throwing it across the city.

Tria's legs shook as she pointed her great spear, dashing forward towards the monster.

A quick slash appeared making blood gush from the red beast's chest.

Feeling its own blood, the beast's eyes glew red as it roared sending another shockwave through the city.

Dashing toward Tria wielding its hammer, Yinalla shot a burst of wind throwing the beast back, falling into a fountain.

Ripping the base of the fountain out of the ground, the beast jumped into the air quickly throwing the rubble at Tria.

A magic barrier surrounded the woman, as Tria took the stance once again.

Still in the air, the beast took its hammer and slammed it down, breaking through the barrier. Smoke surrounded the two as Trias corpse which was deformed, her spear inside of her, landed at the feet of Yinalla.

Looking in horror, the red beast was already in front of her heavily breathing, the wound on its chest already healed.

"L-Leave. For l-later." Said the beast as it once again walked away grabbing random people and eating them.

"Bah! To think he would be that powerful. It's going to be hard to control him." The toad-like beast mumbled to himself, letting the people within him digest.

Sitting atop the city's clock tower, the frog eyes dilated as it stared intensely towards civilians being evacuated into a vault.

Var and Bruise sat at the back of the bunker in quiet for the most part besides some small talk from Vars.

King instead of floating like he usually did, he on the floor looking like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Bruise stared at King for a while, deciding to sharpen his blade instead of interrupting his thinking.

After a while, the crowd of people while still terrified, mellowed out as the sound of music played by a few civillians filled the vault.

"Get ready. One of the animals seems to have found us." King said.

Bruise alarmed by what King had said, ran to Vars.

"Vars, one of those things are coming this way," Bruise said as Vars closed his eyes.

A minute of complete silence passed when Vars suddenly moved Bruise behind him unsheathing his blade.

It was completely black except for a very thin line that made its way from the tip to the hilt which was a bright white.

An explosion ripped through the front entrance of the bunker, leaving only smoke and metal fragments throughout the area.

As the frog-like beast made its way to the center, Vars dashed forward colliding his blade with its tongue.

"People! Evacuate the area now!" Vars shouted, parrying acid-like projectiles that exited the spore of the beast.

"I'm not here to deal with fodder. Leave or I'll rip out your pancreas and feed it to you." Said the frog, dashing backwards, trying to block the exit.

Pointing the tip of his blade towards the frog, a purple orb surrounded the frog crashing it down crushing it into cement.

People flooded out of the room leaving Bruise, Vars, and the frog.

"Gravitas," Vars spoke as a wave of pressure consumed the room condensing the orb's size as the frog dug even deeper into the ground.

"Bruise, get out of here and find shelter. I can deal with him for now."

"Alright! Don't have to tell me twice!" Bruise said, dashing out the doors.

Bruise exiting the bunker followed the crowd towards the city's entrance, seeing lines of carriages filled with pristine clothes and furniture.

Making his way to the front of the line, nobles as well as common folk could be heard.

"Open the gate faster you insolent barbarians before I report y'all to the Golden Merchants Association and have y'all fired!" shouted a point-faced man in fancy clothing inside a luxury carriage.

"Sir, we are doing our best to fix the gate but screaming will get us nowhere."

"What's going wrong up here?" Bruise asked the guard.

"The gates mana crystal broke during the initial explosion and until we find another one, everyone can't leave."

"Come to think of it, aren't you Raven's kid?"

"You know my dad!? Do you know where he is?"

"He went towards the storehouse near the guild hall to find the mana crystal. He's most likely still there."

Instantly taking off, Bruise entered the city once more making his way towards the guildhall. Running as fast as he could, passing by all the rubble of a destroyed building, bruise could hear metal clashing ahead of him.

Carefully watching his step to not make noise, bruise managed to make it to the source of the sound.

Observing from afar, Bruise saw his father fighting the one-eyed red monster.

Moving with such speed Bruise couldn't keep up, Raven circled the beast before blocking a punch that sent him flying into the air.

The red beast was heavily injured but almost instantaneously regenerated its wounds before dashing towards Raven.

This cycle continued with Raven heavily damaging the monster before having to dodge its attacks and regenerating.

Tiring out, Raven took a few steps back as the beast swung its hammer prompting Raven to dodge.

Catching him mid-dodge, the beast abandoned his hammer and grabbed Raven's by the arm, and slammed his fist into his chest.

Raising his fist into the air, the beast swung down.

Piercing his blade deep within the abdomen of the beast, Bruise twisted and dug his blade deep within its guts.

"DON'T FUCKING TRY IT!" Shouted Bruise as he pulled out his blade and moved back.

The beast stood still, releasing Raven's nearly unconscious body before slowly turning its head, its rugged breath slowly turning into a grin, its pupils dilated.

Before Bruise knew it, his life flashed before his eyes when suddenly the beast was sent backwards.

A purple orb flew over the beast holding him still. Bruise turned around to see Vars, who was heavily injured.

"Get back and find cover!" shouted Vars shoving Bruise out of the way as he faced down the beast.

"V-Vars...Ill K-Kill you!" yelled the beast, withstanding the pressure of Var's Aura.

"Warren, If you're still with us then I could use some help over here!"

Standing up, Raven rose back up his blade and ripped off his shattered breastplate.

The two instantly started clashing with the beast as Bruise stared from afar once again.

"King, what should we do!?"

"Go for the mana crystal in the guild storehouse."

Looking towards the battlefield, Bruise dashed from cover and crawled into the storehouse through a hole in the wall.

Taking a glow stone from his pouch, Bruise rummaged around the place, finding many rare sights and treasures.

"Bruise. Look at this."

Turning towards King, he pointed towards a little box that contained a small round red pill inside.

"What is this?" Asked bruise who was closely examining the pill.

"I don't know, but it seems to have a small bit of aura inside."

"In the pill?"

King nodded, suggesting he should eat it. Bruise, hesitantly stared at the pill before placing it in his mouth and swallowing.

Although feeling fine at first, Bruise felt his body get unpleasantly hot rapidly.

falling to the ground, King quickly placed his hand on Bruise's back.

After a minute, Bruise stood up using the wall for stability.

"What happened?"

"It seems your body couldn't absorb all of the aura, so I had to release the rest. What a waste." King said.

After a small bit of time, Bruise finally found the Mana Crystal and placed it into his pouch before exiting the storehouse.

Vars came crashing through the building next to Bruise, as Raven parried the rubble that was thrown towards him.

About to check on Var's Unconscious body, King shouted.

"Dodge Left!"

Listening to his words, bruise dodged as the beast's fists narrowly missed caving in his skull. The Beast followed his punch with a hook that sent Bruise rolling on the ground.

"I-It no fun if toy die so soon." mumbled the beast, as it dodged a sneak attack from Raven.

"Bruise! Get the Hell out of here!" Shouted Raven, as he lunged towards the beast quickly severing its legs tendon.

Quickly healing itself, the beast grabbed Raven by the arm and repeatedly slammed him into the ground.

Raven's eyes promptly faded out as his body went limp leaving Bruise and the beast.

The Fight began quickly with Bruise only being able to dodge thanks to King's warning but even that wasn't enough to defend himself from some blows.

Running of out ideas very quickly, Bruise made a dash inside a ruined building.

"Yes... Make it more f-fun for me! I HUNT YOU!" The beast roared with a huge grin on its face.

Following Bruise, the red beast walked into the doorway sniffing around, playfully flipping objects over in search of Bruise, when suddenly Bruise came crashing down from the ceiling stabbing his sword deep within the beast's eye.

It screamed abhorrently loud, smashing the building's walls and stumbling onto the ground. Catching his breath, Bruise pulled his blade out of the beast's head and felt for a pulse.

It was dead.

Rushing towards Raven's body, Bruise was in shock at how tattered his body was.

"Behind you!" King shouted.

Getting grabbed, Bruise dangled in the air as the beast who was thought to be dead.

Its face had grown a new eye.

His body was distorted and slimy almost as if it had exited a cocoon.

Its grip tightened as blood gushed from the monster's mouth and wounds.

Bruise gasped for air, his vision fading fast as he slammed his fists over the monster's arms to no avail.

Bruise saw King screaming at him, yet he couldn't hear him.

Is this how I die?



Before he could process how he heard King, a blinding light shined in front of Bruise and the beast making it release Bruise.

Gasping for air, Bruise gathered his strength to stand noticing something heavy in his hand. He gripped tightly a longsword with markings on the hilt and blade that he'd never seen before.

"Stop daydreaming and finish the job!"

"King is that you!?"

"Yes! Now get your head in the game or you're going to die!"

Focusing on the beast, bruise raised and pointed the longsword.

Although hurt somewhat, Bruise stood firm as the beast dashed forward.

Reaching out with its mouth gaped open, Bruise ducked narrowly avoiding his grab. Although vastly slower than it, Bruise managed to react to the beast.

The beast's movements grew jagged as its wounds didn't close anymore.

Grabbing Bruise by the arm, the beast flung Bruise into a wall and dashed forward, slamming his weakened fist into Bruise's chest.

Although being met blow after blow, Bruise rose once more raising his blade.

The beast screeched, lunging at the bloodied bruise only to be met with a swift cut.

Its arm flew in the air landing behind the beast as blood gushed from its wound.

It staggered in pain, raising its missing arm in the air as little strands of skin tried to regenerate its arm.

Legs shaking on the verge of giving out, his grip so tight it broke his skin, and vision a blur due to the blood in his eye, Bruise ran as fast as he could towards the beast, forcing his legs to move.

Within a single strike, the beast fell as its head rolled towards Bruise's feet.

He stood still staring at the head for an entire minute unable to process what had just happened.

'AHHHHHHHHH!" Bruise screeched in victory as he grew lightheaded.

 Bruise collapsed.