Chapter 1: The Forgotten

Oh no, oh no, OH NO!!

In the dead of night, piercing screams pierced through the air, reverberating from a dimly lit alleyway within a bustling city. Each scream was accompanied by a gruesome display of blood, splattering the ground. In a rhythmical dance.

Amidst the chaos, a heap of battered bodies lay scattered across one another, their forms marred by deep cuts and bruises. The ground beneath them was tainted with a pool of crimson blood, a chilling testament to the violence that had unfolded.

At the center of this horrifying scene stood a young middle schooler, clutching onto a worn-out knife. His unkempt, greasy blue hair concealed his cold, vacant eyes as he stood motionless, seemingly entranced by the massacre before him. His body bore the marks of a fierce struggle, with a swollen left eye and heavy breaths that backstabbed his racing heart.

However, his gaze upon the lifeless men was short-lived, as the sound of hurried footsteps grew louder, drawing closer to his location. The desperate cries alerted the city's residents, who quickly summoned a group of heroes, determined to confront the source of the screams. Leading the charge was a young woman dressed in a sleek suit, sprinting towards the alleyway until the scent of blood and death filled her nostrils.

Her eyes widened in shock as she skidded to a halt, her gaze fixated on the lifeless bodies before her. Three other heroes quickly caught up, their expressions mirroring her disbelief. A bald man, his confusion evident, posed a question to the woman.

"What's going on?" he inquired, unaware of the gruesome scene that awaited him. Trembling, the woman turned to face him, her voice quivering with fear.

"A...a demon has emerged... It's an absolute nightmare," she stuttered. The bald man's confusion turned to horror as he glanced over her shoulder, his eyes falling upon the lifeless corpses. The sight alone was enough to bring him to his knees...

A few hours later, after the heroes witnessed the horrifying massacre, the young middle schooler found himself peacefully asleep next to a trashcan, leaning against a white brick wall. He slept undisturbed until a sudden loud bang jolted him awake. His eyes shot open, startled by the deafening roar that followed.

Rubbing his eyes, the middle schooler glanced over and noticed a sludge monster with its liquid body coiled around a blonde-haired child. It was clear that the monster intended to kill the child. However, the blue-haired boy couldn't care less. He was simply annoyed that the monster had interrupted his slumber.

With an emotionless expression, he watched as the monster laughed, while a terrified crowd gathered around, unable to do anything. Suddenly, a small green-haired boy dashed towards the monster, shouting wildly.

"Don't worry, a true hero will come to save you soon!" the boy yelled, scratching at the monster's flesh in a frenzy. Growing irritated, the monster swiped its liquid body at the boy, but before the attack could connect, a massive bang echoed through the air. A burly man descended from the sky, landing with a ground-shattering impact.

In one swift motion, the man delivered a powerful punch to the sludge monster, obliterating it. A gust of wind swept through the area, blowing the hair of nearby onlookers. All Might struck a heroic pose, while murmuring to Izuku Midoriya. 

" You possess the traits to become an exceptional hero."

After hearing this, Midoriya's lips curled into a wide grin of pure happiness, even though his face was covered in tears. All Might observed this expression until a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing him to turn his head towards an alleyway. His gaze was locked with that of a small dirty child, whose eyes were filled with hatred and loneliness.

As All Might's attention was drawn to the child, the sound of applause diverted his focus. He glanced at the nearby heroes before returning his gaze to the alleyway. However, the child had disappeared...

Several minutes later, the child could be seen walking through a series of alleyways with an annoyed look on his face, his footsteps echoed until suddenly, a shadow was cast on top of him, prompting him to look up. Right when, he looked up. All Might fell from the sky, landing loudly in front of the child. 

The impact was so powerful, that it caused the child to shield his face using his hands, as his body was blown back. As soon as the child slid to a stop, All Might let out a joyous laughter before speaking to the child. 

" HAHA, you sure have some chilling eyes kid. So? I must ask. Why the long face? " The child stared at All Might, his face clearly covered in annoyance. The kid just smacked his lips before asking All Might a question. 

" Why do you care? I'm just some street rat? Shouldn't you stop wasting your time, and go save someone else? " 

" AH. Great question. But you see, I am saving someone right now. " The child's expression turned confused as All Might kept speaking, explaining himself. 

" I'm saving you, from going down a dark path. With those eyes, it's only a matter of time before you morph into something more monstrous than that sludge creature. " The child stared at All Might before he let out a loud sigh and spoke. 

" Save the lecture. If I'm destined to become a villain, I will. And if I am destined to live a life of happiness, I will. That's all there is to it. " All Might listened to the child's words until a grin appeared on his face.

" For being so young. You are quite wise with your words. But unfortunately, I'm going to keep on lecturing you, until that hatred in your eyes leaves. So, sigh all you want. I'm going to talk till your ears bleed. But you know it's rude, not to tell me your name." 

" Tsk, because you're meant to ask for it. But it's Ricolo." 

" Really, then how about this Ricolo? On the 26th of February, the entrance exam will be held. What do you think about joining it? "...